37: Second Place

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Chapter 37: Second Place


Kieran slowly ascended the dais platform, walking up the wooden stairs that wound around the broad tree trunk in the center of Convocation, its branches twisting thick up through the ceiling. The stars and the moon visible from the sliver of open air peeking through the boughs.

And me? 

Well, here I was almost three months to the day, standing in this same spot, once again watching the person I wanted to mate stand tall and important while I remained below with everyone else.

First I lost Mina. Then Kieran.

Second place sucks.

Will stood next to me. That was different. He had bandages around his torso, and shoulders, and a patch over his eye. Kieran said it would all heal. Except his eye. That was gone for good.

But he was alive.

Because of Kieran, Will was alive.  Because of Will, Kieran was alive.  

Ollie apologized under his breath as he knocked into me, giving his Mate a sheepish look. Santiago didn't seem too bothered. His eyes were on the dais. As was Lawrence and Carters. Jordan and Tom and Charlie too stood by me.

That was something new.

I have friends now.

Lots of friends.

Gen and Mina stood together, hand in hand. I had no idea. None. Zilch. That my best friend, this whole time, was in love with Antony's best friend. She never once said anything to me.


"Why should I? It was my personal business, and it would only confuse things. I was the Keystone Luna and would have to Mate an Alpha. I thought I was going to Mate with you. So telling you I was in love with someone else wouldn't be very productive. Falling in love with Gen was the best and most stupidest thing I could do."

That was what she told me this morning, when she approached me for the first time after Shed Shock, as we were now all calling it. She also told me that Gen had been bitterly jealous of me, which was another reason she never confided in me, and part of the reason why Gen and Antony had a gigantic  hate on for me.


Now she was able to be with her Mate, out in the open. Holding hands, staring up at the dais.

Kieran looked so different from that first day when he was introduced to Alpha Academy. He'd practically folded in on himself in fear and dismay, confronting one hundred and eighteen wolves, all staring at him, judging him, gossiping over everything he'd say or do.

Now he walked up the stairs with total confidence, facing us, and standing amongst the Academy Elders.

But not just the Headmaster and the Oracle.

Today, on the dais, for this monumental ceremony, there are representatives from all over North America. Kai's grandfather and grandmother are here. Ambassadors from Europe and Africa, Australia and Asia, South America.

Kieran didn't blink. Didn't shake. Even though all eyes were on him. Because absolutely no one knew what was about to happen.

He'd experienced so much in three months. Despite it all he was still standing.

I'm so proud of him.

The boy I loved.

The boy I still love.

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