17: The Night's End

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Chapter Seventeen: The Night's End


I approached the top of the hill, on the heels of Kai and Dylan.

What I saw made my stomach turn over.

My Kieran naked in James' arms.


As a wolf, I had no doubts. No back and forth. No fears. No anxiety. No confusion.

He might not be my mate...yet... but he was MINE. He was my pack and I would protect him from arrogant assholes trying to cheat and mate with the Keystone Luna before Kieran even Activated. James just wanted to win. He didn't care who it was.

Everything was a blur. I was so filled with rage that I couldn't think clearly. I knew there was a moment of sharp pain across my shoulder, but  what...



I felt them.

The others.

They were coming.

They were coming (sorry, very sorry) for Kieran.




Instantly, everything changed.

Suddenly my fiercest rivals were my allies. Together we'd keep Kieran safe. He would choose one of us, eventually, officially to mate.

We would never agree with each other. On this crucial point though, we were in sync. I could feel it. For sure.

We might all fight to the death between ourselves for his favor, but no one would EVER dream of hurting Kieran. Of scaring him.

We loved him.

He was our Luna.

He was my friend.



I'm going to die.

I'm going to experience something so horrible that I can't even think about it, and then I'm going to die.

I want to go home.

I want to go home.

I'm scared.

I'm so scared.

I shivered, hunkered down, James literally standing above me. Kai and Dylan, or so I guessed, were on either side of him, closing in, protecting the center. Protecting me. Then my Maryam friends. And ....Will. In a kind of square around the two largest wolves.

They were all going to get killed trying to protect me.

Will was already hurt. Will...WILL!!!!

Remmy? Was that Remmy? The smaller black wolf.

Remmy was here too. Pacing around the circle, howling, growling, foamy saliva dripping from his jaws.

And then it all went quiet, but I could see the hilltop, surrounded by yellow eyes.

They were here.

They were here.

Boys I went to class with. Boys who I chatted with while waiting in the lunchline. Boys I nodded to in the hallway. Boys I stood next to at Convocation.

Those boys were gone.

They were wolves.

They could smell me.

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