31: Diagnosis

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Chapter Thirty One: Diagnosis


God I slept like crap. Like fucking crap. It's like I didn't even sleep at all. I feel like I was up all night, which is not true. After my freaking tantrum in the garden I ditched Mina, cause I'm a shit friend, grabbed something from the kitchen, and went to bed.

Yeah, so I was also a shit mate to Kieran.

But come on.

I'll give myself a little slack. Though maybe I'm the only one who will.

When he didn't come out to the track, I caught the tail end of his Potentials pile up in the locker room. I mean, I know it's going to happen. That's the Goddess' deal and we just have to live with it. But it was pretty horrible seeing him like that.

He liked it. He was enjoying it.

Not like I wanted him not to enjoy it. To have to do it, to be compelled to do it, and not enjoy it, it would be like...it would be more like....

So, yeah. I waited for those slimy bastards to leave. The only reason I didn't kill them was because of the threat of banishment.

But also...they apologized.

They didn't have a choice any more than Kieran did.

My feelings towards our Goddess weren't great right this second. She's got a bloody side to her as well.

We all have hidden sides. Dark sides. The wolf side that relishes in the hunt and the kill.

All of us, even Mr. I'm-so-Calm Will from Monterey. I bet he has teeth that can rip someone to shreds.

But it was my baby I waited for after that mess. I needed to know he was okay, even if he enjoyed it. I assumed he'd come straight out to the track to find me. Because he didn't look so good afterwards.

Instead he left the locker room in the opposite direction.

Which was freaking weird. Why wouldn't he come to me?

So I followed him. He never once sensed me, because he's an omega and I'm an alpha. May sound like I'm being offensive, but it's just facts.

He went to Will's room first. That asshole. My mate's safe space.

Then...then...I wanted to grab his little ass and drag him away... freaking love of my life goes to Mina's Dad? I know he got Chosen as a Potential. Who knows what they were doing when they were "supposedly" trapped in that human town? And my puppy lived in his rooms for a few days.

I was a fool

He didn't love me after all.

So yeah, when he came to me later in the garden crying, I wasn't ready to forgive him. My heart felt trampled on and now he was crying for me to take him back. What, because he had no one else to turn to? Third time's the charm, right?

I was a dick to him. I should have told him what I saw and how it made me feel. But I didn't. And then those two traitors called me out and I let them have it too.

So an early bedtime, starting things fresh in the morning, seemed like the best decision.

Except I feel worse now. Like I can barely move, like a zombie, barely able to think straight.

I was in the back of the pack leaving Convocation. A bunch of assholes were piling up at the doors, and I just wanted to get some food. Wasn't anyone else hungry?

I pushed my way through the brain dead idiots, only to find out why there was such a clusterfuck. They'd stopped in a strange ring around my mate.

Who was holding some papers in his hand, his face completely drained of color. There were more on the floor and on the windows and doors, but I was so tired my normally super sharp eyes were blurry. I couldn't make anything out.

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