29: Bones

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Chapter 29: Bones


It was after Convocation, and still a few hours until dinner. I walked with Kieran, holding his hand, careful not to touch his wrist. At least, not now. Maybe later tonight. If he came to my room again, I definitely wouldn't say no.

Thinking back to last night, what we'd shared, I was astounded how much I'd enjoyed it. Being with a guy, but...not just a guy. Being with Kieran. My friend.

Maybe ...

I pulled him neatly around a corner, and bit my lip looking down at him. He nodded, eyes at half mast, and I kissed him gently. Just a sweet small kiss. Sighing into his ear, feeling so good with his arms around my neck.

Until there was a cough, and I looked up to see James staring at us, leaning against the wall barely a foot away.

For once he didn't look particularly annoyed or angry. He just stood there. Waiting.

Kieran kissed me again, just as sweetly, then turned away and took James' hand, walking down the hallway.

I watched them walk away. Kieran, so small next to James.

"Are you coming?" Kieran called, stopping James for a second, looking back at me.

I smiled and jogged a little to catch up.


"What are we talking about?" James brashly questioned as he shoved Lawrence over, to make room for himself and Kieran.

And me.

It was everyone again, the same group who carved pumpkins together. Kieran's closest friends. Jordan and Tom. Mina too. Her dad was absent, thank goodness. Nothing more uncomfortable than having a teacher hanging out with a bunch of kids.

Also a few unfamiliar faces who immediately introduced themselves.

Not to me. I knew them. I know everyone here at school.

But Kieran didn't.

A red haired wolf, with a long lanky body, came forward and bowed in front of Kieran. I could see James barely contain his laughter.

"I'm Micah, my beautiful Luna. Ursula house. My pack is in Ohio."

Kieran nodded. "Umm...nice..to meet you?"

Micah held out his hand and Kieran tentatively shook it, only using his fingers. 

"I hope we can find some time to spend together."

Kieran nodded again, uncomfortable. "Of course."

I saw Kai and Dylan across the circle exchange a look, and frown at Micah.

Then it was another alpha, a guy I knew pretty well, since we were in Nadia together.

"I'm Leo, Kieran. I'm from Maryland." He did have an amazing smile, and Kieran definitely noticed. "I look forward to getting closer to you." His words definitely suggestive of what he actually meant.

Again, Kieran nodded. I'd known him for long enough to tell that he was freaking out. Poor puppy.

A few others alphas with the same routine. Trying to cozy up to my mate.

James sat quietly during these introductions, but when it was over, asked again. "What are we doing?" With the barest trace of anger under his words.

"Kieran, he's not a Potential, but have you met Charlie?" This from Mina.

I was glad to see Kieran completely relax, grinning at a boy across the circle, sitting near Tom and Jordan, close to their age. So young compared to the older alphas who were Kieran's Potentials. Charlie was fourteen I think. He'd come here literally the day after his Change.

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