7: Midnight in the Garden

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Chapter Seven: Midnight in the Garden


We stayed in the water, the creek rushing past us, until I felt like my lips were legitimately turning blue. My entire body was numb, I could barely feel my fingers or toes.

"Good?" Antony asked, his own lips chattering. "Better?"

I nodded, and Genevieve helped me and then Antony out of the creek, our clothes drenched, dripping wet and heavy. But still blessedly cold.

"How...did...you know?" I asked, as we carefully trudged back through the woods, making our shoes muddy.

"Well," Genevieve glanced at her friend. "We were in Antony's room, and we heard running in the hallway. I don't really know what actually happened to you, Kieran, but Thom, he's the alpha from Quebec, he was yelling...ummm...that you were..umm...going into heat." She trailed off quietly. "He said he could feel your...umm...you know...um....something...um..."

"He could feel you cum, she means," Antony looking away from me, respectfully giving me some space as I stopped in my tracks, mortified.

"Yeah, umm, what Antony said. Some guys started going ... umm...kind of crazy, some seemed like they were looking for you. We just ran...and ...I'm so glad we found you first, Kieran."

"What happened?" Antony asked quietly. "Did the vest..." He looked at it, still dripping creek water. "Did it melt or something?"

We walked in silence before I finally said..."I don't think so. I was just ... with Remmy. He...and I...."

Genevieve gasped.

Antony swallowed heavily. "You MATED with Remmy?!!! I didn't think you could do that until you activated? Isn't that what the Oracle said?"

"I mean no!! No!! We didn't ....do that but... he didn't touch me..... He didn't even kiss me so...he...won't get in trouble right?"

"But then..." Genevieve glanced at me, confused. "If he didn't touch you..."

"I...touched...myself. And he....touched..himself." My voice faded away.


"Yeah. Um...yeah."

I didn't know what to say after that. The only reason I said anything was because I didn't want Remmy to get into trouble. He wouldn't, right? He didn't touch me. I thought that was the rule.

It's not like other guys didn't touch me. Will did. Lawrence and Kai. All of them touched me. It was friendly touches, sort of. Not ...heated... like it was with Remmy, but that was only being close to him, not physically touching him. So...it was okay.

I hoped.

When Will held me, when we slept together in my bed on the second night, it wasn't ...intimate...like it was tonight with the artist. It was..romantic..I guess. For me anyway. But it wasn't ... I didn't.... And he didn't....

We were at the periphery of the school grounds, just inside the woods. It didn't look like anything weird was happening. The Oracle wasn't unleashing demons and there were no earthquakes or angry mobs of oversexed alphas on the loose. Everything looked ...okay. A few lights on in different sections, but no strange activity.

"I hope Remmy is okay," I said, frowning, anxious. "I didn't think..I just ran. Do you think he's okay?"

Genevieve and Antony exchanged a look, but I barely saw it because so many anxious thoughts began to seep into my brain.

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