26: 5 4 3 2 1 Activate!!

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Chapter Twenty Six: 5 4 3 2 1 Activate!!


"What???!! Why???"

Alondra wiped her bare forearm across her face, smearing her snot and tears. She put her face down on the cafeteria table, her long wavy hair narrowly missing a dip in the maple syrup smothered over her untouched pancakes. Her shoulders shook with the force of her sobs.

"My dad...uh...uh...my dad....he says....ahhhhhhh....uh....I have to...uhhh...ohhhhhh...Kieeeeerannn..."

She grabbed my hand, and clutched it to her chest. Not a place I really wanted my hand to visit, but she was upset.

"What?" I repeated. Confused. And slightly icked out.

"She has to go back to Puerto Rico," Santiago explained. "Her dad is one of the Alphas who doesn't support a same sex Keystone Alpha and Luna."

"But I tooooollld him!! I toooold him. Uh. uh. Kieraaannn.. If you choose me, we would be a straight couple!!"

"But...Kieran would be the girl and you would be the boy?" Ollie shook his head in confusion.

"Don't be dumb!!! Don't be a dumb, gay boy!!!!" Alondra sobbed harder. "There's other female alphas with male lunas!!! We wouldn't be the first!!! We could be happy together, Kieran!!!! I could make you so happy!!!! I promise!!! I want to at least try!!!! I love you, Kierannnnnnnn..."

It wasn't funny. Maybe to someone else, it might seem funny. But it wasn't. It was heartbreaking. I felt horrible. I never really saw Alondra that way, but she always was there, with my trio of Maryam boys, never speaking up more than a few times about her interest in me. In her eyes, she was being forced to give up her spot, her chance not only to be with me, but to be the Keystone Alpha. She was a strong wolf, and people naturally listened to her. She would make a good leader.

It wasn't fair.

It was wrong.

"There's nothing I can do," she sobbed, holding my hand now to her face. "I begged him. I pleaded. I even tried to beat him up!!! Nothing worked!!! I had to pack last night!! I'm leaving after breakfast!!!"

I let her hold me for the next half hour. My head on her chest. She rocked me back and forth, sniffing my hair, her tears falling into the red tangles. Finally, we all stood up and walked with her outside. I had to be part of a ceremony where the Oracle and I said goodbye to the parents. 

I was glad that this nightmare was over, but so desolate it ended with the loss of one of my closest friends.


Ollie, Lawrence, Santiago and I huddled near the door, the wind blowing fiercely, as I shook hands with most of the Alphas and Lunas. Before the wind picked up, Will wished me a quiet goodbye as he and Kai and Dylan were ordered out by Coach Ellison to help clean up in the fields.

 Waking up in his arms was like a dream that I never expected.

I hadn't seen James so far this morning.

There were a few very good moments, saying goodbye to the parents, and a few horrible ones.


Leaving first were Keystone Luna Amelia and Kai's parents.

"I'll be in touch, Kieran."  My mentor said calmly.  "Aloha.  A hui hoa."   


"How did you know?" It was Luna Ellias and Alpha Stella. Finally approaching me to ask about the EpiPen.

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