Chapter 35

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Gemini had become particularly clingy since Cancer had rejoined the group. Cancer wasn't complaining but it was quite strange having him holding onto her all the time. 

Her mother wasn't a very touchy person so she spent most of her time alone, until she met Gemini of course. Gemini was always a bit of a clingy attention seeker, not in a bad way he just needed a lot of attention. 

Cancer loved this about him, she was almost never alone when he was around. They used to spend all their nights creating stories for them to roleplay as. Cancer would always find herself in the role of the dragon and Gemini would be the prince that killed her. Overtime however the games changed, Gemini would still be the prince but Cancer would be a princess. 

She remembered getting Ursula's help building a huge tower out of whatever furniture and pillows they had in the house and they would put Cancer on top. Gemini would always find creative ways to get Cancer down from the tower, one time he even climbed the roof and swung through the window. 

She loved having him cuddling her arm, it showed how worried he was when she had run off. They had changed so much since they had last built their ridiculous castles and played dragons. 

All of the zodiacs were preparing for the air attack Leo was leading, everyone except Cancer and Gemini. He was still clinging to her side and he was clearly not going to move. 

He still had tears in his eyes as he looked back up at Cancer. At least he had stopped properly crying, Cancer wasn't very good at comforting crying people. 

"Don't ever do that again" he whispered. 

Cancer smiled down at him, a smile that felt so amazing Cancer didn't know if she had ever smiled like that before. It was like rainbows had suddenly smacked her in the face and filled her brain with color, that's how amazing her smile felt. She didn't know if she had ever felt so happy in her entire life. 

"I'm not going to do it again" she promised and kissed her boyfriends head. The happy feeling lingered on for hours, she had never felt so amazing. 

That was how love felt, Cancer finally knew what true love felt like. Now she understood why all the princesses had been chasing it, it felt amazing to have someone to love who loves you back. She took a deep breath in and then exhaled the air, she never wanted to let go of the feeling. 

She kissed Gemini's head again and watched the others prepare to launch the attack. 

"Oooooo we got the lovers cuddling on the bench!" Sagittarius taunted and made his hands make out like they were puppets. 

"Shut the fuck up you turkey dog brained mouse dropping line of shit!" Cancer yelled back, momentarily stopping everyone from what they were doing so they could process her words. 

"I'm a what?" Sagittarius yelled back in confusion and gave her the most dumbfounded look she had ever seen. 

"You heard me" she sassed back and dramatically tossed her hair behind her shoulder. Gemini grinned up at her and cuddled up into her neck. 

"I love you" he whispered into her neck. She smiled again and whispered "I love you too" and then readjusted herself so she could hold him better. 

Alice giggled and clapped her hands at the couple before Aquarius scooped her up and kissed her cheek. 

"You two could be helping" he said after he put his daughter onto his shoulders. Gemini shook his head and replied "Nah man I seriously don't want to help." Aquarius rolled his eyes and walked off with his daughter singing on top of his head. 

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