12: More Library Surprises

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Chapter Twelve: More Library Surprises



"Kieran," Gen approached, casually pushing a stunned James away from me. "You can't...please be careful! The Oracle might see you..."

I tried to subtly wipe my face and untuck my shirt to try and hide the not so little evidence of the last few minutes.

I glanced at James, and jerked my head at him, and he got the message, turning his back to us, scrubbing his own face and pulling out his shirt.

Oh well. Not as inconspicuous as I'd hoped.

"It's okay, Gen."

She shook her head in disbelief, taking in my appearance and James'.

"It's really not Kieran. You'll get in trouble. I'm worried about you. This is against the school rules, our Pack rules for the Keystone Luna to ... associate..too closely with an Alpha. I mean, yeah, it's all fun and games and tongues and boners until it's blood and guts and screams and death. Your  blood, Kieran. Your screams and death."

I tried not to flinch.

"No, Gen. The Oracle told me it was okay."

"What?" James approached again, his face somewhat better, but his hair was still a mess. I may or may not have had a handful of it just seconds ago. "What did you say? It's okay? The Oracle is okay with us..." He waved his hand between us. "Doing...this? He approves of it? He approves of..me?"

"Don't sound so hopeful, James." Gen said dryly. "You're not the Keystone Alpha yet. Kissing Kieran doesn't net you the ultimate prize. Sorry, not sorry, jerk."

"Gen..." I said, slightly shocked. "Don't. Um...James...and I are...it's..." I tried to step closer to him, drawn to him by what we just shared and how we seemed unable to be near each other without inserting our tongues in each other's mouths.

But he moved away from me.

He did.

He moved away and leaned against a tall, somewhat dusty shelf, filled with old books with leather bindings, deep maroon and blue, gilt letters faded with time.

I frowned, a little confused. A little..hurt.

He flinched and looked away from me, focusing on my friend.

"Everyone here knows I'm the best choice for Keystone Alpha."

"Yeah? Well, maybe, but that was with Mina. Now you're ready to jump ship, (ha) and mess with Kieran to secure the prize? Kieran, honey, he's an ass. Don't let him fuck with your head. He wants one thing and one thing only."

"You don't even have the rank to speak to me, girl," James scoffed, staring her down, harnessing his alpha energy until she was forced to look away, eyes downcast, huffing in embarrassment. Gen was no alpha. She was here because her parents both worked at the school. It wasn't hard for him to make her capitulate.

"Don't," I said to James, whacking him on the chest. Frustrated that seconds ago I wanted to rip his stupid clothes off, and now I just wanted to rip him a new one. "Don't do that to her."

He turned his eyes on me, and actually tried to do the same thing. Just like Will had. Tried to get me to show my neck and grovel at his feet. I could feel it, his eyes like hard stones, boring into me. Trying to make me cower.

Fuck. That.

I let my annoyance and frustration build like a lead weight in my stomach. What kind of person treated someone else that way? What Gen said wasn't very polite but still, he had no right to do that to her. I knew how it felt.

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