6: Last Slice of September

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Chapter Six: Last Slice of September

Kieran's Mate

I can't stop thinking about him. He's everything I want. Beautiful inside and out. Every time I see him, I want to hold him. Everyone wants him. I remind myself that by December, they will be disappointed and we will be together. But it's so hard to wait.


The rest of the week went by quickly. My days developed a pattern, which I liked. I started to understand my school and leisure schedule. Convocation after breakfast. The Oracle and my Great Aunt stood on the wooden dais. Sometimes there were announcements. Sometimes we were reminded to work hard and do our Houses and Packs proud. But not since the first day was I ever asked to stand with them.

Three days a week I had science projects for two hours with my cohort of Maryam House. Then physical education for an hour and a half. Lunch for an hour. Then mathematics with a different group of students, and a communication class. Convocation. Hanging out with my trio and Alondra, exploring the grounds. Two days a week were devoted to history, the arts, and my specialized science class, which was botany. I loved that class. Mr. Grant taught it, the only human professor on campus. It was held in the garden, so even better.

Every day I met new Alphas, some of whom tried to get close to me, some of whom just watched me from a distance. Some even completely ignored me. I had to thank Professor Daly for her dry ice vest. It worked like...magic. Except it was science. Probably. Sort of.

All of my classes were a challenge. I had no formal schooling the way almost every alpha here had. But thankfully Santiago, Lawrence and Ollie helped me, going over assignments and reading with me during break and after Convocation in the afternoon.

And at night, that first week, after that second night, the night I lay in Will's arms, feeling more love and affection than I'd ever felt in my life...

I made sure to wear the vest to bed. No matter how uncomfortable it was.


Because when I wore it, Will kept his distance. He was still super considerate, still protective, but he never once tried to touch me.

So I knew he meant what he said. He was straight and if he had a choice, he wasn't interested in me.

Which is what I told myself every night I went to bed, trying so hard not to look over at his side of the room, sipping my ice tea, already tired of the taste of mint. Wishing...but no.

It was so weird for me to even worry about something like this!! To be...disappointed because a specific wolf I wanted didn't want me. A week ago, barely a few days ago, I never thought I'd have a mate at all. I never thought a wolf would have any interest in me, a puny omega. A boy. No one in my Pack had a same sex relationship. I only knew it was a thing because of Netflix.

Will wasn't going to be my Nick Nelson. Not by choice anyway.

But... I had other guys literally in line waiting to be with me. My trio were my friends, but I knew under a layer of all their silliness, they made it clear. They were biding their time. They liked me, as more than a friend. A few times when Ollie was teasing, I felt it. Something different. Or if Lawrence caressed my forearm, his eyes met mine for a second, and I received the message loud and clear that he would love to touch me in other places too. Santiago even, as quiet and dignified as he was, always made sure to sit next to me when we ate. Always. He gave me anything on his plate I even looked at.

I'd told Alondra that I wasn't interested in females, but she said it didn't bother her. The Goddess might choose her in the end, no matter how I felt now. She wasn't a jerk about it, she didn't offend me. She was just matter of fact about what happened during activation and mating. A Keystone Luna and a Keystone Alpha would come together (sorry), and it was up to fate and the Goddess, not personal choice.

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