4: First Day of School Pt. 2

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Chapter Four: First Day of School Pt. 2


Will walked me to my first class. He had to go to a different one, upstairs. There were alphas streaming around us, watching us, but I didn't look up from the floor, kept my hand tight in Will's.

I was scared. I tried not to show it. But I was. I had no idea what sitting in a classroom would be like. All I knew of school was the snippets I'd seen on Netflix. Desks. Teachers. Bullies. Assignments. It didn't honestly sound great, now that it was real.

"Okay, okay, Kieran. This is it."

It was just another door, to a room that was slowly filling with guys and two girls. Everyone was staring at us. Waiting for me to come inside.

"Okay." I didn't let go of his hand.

He grinned. "You'll be fine."

"Sure." I didn't let go of his hand.

"I mean it. I promise."

"I know." I didn't let go of his hand.

"Ummm...Damn." He was mad at me.

"Sorry." I didn't let go of his hand.

The teacher came out, a middle aged woman, with shoulder length strawberry blonde hair. She was pretty.

Pretty pissed.

"Will, you need to let Kieran go and he needs to come sit down now. No special privileges for the Keystone Luna, and you know it. Kieran, you're already late."

"No," he and I both said. And I sighed happily as he held me close, turning me away from her.

"I can't, Professor." His voice sounded different. I looked up at him, and he kissed my forehead, which made me feel all gooey and awesome. I snuggled harder into his chest, and his arms tightened around me. "You can't take my mate away from me. I won't let you."

Through the bars of his arms I saw her eyebrows raise.

"Your mate?" She said dryly. "He's not your mate, Will. He hasn't activated. He isn't in heat. He hasn't chosen you."

"I don't care. He's my mate."

From the classroom, growls from three separate throats reached us. Will snarled and held me even tighter.

"Will. Take a pill right now." The teacher commanded. Adults everywhere were the same. So bossy.


"Yes, or I will go get the Oracle and you will be removed from school and you will never see Kieran again. You will lose any chance of being his mate for real."

I felt him whimper against me. "Don't get in trouble," I said, swallowing my fear. "I'll be okay. It's fine. You're right. You said I'll see you later? In two hours? That's nothing."

"Okay," But he didn't let go of me. We seemed to have flipped roles here.

"Will!" The teacher was far more insistent. "Now!"

"Fine!!! Fine!!!" He let me free of his arms, and I stepped back. He popped three pills in his mouth and walked away, his back stiff and straight, but I saw him relax as he walked around the corner. I watched him leave me behind.

"I wish there was a pill for me," I said, talking to myself.

"Mmm?" The teacher cocked her head. "Interesting. In fact, that makes much more sense, Kieran. There's 118 alphas, and only one Keystone Luna. It would be far more sensible to dose you, than them. Can you tell me, what are your symptoms right now? How is it different than you normally feel?"

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