22: Parent Party Planning and Preparation

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Chapter Twenty Two:  Parent Party Planning and Preparation


I opened the door to my secret room. Slowly. Looking around carefully. It was obvious.

Someone had been inside.


It was very early morning, before Convocation. I was in Parker's bed, but he'd turned over in his sleep, and lay like the dead a foot or so away from me. I slipped out of the comfortable cocoon, and went to my own bedroom and got dressed.

I wanted to finally Activate, and after that find my mate. Because I was really really done with this ugly ass freezing vest.

I could watch TV, sitting on the couch.

I could throw my clothes back off and jump into bed with Parker and do all the stupid things that I knew were stupid.

I could wander around the empty hallways of the school because I didn't know what else to do.

Sounds about right.

I just felt so out of sorts. All I could think about was Gen and Antony and how they both rejected me.

They were my friends.

They were legitimately my best friends. I'd thought they were.

But they couldn't stay close to me as long as I was close with James.

It seemed so unfair. But...I mean.. I get it. Of course I do. He treated them like shit. He was the poster boy for all the crap they had to deal with in their lives. The prejudice against wolves with a human parent. The stigma of being a wolf but not able to Change. And James said out loud and proud what most wolves might have thought, but were too respectful and strategic to say outside of their own head.

They also said before that James really didn't like me, but was just getting involved with me because he wanted so badly to be the Keystone Alpha.

I didn't...it's not....that's not what I thought. I mean, yeah, a while back he did say he didn't think I'd make a good Luna. It was objectively pretty rude, but true. If hurtful. I know I'll suck as a leader.


I barely passed the pack test, and only then because I cheated. Antony also once said my best skill was bringing people together, but that really didn't seem to be the way it was anymore. Antony and Gen weren't hanging out with us. Dylan and Kai slept in separate dorms. All the alphas were punished because I was too...eager to start something with James instead of waiting like I was supposed to. Parker might get in trouble for showing interest in me. What next? Would Santiago, Lawrence, and Ollie start fighting?

Goddess I hope not.

So I needed a little brain break, and the best place for that was where I felt safest. My little omega sanctuary inside this haven for alphas.


The air felt different. I didn't smell a wolf, an unfamiliar wolf.

There was definitely something that made me pause inside the door.

What was it?

What was ... different? Out of place?

The bed that I'd carefully made the last time I was here.  

The corner shelf, filled with healthy plants. Green, growing.

The desk. My journal with the pen I'd left right on top......

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