Chapter 30

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                                                                This chapter belongs to no one. 

War, something Aries's parents had lived through, but not her. 

Worse of all her parents helped declare this war. Sagittarius and Ophiuchus were no where to be found, Libra had been dragged along by the adults, and Aquarius was chained up and gagged again. Aries was shuffling after the adults with Aquarius, she had been forced to join their little party since she was the only person who could calm down the crazy Prince of Hearts. Aquarius was humming his 'death song' through his gag, a song he had only started singing when the war drums began. The lyrics everyone had heard were

"Everything is going to burn, all around us. Children dying, mothers fighting, people lying, all around us. Everyone you've ever loved will lose their minds and lose their love, everything will turn to dust. Beware the fury of the jury when you get your sentence. You will hold the sword and you will help end this"

Not an extremely happy song, but Aquarius was not an extremely happy person.  Aquarius began laughing manically through his gag again so Aries leant over and took his hand, this stopped him from becoming violent. He looked at her and then smiled through his gag. Aries looked at all the adults, they were busy fighting among themselves and threatening civilian's. Aries leant over and pulled the rag out of his mouth. He opened and shut his mouth a few times before smiling at Aries. 

"Well this plan did not go as planned" he laughed as he looked around at the burning buildings. 

"What was that song?" Aries asked as she took a step away from Aquarius, as much as she liked him she was scared to be around him. He frowned when he saw her step back and replied "I don't know really, it just felt right." The fire danced in his eyes and he looked completely different to how Aries was used to seeing him. A moment of realization clicked in her head, Aquarius should've been locked away in the villain kingdom. Aquarius looked at her confused and asked "Why are you stepping away Aries? I thought we were friends." Aries didn't have time to reply before Merida shoved the rag back in his mouth and took him away. The look on Aquarius's face said everything Aries needed to know, that he liked her back. Aries looked at the ground and let a single tear stream down her face, she had messed everything up. 

"What do you mean you heard drums?!" Gemini demanded as tears began streaming down his face. Leo was in hysterics and Cancer had been let free. Sagittarius had explained everything that had happened, about the drums and the barrier disappearing. "Mom!" Cancer yelled and bolted out of the door, followed quickly by Anna who wanted to help. "What's wrong?" Belle asked as she ran over to Gemini. "The war is happening, and the barrier broke so everyone has their powers back" he sobbed and hid his face in his hands. "What have they done?" Cinderella whispered as she took a step back in terror. The situation they were in was finally sinking in. Even the queens and princesses that had joined them could tell that this was a very bad situation. 

Maleficent looked out the window of her castle to see a mob of very angry kings and scared children outside of her house. She had heard the war drums and was preparing herself for the fight, but she had noticed that Philip and his son were there. The poor boy was shaking and his father was trying to plead with Adam and Li Shang to call off the fight. That was the boy her son had become so interested in, he was smaller than she had envisioned. Despite what most people would believe, Maleficent didn't have any hard feelings towards the child. He was the only man her son had ever talked about happily. He barely spoke a word about Aquarius, or Pisces and Cancer, only Libra. She saw him and his father argue with Adam, the leader of this war. To her amazement Adam leant over and punched Philip in the face. She could hear Adam's words, telling Philip he would react the same way if he lost one of his kids. Libra started asking his father if he was okay and tending to the wound, but Adam gave the teenager a matching one. The punch sent Libra falling to the ground holding his face in surprise. 

Maleficent walked away from her window. She opened the back door to her castle and walked outside, towards where the kings were fighting. Philip was wiping away blood from his nose while his son tried to force his jaw back into place. Both men looked at Maleficent in terror, Philip nodded a little bow before he turned to his son. 

"What relationship do you have with my son?" Maleficent asked as she towered above Libra. He glanced sideways at his father and then pointed to his jaw. Maleficent bent down and muttered a spell which fixed his jaw. She repeated her question as Libra moved his mouth around uncertainly. 

"We're friends" he replied as he went to help his father. 

"Do you like my son?" she demanded. 

"He's my friend so yes" he answered and wiped away the blood on his fathers face. She could tell he was absolutely terrified, so was Philip, but they were both very good at keeping a poker face. 

"As a lover Libra, do you love my son?' Maleficent demanded. Philip and Libra both stopped dead and turned to look at her. "Dad?" Libra tried and Philip patted his shoulder. "You used to yell that you were going to marry a prince while you wore dresses, yes we knew" he said and leant against the wall. Libra took a long breath of relief and smiled. "Probably not the best time to admit it, but I'm gay" he said and Philip ruffled his hair. 

"Top or bottom?" Philip teased, Libra punched him in the gut and smiled as he father bent over in pain. Maleficent crossed her arms and gave Libra a warning look, she wanted her question answered. Libra looked at her like she had forgotten she was standing there and nodded slowly.

"I think so?" Libra asked, terrified of the reactions of both parents. "Don't tell your mother" Philip warned but slapped his son on the shoulder. 

"Excellent Libra, if you want a place in my family I want you to help my son, he is the one they are searching for" Maleficent instructed. Philip took a step forward. "I will help too,  my only focus is to stop this war" he declared in a very kingly manor. Libra looked at his father with pride while Maleficent rolled her eyes like she was tired of his bullshit, she had ever right to be considering he killed her once. 

"Oh and Aurora hears none of this or she will murder me herself, I'm honestly quite scared of her" Philip added. Maleficent raised an eyebrow in amusement but began leading the way to wear Hades lived. 

Another chapter done, I finally get to write some cool stuff instead of romance. I prefer action and violence to romance, so this is fun to write. But were on chapter 30 already, I have no idea how long this story is going to turn out to be anymore. Anyway Thank you for reading and I hope to see you in whatever I upload next. 

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