2: In the Garden

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Chapter Two: In the Garden


I was hot. It sucked. I'm a cool weather baby for sure. I like my foggy overcast days and if the temperature gets much higher than twenty degrees I break a disgusting sweat.

"Here, sweetheart." A hand entered my frame of vision, handing me a bandana straight from the freezer.

"Thanks, grandma," I sighed, sitting back on my ass for a second, wiping my face and neck, feeling the cold seep into my skin. We kept a few cloths just for this purpose next to our salmon, a scrap bag of leftover veggies for stocks and my grandmother's secret stash of ice cream sandwiches.

My grandmother patted my head in passing and went back to her own section of the garden. We had a ton of work to do today. Everything was moving rapidly towards harvest so I knew I had to suck it up, and get back to it. My to do list was longer than the sticky cleaver weeds that managed to sneak into my rosemary bushes.

But it really was hot. Vancouver Island, where my pack lives, isn't typically as warm as this. I almost never broke a sweat all year. This might be the hottest September on record. Global warming, thanks to the human idiots bound and determined to destroy our....

One second I was ranting inside my own head, threading the weeds carefully out of my rosemary, the next I was flat on my back, the world spinning and my vision filled with glitter and then black nothingness.

Then, again, awake, aware, the dirt warm underneath me, the sun glaring down on me.

I heard a gasp and immediately I was surrounded. My aunts, my grandma, my cousins. A halo of concerned faces above me.

"Kieran!! Kieran!!"

I tried to sit up, to say I was fine, just so freaking hot, but nothing would come out and my bones and my muscles wouldn't listen to me.

"Get him inside...move!!!" I heard my grandma take charge, as she always does.

I felt myself being lifted, and then magically, blessedly I was in my own bed, the too hot sun gone, replaced instead by the posters of Jin from BTS, Harry Styles and the cast of Stranger Things, season four that I pushpinned to my ceiling two years ago. I really should take those down. I wasn't a baby anymore...I was almost eighteen. That meant I was a man and men didn't simp over...

Then nothing again.


"He's awake, I think."

I felt a cool washcloth placed on my chest, which felt amazing. Whoever did that should get a million dollars, should get a pony or a pizza or pony flavored pizza with sprinkles. Which maybe I said out loud because...

"I think he's delirious." A phantom female voice.

No shit Sherlock.

"I'm so hot!!!!!" I moaned, then tried to shut up, because it sounded so whiny and rude and I was never either of those things. I was everyone's good little boy, the only omega in my pack of strong minded women and stronger but reserved men. Where our stoic nature was prided over all. I might not be a manly man, according to my family, but I tried to keep calm, not letting my emotions explode all over the place like I saw most people did on TV.

"Kieran, you have a fever."

Again, no offense, but no shit.

"It's very high. We've tried ginger garlic tea, we've wrapped you in vinegar and ...

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