32: Virus

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Chapter 32: Virus


Kieran rolled over in bed to lay close behind me, wrapping his hands around my chest, playing with my nipples, rubbing them softly. He never pinched. He was always gentle. The sun hadn't risen yet, but my bedside clock told me that we only had half an hour before we needed to start moving.

"I need to get up, Kieran. I have an Elders meeting before Convocation."

But when he lifted his bare delicate wrists, exposing them to me, I wasn't about to refuse.

It might be the fourth time since last night, but never once did I say no. Never once did I tire. He had the endless stamina of youth, but there was also our bond. The Goddess rejoiced in our joining, I'm sure.

Not that we...joined. Per se. Of course not. But everything short of that mark was still amazing.

Like now, he couldn't take me in his mouth, just in case, but it didn't stop him from moving over my body, head towards my feet, ass displayed in front of me. It didn't stop him from licking me everywhere, from my base up to my tip, talking my sack completely in his mouth while I enjoyed what he offered, licking his ass, sucking his dick deep into my mouth, his hand pistoning up and down on my rigid flesh, cumming hard as he moaned and yelped and cried.

Because of me.

Because of what I could do to his body, how I could make him feel.


I was his safe place now. Not James. Not Will. Me.

He Chose me.

He would Choose me, when the time came. The Goddess favored our match. I was confident. I had no doubts.

Afterwards we showered, and I made sure he was dressed nicely.

"You have to take better care of your image, Kieran. It's the easiest weakness to fix. Brush your hair with some product, make sure to keep your shirt neat and clean and tucked into your pants. Iron your trousers, and match sure your tie is always even."

Kieran did try, but it was never quite.... He needed my support so I helped him get ready, as I'd done since that terrifying afternoon a week ago.

When that freak almost had him. My little puppy.

The Rogue was dead. Unfortunately. Swallowed his tongue, which I honestly didn't realize was possible, choking to death as we all made sure that Kieran was okay.

Which he was. A little liquid charcoal, at his own behest, and he was much better, the toxins in his system, and in James', completely suppressed.

But it was too late to question the Rogue.

Because we elders definitely had questions.

"It's over right? He can't get me?" Kieran asked, like he always did, grabbing his backpack and holding it in front of him like a shield.

"You're safe. Stay with me. I'll keep you safe." I replied, as I always did. "Be mindful of what we taught you, or at least tried to. Remember? Go for the knees, the balls. Yell if you can. Change and run. Can you do that?"

"I'll remember." Kieran sighed and laid his head on my chest. I held him close, listening to his heartbeat against mine.

"Go to class and be a good puppy," I teased. "Don't let me hear that you are getting into any trouble."

He yipped, so adorable, in response to our little joke.

"Seriously Kieran. You do need to be careful. You have to always be your best. Raise your hand and participate in class, but don't be too opinionated. Listen when others are talking. Really listen. Because they might inadvertently tell you important clues about their pack's needs or weaknesses. Every leader needs that information. Keep your emotions in check. Don't let them catch you upset or too happy. It's all a weapon that can be used against you. And please, try and stay clean, okay? Be extra careful when you're eating."

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