38: Timestamps

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Chapter 38: Timestamps: 365 days

First Night of Mina's Ascension

Kieran panted, short, raspy bursts of air. Covered in sweat. Gasping. Flat on his back. Body limp. Exhausted.

Eyes rolling back into his head, spine twisting, as he came again.

For the fourth time tonight.

Shivering with aftershocks, the hips against his skin jerking harder and faster for a moment, feeling James cum with him, feeling his Mate's seed thick inside his body. A growl in his ear, a tongue, a tiny lick, a bite, mostly lips, but some teeth.

The motion never stilling for a second.

Like a metronome.

Keeping the beat.

Without a skip, Kieran felt James begin again.

His legs limp in his tireless Mate's elbows, groaning, physically unable at this point to stop the endless, continuous sounds leaving his mouth as his ass was relentlessly pounded by long and thick cock filling him with every thrust, like he was being split in two. Every single fiber, every muscle, every nerve, saturated with indescribable languid, oozing lava like heat. James' breath, harsh and hot against his neck, against his face, in his ear, making noises just as loud as they consummated their new status as Mates.

Hair a complete mess. Sweat and saliva. A few dark purple welts and bruises, a tiny bit of firecracker red blood here and there from mutual bites. Their chests and stomachs melded together by the stickiness of Kieran's accumulating cum. Being fucked boneless into the mattress, Kieran smiled weakly, chin up, baring his neck, top lip curled upwards to expose his sharp canines, trailing his practically lifeless fingers up and down the hard contracting muscles on James' back, making whorls in the sweat coating his skin.

"Keep doing that, and I'm going to keep doing this..." James huffed between grunts, bringing his mouth to swallow Kieran's face, his tongue. "Mmmm...just a few more times, please, please, Kieran...just...I can't... I need you.. Can I? Please?"

Whimpering, James continued hitting Kieran, pressing in deep, and dragging himself out, only to push hard in again, when he heard his Mate's husky, breathless reply.

"Don't stop. Don't stop, James. It feels so good."


Day One After Mina's Ascension

Ollie held Kieran's hand loosely in his, trying to smile. Failed miserably. But kept trying.

"We'll be back to visit. My mom and dad want to spend some time with us, get to know Santiago. Feed him up, he's so skinny. Then we're going to his Pack's vecindad near Coyoacan. What do you think, Kieran? Think they'll be okay with their perfect little alpha Mated to a beach coyote like me?" Swallowing his tears, blinking, his eyes glossy.

"I know they'll think you're amazing, of course," Kieran replied, his own smile wobbling. "Just like I do."

Today was hard. Saying goodbye to everyone he loved.

Santiago bridged the distance between them, kissed Kieran's cheeks, one at a time, and forehead, staring deeply into Kieran's golden eyes before saying his own quiet goodbye.

Quick kisses for Lawrence and Carter, hugs for the three cubs.

"See you soon, Kieran," Charlie said strangely. He was heading home to Quebec, to continue his training with his Oracle.

"What do you mean?"

Charlie shrugged, and waved goodbye.

Next were the Dalys. Grant reminded Kieran to check the long list he'd posted on the cottage refrigerator, all the necessary information about winter and spring concerns specific to this garden. Dr. Daly reminded Kieran to continue using scientific principles to guide his growing mystical knowledge.

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