9: You Can't Handle the Truth

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Chapter Nine: You Can't Handle the Truth


I was going to die. The door was going to splinter open and the Goddess' personal hellhounds were going to rip me to shreds for desecrating the Keystone Luna. In my head I said goodbye to my parents, to my pack, to my beloved Chicago.

Kieran started whimpering. It was all his fault for being so irresistible.

So completely...and utterly...

I jumped him again, kissing him, shoving my tongue hard in his mouth, holding him, smelling him.

"You are insane!! We are both about to die!!!"

"If I'm going to die, I might as well enjoy the end!'

I hoped I didn't get my blood all over him. Wait..

That was kinda hot.

I could see him covered in my blood, not like gushy gory blood, but like my blood splattered in a delicate pattern across his face, his tongue licking his lips and tasting me...


I'm so going to die and go to werewolf Hell.

"I am NOT gay!!!" I yelled through the door, sitting up and hoping whoever or whatever was on the other side heard me. "You have the wrong room. He's not in here!! He's somewhere very very far away!!"

Kieran snorted, and I whiplashed my head around to look at him. He was curled up, my spit still on his face, his lips swollen from kissing, and he was giggling. 

 We were about to die and he was giggling.

"You're actually kind of funny," he said, shaking his head.

Idiot. Me or him. Both I guess, because despite being suffused with terror, for some bizarre reason, I also felt euphoric. Adrenaline combined with hysteria with a soupcon of terror. I growled and was about to pounce on him again, feeling galvanically turned on when I saw him leaning back on his elbows, spreading his legs a little, making room for me.

"James, you open this FUCKING door, right the FUCK now!!"

Instantly we both knew who it was. Not the Oracle. Not our impending death. Well, not Kieran's at least. Maybe mine.

I was completely unsurprised but strangely frustrated when Kieran stumbled out of my bed, set his clothes right, and pushed his hair back into place.


He opened the door and his roommate stood there, protective wolf mode activated.

"Kieran? Are you okay? Kai came and got me. He said James..."

His voice trailed off, as I stood, moving slowly off my bed, righting my own clothes and standing behind Kieran. If I was stupider, I would have put my arm around his small waist and pulled his back to my chest, marking him as mine.

I wanted to be stupid. Will was about to take him away from me.

But I'm not stupid.

"Hey, you're his roommate, not his mate. Kieran came here to give me some medicine for this,"   I pulled my neck to the side for him to see the red rash. I knew what I was doing. Deescalating a scene. His hackles were well and truly raised. He was a jealous wolf ready to fight.

And I could go toe to toe, claw to claw with him.

Over Kieran.

No. No.

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