35: The Ritual

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Chapter 35: The Ritual


"No thank you."

"What? But...why?"

"Because...because it's really none of your business."

I tried not to feel offended. I mean it really was none of my business. I wanted to help, but... Antony had accepted James, I'd seen it, but he was still a smidge prickly with me. Sometimes at least. And I can understand that this must be a super uncomfortable topic to talk about.

"Antony, I think we should see if Charlie and Kieran can do something," Gen insisted, trying to get Antony to look at her, but he stubbornly focused only on his plate of food. "You should have seen what Charlie could do. It was ... he's powerful. Maybe, there might be..."

"I said, no. How many times do I need to say it? I'm doing okay. I like school. I'm going to go to college. I have you in my life. I'm fine the way I am. What, suddenly I'm not? Suddenly you think I need to be "fixed?" Didn't you always say it didn't matter one way or the other?"

His face red and angry, he pushed away from the table, rattling the dishes, and stalked out of the room. Ignoring the looks of the alphas who stared shamelessly.

Gen's face folded in on itself, and I held her as she cried. "I just know he doesn't want to be disappointed again. When he came here, he really thought the Oracle would be able to do something. And again, when... but nothing worked out. So he's resigned himself to living like this. And yes! Yes, he is FINE the way he is, but...I just wanted to help..."

"Is it okay if I try to talk to him?"

She gave me a watery smile, shoulders slumped. "You can try."

So I followed Antony out of the cafeteria, and wandered around for a few minutes, looking left and right, but ...I couldn't seem to find him. He told me once, he's not officially in any House. He's said he likes school, but I don't know particularly what he studies. It must be something related to Ursula house, most likely, since I didn't have any classes with him, and James never made it seem like he was in Nadia. I didn't think he was super sporty. He wasn't an alpha, of course. I mean, kind of, he was, but not...not like the other alphas since he hadn't changed. Most alphas were inherently athletic. All of my Potentials were over six feet and supernaturally strong.

Antony was just...kind of...a regular guy.

But where would a regular guy go to hang out? He was ALWAYS with Gen. She spent most of the time around her cottage in the garden, or wandering the grounds. Her biggest passion was astronomy, with two scientists for parents, but I didn't think that necessarily meant it was his deal too.

Where did he hang out? I've never even been to his room. But I think he mostly slept with Gen.

What do I know about him? We'd talked before, when we first met. I knew he grew up in Vermont, that his Pack was semi secluded, not quite as isolated as mine. His family hunted for food, and tapped maple trees. He had two younger brothers. The other night I learned he played the guitar a little.


I walked slowly around the school and the grounds....sifting through the noise of alphas talking, teachers lecturing. The wind was blowing the skeletal tree branches so they slid against each other, creating a creaking noise slightly disturbing. The sound of doors opening. The calls of the few remaining birds. Closing my eyes and really really listening. Trying to shut off all senses but my hearing.

Maybe this was dumb... even if I was right, he probably wasn't playing right this se...

Then I heard it.

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