Chapter 2

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Cetus looked out the window with a dreamy look as her parents tried to explain the news. "Cetus are you listening?" Snow White asked and Cetus finally turned around to face her parents. "Sorry mom, I was just thinking" she said and Snow White nodded. "Darling, something has come up that we need to discuss with you" Ferdinand said and Cetus looked confused. "Have my grades gone down?" she asked worriedly and her father shook her head. "Worse, your moving away" Snow White said as she tried to stop herself from crying. Cetus stood in silence as she waited for one of her parents to cave and tell her what was really going on. "Your moving into a house with all the other zodiacs" Snow White blurted and Ferdinand sighed and facepalmed. "With villains?" Cetus demanded and Snow White nodded nervously. "I will do no such thing" Cetus said as she turned back to the window in a rage. "You will" Ferdinand said calmly as he waited for his daughter to rip his head off. "I will not go with villains! They are evil and vile and they're going to kill everyone if I don't kill them first!" Cetus screamed and Snow White quickly hurried out of the room so she wouldn't burst into tears. "No one will be killed, you will obey me Cetus" Ferdinand said in his best father voice. Cetus cursed him and sent him out of her room. She turned back to her window as the tears fell down her cheeks but her mood changed quickly when she saw a crow flying over with a letter in its mouth. 

"Why does my coat have dirt on it?!" Cruella screamed at her son as she slapped his face. Gemini stood shakily as he held the crumpled letter for his mother. He looked at the fur coat his mother adored and sighed when he saw a spec of dirt on it, he had made sure to wash everything off but it must of gotten dirty while he hung it out. "I'm sorry mother, I'll clean it properly" Gemini said before he handed her the letter. Cruella read the letter and her eyes widened as she read the words. "No no no! How dare they try to take away my servant!" Cruella screamed as she threw down the letter and stomped on it. Cruella stormed out of the room in a great rage and Gemini picked up the letter. His eyes widened as he read the letter and a large grin spread across his face as he realized what it meant. This was his savior, his salvation, he was finally leaving the awful place he called home. He quickly bolted out of the house and down to the shores where his friend lived. "Cancer!" he yelled and he bolted into Ursula's house. Ursula smiled at the boy and pointed to her daughters room. "Thank you" Gemini said as he ran over to his best friends room. "Cancer, Cancerrr" Gemini yelled as he burst through the door and saw Cancer reading her own letter. "We're leaving" Cancer said and Gemini nodded excitedly. "This is bad Gemini, half the kids are royals, they'll kill us or torture us!" Cancer yelled and Gemini took a step back in shock at her outburst. "But they can help us" Gemini said nervously as Cancer walked up to him. "I wont let anything happen to you Gem, you are the only thing worthwhile in this kingdom and I will protect you" Cancer said as her mother walked in and began making gagging noises. "Out" Cancer said and Ursula laughed as she yelled "Poor unfortunate soul Gemini is to have to be with you." Cancer growled but Gemini patted her hair. Cancer turned back to Gemini with a dark red blush on her cheeks. "We'll be okay, maybe if we both can befriend some of them they can help the kids around here, give them better lives" Gemini suggested and Cancer thought for a moment. "I suppose that is a possibility, but if they even think of hurting you it's all over, deal?" Cancer said as she held out her hand. Gemini shook it and they both grinned as they began to pack up some of Cancer's things. "Mom, I'm going to the kingdom in a couple of days" Cancer said in a bored tone and Gemini sighed and began to properly explain. "We have been summoned to the main land as zodiacs, we are going to live in a house with the other zodiacs but we are permitted to come back after four months" Gemini explained and Ursula frowned. "Your going to leave me in this dump? How rude" Ursula said in a joking tone. "Haha mom, I'll be back to haunt you" Cancer teased and Ursula grinned at her daughter. Gemini felt his heart sink slightly as he listened to Cancer and her mother play fight, if only he had a good relationship with his mother. "I suppose I can't send you off without a little gift" Ursula said as she walked over to her cupboard where she pulled out a seashell necklace. "A little gift so you never forget what you learned in this kingdom, don't trust anyone except Gemini" Ursula said as she shoved the necklace in her daughters hand. She pulled out a small book and handed it to Gemini. "It's an interesting read, I thought it might interest you, it was for your birthday but apparently you wont be here and I don't trust the post" Ursula said and Gemini thanked her. "Get packing kids, hurry up and get out of my house before I start making you work" Ursula said and both the kids quickly ran out so they wouldn't have to do any work. "I'm kind of excited" Gemini said and Cancer smiled at him. "If you are then I am, let's go show them what villains are really like."

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