36: Wishes, Promises and Patience

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Chapter 36 Wishes, Promises and Patience


He was mine. Mine. Finally. Truly. After all these years. These twenty years that I've waited.

We rutted hard, straining against each other. He feels heavy and sweaty on my lap. His face tucked into my neck, gasping as I push up and into him. My hands on his hips, and then up his back, as he looks up and we kiss. Perfection. Nothing. Nothing in my life can compare to this moment. And I feel like I can be inside him forever.

He's mine.

My love.

My Mate.

My Kieran.


*I'll show you*

And I opened my mind to him.


I was born in Vermont. Our pack lives in the woods in the Green Mountains. There's some foot traffic from hikers, it's hard to stay completely hidden, but we do pretty well. We have our own space in the forest where we've built our homes. We've figured out how to access running water, but no electricity. We hunt, gather, and fish. But we have more connection with the humans. Some of the rangers know about us, and we interbreed with them occasionally.

Our pack is fairly similar to yours.

How do I know?

Because I've seen you and your pack, shared your life with you, Kieran, since the day you were born.


When I was almost two years old....

"Quick!!! Quick!!! He's going to say his first word!!"

My older sisters love to tell this story.

Me in Jane's arms. Just a munchkin pup.

Mouth working, tongue twisting, lips forming.


"He's going to say Carrie!!" said my sister...Carrie.


"Say it, darling." My mom.


Everyone confused as Hell.


But you know what I was trying to say, don't you.


When I was three years old...

"How is Keewan today, Antony?" My dad asked, patting the top of my head.

We were on a walk in the woods, going to the waterfall. It was a summer day and I was hot. So I was wearing only my shorts.

"He's tiyud. He's sweeping."

"Hmm? Well, babies need to sleep a lot, don't they?"

"Mmmm...he's my bestest baby." I sighed and kicked a rock. 

"What's wrong, young man? Here we are in this beautiful place and you look as grumpy as an old wolf with no teeth!"

My dad thinks he's funny.

"I want Keewun." I started to cry, and my dad picked me up, and cuddled me, because he might think he's funny, but I know he's a good daddy.

"Awww Antony. You have lots of real friends. I know Keewun seems real.."

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