Chapter 34

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'Fuck you John' was all Aquarius could think of as he fell to the ground. He lay on the ground muttering curse words under his breath as Cancer tried to pull him back onto his feet. 

"Run Cancer!" he yelled as the kings caught up to them. Cancer took one last pleading look at Aquarius before Anna pulled her away. There was a bounty on Aquarius's head, probably a large one. He was expecting to die from his mother, not from his father but it was still in the family. Aquarius pushed himself into a sitting position and looked up at the kings. Guns were pointed at his face and multiple swords, the only one not holding a weapon was Philip who was trying to reason with the other kings. 

"Fuck you John" Aquarius groaned and lay back down on the ground. John looked unimpressed and put his finger on the trigger of his gun. Aquarius looked up into his fathers eyes and grinned. 

"I thought it would be mom" he said casually. His father shifted uncomfortably and replied "I thought it would be her too." 

"Don't kill him now, we can use him as bait for the other ones" Adam said calmly, all his anger had disappeared and he looked stone faced down at Aquarius. Aquarius smiled up at him, he felt giddy and lightheaded probably from the blood loss. His raised up his middle finger and laughed at the king "Fuck you all" he giggled. Winston barked an order to his guards and watched them chain up Aquarius. Aquarius stared at him the whole time and as he was being taken away he whispered "I'm going to kill you." Winston looked upset but didn't stop the guards from dragging his son away. Just as Aquarius was about to turn the corner he yelled "Where the hell is my daughter?" 

Winston turned away from his son and looked at the other kings. "Your daughter is safe" he replied before Aquarius was out of view. 

Aquarius had lost track of time how long he had been in the cell. Hours, a day maybe? It had been forever and he was completely bored. He had chains around his ankle's, around his wrists, and one around his neck. There was a spike attached to the one around his neck that kept him from speaking, he couldn't even open his mouth without the spike piecing into the bottom of his chin. 

He was half tempted to just open his mouth anyway and feel the pain he was so bored, but that's when he heard a strange noise. It was the sound of guards yelling and then people in armor falling to the ground, someone must have broken in. Aquarius tried to look outside of the cell but it was impossible with the chains on, whoever had broken in he hoped it would be someone he liked. 

A girl with black hair and a mischievous grin looked through the bars on the cell. She winked and pulled the key out from her pocket to unlock the door. 

"Hi Aquarius" Aries smiled as he took off his neck chain. 

"About time" Aquarius retorted with a playful smile. Instead of Aries unlocking the rest of the chains she grabbed his face and kissed him deeply. Aquarius, still chained up, froze in absolute astonishment and stared at her. He tried speaking but his words seemed to have left him. 

"I'm very glad to see your teenage romance playing out, trust me I had my own, but there are more guards coming" Jim said as he looked at the two teenagers with a grin. Aries smiled sheepishly and unlocked the rest of the chains and set Aquarius free.

Aquarius looked around at all the zodiacs and their siblings, there were only three missing. 

"Daddy!" Alice yelled and ran over to him. Aquarius laughed and scooped up his daughter and began kissing her cheek. He twirled her around and finally rested her against his chest where he kissed her forehead and cuddled his giggling daughter. 

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