15: Rewind

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Chapter Fifteen: Rewind

Five days ago


Day One


"What did you say?" I must have misheard her. Because that was just the stupidest thing I'd ever heard.

"I said, Kieran has to pass a test. He has to remember the names of all the ruling alphas and their Lunas, details specific to their pack, from all 118  represented here at the academy. He failed the first attempt. The Oracle says he has to remain in strict isolation in my aerie until he succeeds."

All of this was spoken blithely to me during the hush before afternoon Convocation.


She shrugged, raising her shoulders. "Yup."

"What do you mean by isolation?" I pressed, getting closer to her. It couldn't be real.

"I mean, The Oracle locked him in."


Alphas around me stared, disgusted and moved away from us. Mina rolled her eyes. But who the fuck cares if she's embarrassed. She's the one who just said Kieran was locked in that birdcage of a joke of a room. I'd been there before, tons of times, in the last three years. Hanging out with Mina, studying, talking about our future. But it was miserable after the sun went down.


"Okay...say it again, so that I can understand. He has to pass this insane test or they won't let him out? He gets to eat right?"

My little puppy, cold and hungry.

"Of course. James, do you really think the Oracle would torture anyone?"

"I mean, you just said he was, practically."

She snorted, and shook her head, long brown hair like a waterfall over her shoulder.

"Why in the hell does he have to memorize it? What's the point? Anyone can look that shit up. Yes he should know the big players, but all 118? That's just insane!   Why doesn't he just tell them to go fuck themselves? That's what I would do!"

Mina stared at me pointedly, like I was an idiot.


Suddenly,  I got it. 

 I guess I was an idiot. It took me this long to figure it out.

"So, do you think Kieran will understand?" She was sincerely asking me.

I ran my hands back and forth through my hair, making it a mess. Groaning. "No. Goddess, no. He won't. I don't think so anyway. He's so....sweet and sincere and guileless. He won't get it."

"Nope. I don't think so either. The Oracle says he will eventually, but I think you know him better. So be prepared for a few days without your mate."

She turned to face the elders on the podium.

I tried not to flip them off to their faces. I would have. I still might.

But that's because I'm an alpha.

I know when something is bullshit and I'm not afraid to say so.

Kieran didn't.

That was the true test. Any leader worth their title would see that the "test" was unnecessary and refuse to take part. Would voice their perspective, and at least attempt to get the others to understand and accept their differing opinion.

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