33: Recuperation

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Chapter 33: Recuperation


"I...I..he's dead. I... killed..him."

Kai turned a ghastly shade of gray and fell to his knees, unmindful of the blood soaking into his pants. It hardly made a difference, he was covered in gore. He threw up, adding to the mess, but thankfully in the other direction.

None of his sick landed on..on.. Remmy.

"He was going to hurt Kieran. He was going to...rape him." Lawrence said faintly, from the midst of Carter's arms. We'd all seen what position they were in right when we first entered the room, Remmy's face twisted in lust and anger, about to fuck Kieran, who looked so scared.

I don't think I'll ever be able to forget the look on his face.

"You did the right thing." Carter echoed.

We all looked at Remmy's body. Just a kid. Just a guy like us. Now dead. Definitely dead.

"I did the right thing? I did? I don't...I can't..."

Dylan was there immediately at his side, holding Kai's shell shocked face tight in his hands.

"Tell them I did it. Mate with Kieran. Tell them I did it. They'll believe you. I'm a brute. Tell them I did it.  But I have to go. They might kill me too, as a punishment.  I would never make you endure that.   I have to go."

He held Kai close, so tight. Gave Kieran's unresponsive body a desperately sad look, and then back to his boyfriend.

"I will always love you, Kai. Always."

And then he Changed, and was gone.

Kai crumpled to the ground, looking from Remmy, to us, to Kieran and to the doorway.

"Tell Kieran we loved him. " The beautiful boy, the perfect alpha, the strong swimmer, the straight A student, kind and thoughtful and true, the boy we all looked up to, the wolf we all wanted to be, crawled through the blood towards the body again. Touched an outstretched leg, his hand shaking. "I'm sorry, Remmy. I'm so sorry." Then back to us. "You have to understand. I can't live without him. I can't."

And he Changed too, and was gone, following Dylan.

We all just sat there, still in shock.

Until the hallway was filled with voices, and seconds later, Professor Cavanaugh, The Oracle, the Headmistress, and a few other students piled into the room.

Within seconds, Kieran too, was gone, his limp body snatched from the ground, in his Great Aunts arms. I had no idea she could lift him so easily, although his naked body was frail. I could see almost all of his ribs. She moved pretty fast for someone her age, too, that's for sure.

I'm glad it was her. His family. If that professor had tried to snatch him, my friend's body, naked and defenseless, ... I wouldn't have let him. Let's just say that.

I started to giggle, at the thought of me, trying to take down a Pack leader.

The Oracle bent near Remmy, two fingers out, ready to check for a pulse. But he couldn't!! He couldn't!!!

Because Remmy didn't have a throat anymore!!!! It was gone!! Gone!!!

But not really, because I could see it a few feet away, almost under the couch!!!!!!!!!

I started to laugh, because it was so funny!!!! So funny!!!! My laughter sounded so loud and strange even to my own ears, almost less like laughter and more like screaming. I barely felt Santiago gently take me in his arms, didn't see at all when The Oracle approached me, until his hand was on my shoulder, and I fell instantly asleep.

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