8: Introductions

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Chapter Eight: Introductions


"So..." I passed her my applesauce, because she's a freak for it, and we're only allowed one serving each.

"So what?"

"So...how was your first week?" I left it at that. She knew what I meant.

She continued eating, always the applesauce first, hers and mine, and then half of her french toast, giving the rest to me. Then one slice of bacon. Then a sip of her iced coffee.

I knew she was thinking over her answer. While she chewed slowly I drenched my french toast in syrup, added more powdered sugar, and a few sprinkles of salt. Devoured it, using my finger to lick my plate clean of syrup. Sat back, and waited.

It was absolutely no use to rush her. She was the most stubborn wolf I've ever met. It was her way or the highway.

"It was...good."


"How was it good?"

"Well, for the first time in my life, I could sit here, with you, and eat in peace." She looked around pointedly.

It was true. Every single other meal we'd shared together, there were always at least four or five other alphas, interrupting, flirting and fawning over her. It wasn't like with the new Keystone Luna, not at all, from what little I saw the other day when he first met Kai. The pills worked extremely well when she was our potential Luna. Flirting was verbal only and very mild. Still, she was never left alone. Unbothered.

"True." I waited.

"I like being left alone. I do, James. I prefer the quiet."

I nodded. It probably hadn't really sunk in yet. She'd gone from being potentially one of the most powerful wolves in our generation, to obscurity in just a week. I still was having a hard time processing it, and I wasn't even mated to her officially yet.

"I'm actually thinking more about Kieran than myself." She surprised me, pushing back her plate and looking around.

He wasn't here. I know where he is generally at all times, and he'd eaten earlier. With his little fanboy posse.

"Why do you care about him?"

She shrugged. "I don't really. But I imagine it would be horrible to be in his situation. I'd grown up, my whole life, knowing my destiny. He's starting from scratch. I think he must be scared."

My Mina never really bothered herself about anyone, even me, her best friend. She was fairly insular. But maybe that was a defense mechanism. I'm not a psychologist, I have no idea. She just never got worked up about any of the drama here at school. Got her school work done, pushed away admirers, talked to me casually about day to day stuff. Played tennis a lot with her father. Went to bed by ten every night. Mellow. Chill.

I liked that. She would be a good mate, easy to live with.

So it surprised me that she was even showing any kind of concern for the wolf that was basically her rival.

We both sat quietly, digesting. My mind was busy though, even if my body wasn't. If Kieran was off kilter, as she suggested, as seemed likely, making him more agitated might help me with what I wanted.

Which was to see him somehow lose his status, somehow be rejected as the new Keystone Luna, leaving only Mina to replace him.

With me as her likeliest Mate.

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