16: A Walk on the Wild Side

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Chapter Sixteen: A Walk on the Wild Side


Professor Daly approached, handing me a stack of papers.

"I'm so glad to see you back in class," she smiled at me, a little uncomfortable, as everyone was around me today. "I found these near the window."

I looked down and snorted.

My alpha pack study guide. This was the fifth one. I guess I'd left them littered around me. I'd found copies in the cafeteria, in Convocation on one of the benches against the wall, in my math class, in the PE locker room, and now this one. I knew there was a copy in my private little room, in my current dorm, and in Will's room too. I left the original one, that the Oracle gave me, in my prison. Alondra's study tip hadn't helped me, but it wasn't for lack of trying.

"Come to the garden tonight, Kieran. I know Grant would like to see you. We can have a family dinner. Just the five of us."

I smiled wanly. It was a long day, this first day back. I almost didn't feel like a real person. I felt like I was a ghost.

"Okay." I said, any other words dying on my lips. I hadn't talked to anyone except the Oracle, and a little to Ollie and Will, in a week. It was almost like I'd forgotten how.

"Good. Come out to the garden after study hours. We'll wait for you."

With a nod, she went back to her desk, probably prepping for her next class, and I drifted into the hallway.

Where Ollie and Santiago and Lawrence waited.

We walked quietly towards afternoon Convocation, not talking. I knew they were worried. But they were taking my cue and giving me space.

I didn't want them to be worried or act differently. I was just tired, but not tired. I'd slept so long this last week, napping and studying was all I did. So I didn't want to go to my room and sleep.

I felt...like....like I barely was myself.


I was fine.

I passed the test, thanks to my mate. Not a perfect score. I got 79 correct out of 118, but the Oracle said that was acceptable. My thoughtsensing was imperfect, and I could only get some of what my mate tried to send me. Random images of my notes, probably because my mate wasn't conscious of what their wolfsense was up to.

Or..maybe it was all on me and I just sucked at it.

Maybe it was because I was an omega, or maybe it was because my pack never really relied on thoughtsensing. I had no idea what other wolves could or couldn't do. No one here talked about it, no one else besides my mate ever tried to contact me. I'd never used it more than a handful of times in all of my seventeen years. Probably it took practice as well as an innate ability.

I guess.

I don't know.

As we entered the large circular room, filled with alphas, everyone giving me space, giving me weird looks, Dylan and Kai immediately found us, Dylan taking my hand in his, pulling me into his arms for a second, almost squeezing me too tightly.


It felt good. It helped me bring myself out of my head, helped me from feeling lost, and back to my body. Grounded me.

"Thanks," I said quietly. His scent was reassuring and safe, his arms like a wall around me, protecting me.

I could feel the unease of my Maryam trio. But no one was willing to challenge the largest wolf at our school. Dylan had a forbidding aura, even though I knew he was kind and gentle.

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