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Hi guys, I am currently about 26 chapters into the story, but I realised that I should probably introduce the characters to you clearer. So here is a list of the most significant characters in this story.

By the way, the dates will be written in the form DD/MM/YYYY. I apologise if this might be a bit confusing for certain people.



Kirk Hammett


James Hetfield


Lars Ulrich


Cliff Burton


Dave Mustaine


Jason Newsted


I just want to state that these characters are based off of real people, so this is just MY INTERPRETATION of them, not who they really are. I hope that makes sense.


Juliette Olsen


Nancy Watkins


Maya Hawkins


Violet Hetfield


For my original characters, I haven't put a face claim for them because I think I should let the readers interpret what they look like for themselves. However, for the character Violet, I picture her with blonde hair and blue eyes since she is James' sister (in this story). That's all. If I described them in previous chapters with having certain traits, like a certain hair or skin colour, then I apologise. It is all up to you to decide what they look like.

Thanks for reading, and I appreciate you all.

P.S. I think I have mentioned this before, but there will be NO smut in this story,

1. Because I am a minor and am not comfortable with writing that kind of stuff (and even if I wasn't I would probably write absolutely terrible and atrocious smut anyway)

2. Because there are real people being used as characters in this story, and I don't think it's really fair for them to have random people writing spicy scenes using their name in it. This is not to shame smut writers who write about celebrities or people who fantasize about doing stuff with celebrities. However, I will not write it myself.

There might be a few sexual inferences and suggestions here and there but nothing will be explicitly written about that stuff. I hope I didn't disappoint you guys too much, and if you do want to read smut, there are tons of Metallica imagines and oneshots out there on Wattpad, AO3, Tumblr and perhaps other places too.

Have a nice day <3

Edit: I have tried like 10 times to put pictures up but for some reason, each time only one shows up, so I apologise but I simply do not have the energy anymore to keep trying to put pictures up.

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