Chapter 21

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"And so Taurus crashed into Aquarius?" Cancer asked with a disapproving look. "Yeah that's what happened" Sagittarius confirmed as he mopped up the blood. "And why exactly did Gemini and Leo go to the hospital with them?" she demanded, Sagittarius sighed and answered "Because Aries didn't want to go alone." Cancer scowled and stormed away from Sagittarius. She had wanted to talk to Leo but since she was gone she had to turn to the other villain kid. She stormed up the stairs and burst through the door to the boys bedroom. Scorpio stood almost naked in the middle of the room and he let out a yell when he saw Cancer. "Jeez, ever heard of knocking?" he asked as he quickly rushed to put on some pants. Cancer smirked and leant against the doorway "Nice underwear" she commented and Scorpio threw a pair of socks at her. "What do you want?" Scorpio asked as he raided his drawer for a shirt. Cancer smirked and walked into the room and sat down on Gemini's bed. "Scorpio, surely you get some ladies, how do you ask someone out?" she asked and flushed a dark red at the last words. Scorpio turned to her with a confused look and asked "What makes you think I've ever dated anyone?" Cancer frowned and turned her head to the side confused, she swore Scorpio had dated someone. "You haven't?" she asked and he shook his head. "I suppose how you ask someone out is you walk up to them and ask them" he said apathetically. Cancer scowled at him before standing up and leaving.

She stormed back down the stairs and looked around the house for her next victim of her questions. She saw Pisces sitting on the couch talking to Virgo and she walked over calmly. "Pisces! Can I talk to you" she half shouted and half begged. Pisces looked very concerned and asked "What's wrong?" as she stood up. Cancer dragged her away without answering and lead her to a balcony. "How do I ask someone out?" she asked. Pisces's mouth fell open and she managed to get out a small "What?" Cancer groaned and repeated her question slower "How. Do. I. Ask. Someone. Out?"  Pisces looked utterly shocked and shrugged before laying against the wall. "I've never asked anyone out" she admitted as she stared into Cancer's eyes. Cancer sighed and asked "Has anyone in this house asked anyone out other than Virgo?." Pisces looked thoughtful for a second before she spoke again. "Well there's someone I think I fancy as well, if you ask Gemini I'll ask out who I like" she whispered. Cancer turned around with a confused expression "You would do that for me?" she asked in shock. "Well of course, we both need a boost of confidence" she grinned as she took Cancer's arm and walked back inside. Cancer smiled to herself before coming to the horrible realization that Pisces had guessed who she liked. "How did you know it was Gemini?" she asked as she spun around to face Pisces. Pisces laughed and answered "Your really obvious, don't worry I'm pretty sure he likes you back" 

Cancer paced the boys room as she thought of what to say to Gemini. Pisces sat nervously on Scorpio's bed next to the very annoyed Scorpio. "Why are you here?" he demanded as he slipped a bookmark into his book. "Well we may or may not have both agreed to ask out the people we like and now we're freaking out" Pisces explained before hiding her face. Scorpio's face fell and he looked very concerned. "You like someone Pisces? Who?" he asked nervously. Cancer looked over with a bored expression, she didn't want to be present when Pisces asked out Scorpio. "Yeah about that, I like girls" Pisces whispered just loud enough for Cancer to hear. Cancer looked up in surprise and Scorpio grinned. "That's excellent because I'm gay" he admitted and giving Pisces a turn to look surprised. "Wow who the heck do you like then because I thought it was him?" Cancer asked loudly and the two turned to her calmly. "Leo?" Pisces admitted nervously as she fidgeted with her necklace. "Did not see that coming" Cancer said as she walked over and sat on the bed opposite to them. "So you like Gemini, Scorpio who do you like?" Pisces asked with a grin. Scorpio gave her a fake bored look and crossed his arms almost playfully. "No man is worth my time" he said as he tried to wipe the huge smile off his face. Cancer giggled and looked down at her hands, this must be what having friends felt like. 

 Cancer had never been big on people, in fact she couldn't stand most people. But when she met Gemini everything changed. He seemed almost to perfect for the villain kingdom, he was surprisingly small and needed protecting from his mother. Cancer loved the feeling of protecting someone and would follow Gemini around everywhere to get the thrill of protecting him. Gemini had learned to trust Cancer and would always ask for hugs and attention from her. As obvious as it was that Cancer had like Gemini for years she hadn't figured it out for a very long time, and when she did she freaked out and tried to distance herself from Gemini. The weeks she spent without him were the worst of her life, she sat moping around the house and complaining about life to her very unenthusiastic mother. Ursula had insisted that Cancer go talk to Gemini and ask him out immediately, but Cancer wasn't so sure at the time. But being in the house with the zodiacs seemed to change everything. Gemini was getting other friends and even talking to some of the girls, Cancer had to claim him quick. "Oh girls, did someone just say Leo and Gemini were back?" Scorpio taunted and interrupted Cancer's thoughts. Both Cancer and Pisces turned beet red and hid their faces but Scorpio dragged them out of the room and down the stairs. "Shoot your shot, and if it fails we can get drunk and eat marshmallows" he said as he pushed them into the dining room. 

Cancer flushed when she saw Gemini. She turned to Pisces and nodded slowly before walking over to Gemini. "Hey Gem, could I talk to you?" she asked nervously. Her stomach was full of butterflies and she felt like she couldn't breathe, she had never been so scared in her life. Gemini gave her the smile she had loved for so many years and nodded. Cancer took his arm and led him out the front door, she felt as though her cheeks were on fire just from touching his arm. "So what do you need Cancer?" Gemini asked as he leant against the wall in a very attractive way. Cancer felt the words evaporate from her head and she choked on air. Gemini frowned confused and asked nervously if she was alright. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine" she said in a high pitched voice. She swallowed nervously and blurted out "I like you Gemini." Gemini looked stunned and asked "What?" as he leant forward to Cancer. "I like you, will you go out with me?" she asked but Gemini didn't say anything, instead he kissed her. The entire world seemed to stop spinning and Cancer felt like her legs turned to jelly. Gemini broke off the kiss and pulled Cancer into a hug. "I was going to ask you" he whispered as he kissed her hair and hugged her tighter. Cancer smiled and pulled out of the hug to kiss Gemini again. Cancer broke off the kiss and looked into Gemini's eyes, she couldn't believe he said yes. "Dinner!" someone yelled from inside, Gemini turned towards the front door and sighed. "Well I am quite hungry, how about we have some dinner?" he offered and Cancer nodded. The two intertwined their fingers and walked into the house hand in hand. 

Romance. Not something I normally write and I hope I did okay. This was a nice one to write and it's quite a happy chapter. Thank you for reading and I hope to see you in whatever I upload next. 

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