24: Breakfast of Champions

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Chapter Twenty Four: Breakfast of Champions


Was I really fucking going to do this?

I guess I was.

Kieran was at the table, waiting for me, I hoped. First time in a few days, he's not already sitting in someone's lap. Waiting to sit in my lap, I hope.

I really didn't want to sit there if he was going to share affection with other wolves. I get that it's impossible for him to Choose anyone right now. That he's literally at the mercy of his Luna hormones or whatever. But even without the touchy feely crap, he's just sweet and friendly with a bunch of other guys.

I don't like it.

He's mine.

He's my mate.

There's no way I'd feel this way if he wasn't.

He's mine.


"Oh my gods, just go. Stop being so freaking emo, it's getting so old." Mina shoved me towards their table. "I'll get us food. Just go sit down. Of all the wolves he could run to last night, he came to you. He likes you the best. So just show them. Let them see that you're his top pick."

"Whatever," I shrugged, but hurried over when I saw the dark circles under my mate's eyes.

He held out his hands to me, and I immediately scooped him up, sort of, and slid down next to him.

Dead silence at the table.

Fuck them.

"Are you okay, Kieran? Did you sleep better?" I didn't say what happened last night. None of their freaking business.

"Not really." He said quietly, and then met everyone's worried stares. "It's...I'm just... freaked out... about today.. The speech. Meeting new people."

His groupies nodded, and I particularly caught that asshole Will's eyes staring fixedly at the way Kieran leaned against me. I looked away, because I absolutely didn't need to get into any kind of dominance thing with him. Not because I wouldn't win. I would. I just had no need to.

Kieran was with me.

Not him.

Not him.

No matter what they did together in the supplies closet.

"I'll tell you a secret Kieran. My grandpa hates giving speeches. He hates them." Kai ventured sympathetically. "He's the kind of wolf who's ... maybe more like you," He nudged the gigantic wolf in next to him. "More the strong silent type. But as the Keystone Alpha he does have to talk lots of different people. He doesn't mind in small groups or one on one, but speeches...not so much."

I watched suspicious as Kai, lost in thought, took Dylan's hand in his, fiddling with his long fingers. Like it was an unconscious habit.


I must have made some kind of noise because all of a sudden everyone's eyes were on me.

That rich boy alpha/beta, Lawrence smirked at me. Dared to give me a superior look.

"You do realize you're sitting at the gay table, right?"

"What? I'm not gay!"

It escaped from my mouth and I saw everyone shake their heads and roll their eyes. Santiago was unaffected and continued to take measured sips of his coffee, but Kai and Dylan's expression dared me to say more shit. Will actually turned his body away from me, but his face was turning red.

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