3: First Day of School Pt. 1

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Chapter Three: First Day of School Part 1


I woke up, and immediately looked over at the bed next to mine. I needed to see his face. Like, right now.    I needed to.

He was awake, sitting on his bed, criss cross, looking off into space.  Arms around himself.

It took all my willpower (ha) to not jump into his bed and hold him, and make sure he knew I would do everything and anything in my power to protect him. He looked so scared. It hurt me, to see him that way. Physically hurt me.

I needed to keep it cool. He was going to freak out soon enough most likely. I'd realized it late last night. Somehow, he had no clue what was happening. How he'd come to school here without someone telling him, I have zero idea. Who would be so cruel? Poor little lost puppy. I bet if I held him, I bet if I held him in his bed, I bet if I just held him close to me, I bet he put his head on my chest and I touched his hair.. I bet if I...

Oh god. I had to talk to the Oracle. I hadn't felt this way in so long. The pill... the pill wasn't working anymore.


A long low bell sounded, and I sat up, nodding to Kieran who looked at me panic stricken.

"It's just the signal for breakfast." I said as calmly as I could. "Get dressed quick okay? Otherwise there won't be anything left to eat. The guys here are like animals."

He laughed a little, thank god, and I had to turn my back so he didn't see how much it affected me. He was...he was....Kieran was.... so freaking cute.

I was literally shocked because up until last night, if someone asked me if I was into guys, my answer would be unequivocally no.

But Kieran, Kieran, my roommate Kieran, was special.

Like the Oracle said, I had to lock it down. I had to keep my cool.


Dressed we went into the hallway and slowly down the stairs to the cafeteria. I wasn't too worried about the food, even though we were late, I was just hoping there was something, anything left for Kieran to eat. He must be hungry.

I opened the wide doors and froze, my top lip twitching. One hundred and seventeen boys (and a few girls) turned to face us. To see who was an unheard of ten minutes late to breakfast. Surprise that it was me, on their faces, transforming to shock and dismay, seeing a new kid next to me. There were never new kids. We all arrived at this school three years ago. We all know each other.

But, a new guy, must be....

I saw it happen, not to everyone, not at all, only maybe thirty or forty guys, and even one girl, I saw it. The way they sniffed the air, and locked onto Kieran. The others were just insanely curious. But those forty or so...I could smell them, I could smell their...well, definitely not something I'd ever thought I could smell before.

"Run," I said to Kieran, pushing him back out of the room. He was already shivering, eyes locked on the floor, unable to face the room full of alphas, all staring directly at him.

"Wh..wha...what???" His lips quivering.

"Run!!!!!!" I yelled, and slammed the doors closed behind us, bracing my body against it. Feeling the impact of bodies slamming hard on the wood.

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