Chapter 3

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"Mother the mail is here" Leo said as she walked through the door. Helga held out her hand and Leo gave her the letter. "The palace is sending us mail now, what next?" Helga said as she opened the letter and began reading. Leo turned on the kettle and opened the cupboard as she began preparing to make her mother's coffee. "Leo you might want to read this one" Helga said uncertainly. Leo walked over and took the letter from Helga's hands. Leo scanned over the letter and frowned as she reread it. "I'm being taken to a house of zodiacs and your able to get out of the kingdom, they're setting us free?" Leo asked and Helga smiled and nodded. "I think we're leaving" Helga said as she began to laugh, Leo smiled and began to laugh as well. "They finally accepted my misleading claims" Helga said as she hugged her daughter. "I promise we're going to travel together just like we planned" Helga said as she kissed Leo's forehead. "We're going to travel all through Snow White's kingdom just like I promised, it's beautiful there" Helga said as she ran over to the cupboards and began pulling everything out. "Let's start packing now and then spend tomorrow saying goodbye" Leo said as she ran up to her room to put everything in her cardboard boxes. "We're finally leaving" Leo whispered to her toy pig, she hugged it closed to her chest and she sighed a happy sigh as she starting packing again. Whatever lay in front of her must be better than living in the kingdom that she grew to call home. 

"I'm leaving?!" Capricorn yelled and Prince Charming sighed. "Yes, your going to live with the other zodiacs" Prince charming said as gently as he could, Capricorn growled and opened her mouth to spill her mind. "Honey we think it's for the best for you to meet new people" Cinderella said quickly so Capricorn wouldn't begin screaming. "New people?! You want me to meet villains?!" Capricorn growled and Prince Charming nodded. "It's a learning experience" Prince Charming said and Cinderella nodded as to back him up. "Maybe you'll make some new friends and get some new life skills" Cinderella and then frowned when she saw her daughters horrified face. "Life skills? With the villains? I suppose you just want me to die" Capricorn screeched and her parents looked down. "Maybe the villains wont be so bad, I heard that one of the boys is quite nice" Cinderella said and Prince Charming nodded. "Boys?! You want me to get married?" Capricorn yelled and Prince Charming sighed. "We would like you to but that's not why your going" he said and Capricorn growled. "Well you'll see how long I stay there, I'll be back home in less than a month!" Capricorn said before she turned on her heel and walked out of the room. Capricorn walked up the stairs in a fowl mood, her damn parents were interfering with her perfectly boyless and friendless life. She burst threw her bedroom door and jumped on her comfy bed, but something was sticking into her ribs. She growled and got off the bed to find a letter, she smiled and blushed as she tore it open. 'Hello Capricorn, Look's like we will be meeting soon, In two days' the letter read and Capricorn felt her heart leap. 

"Son" Philip said as he sat his only son down at the table. "Father" Libra said nervously, a family meeting was never good in his house. "We have good news" Aurora said and Lira tensed up even more. "Your pregnant again?" he asked and Philip burst into laughter. "No, three kids is enough" Philip said as he pointed to Libra's siblings, Cassiopeia smiled and Lacerta just sat bored. "We have different news, you moving out" Aurora said and Libra's eyes widened as he tried to figure out how that was good news. "What did I do?" Libra asked and Aurora started to laugh. "Nothing sweetie, you get your wish, your going to meet the villain kids, well only some for now" Aurora said and Libra's eyes widened. "Really?!" he asked as he jumped out from his chair and Lacerta laughed. "Yes, your going to meet a few villain kids just like you've wished for three years" Philip said and Libra began to dance around the room. "Honey can you please sit down?" Aurora asked and Libra stopped and raised an eyebrow. "Maleficent's son is a zodiac according to our sources, we don't know for sure but his mother may want to hurt you, please avoid him at all costs, I don't want to lose you" Aurora said and Libra's eyes widened. "She had a son????" all three kids yelled and Philip raised his hand. "Yes, one with lots of powers and a ruthless leader, we don't want you go near him" Philip said and Libra nodded. "Going near him would be suicide, his mother probably hates us" Libra said and his parents nodded. "But maybe I can be his friend and he wont hate us and instead help us help the people of his kingdom" Libra continued and both his parents facepalmed. "We're you listening?" Cassiopeia asked and Lacerta was staring at his brother with a dumbfounded look. "I was, I'm going to go pack now" Libra said as he left the table before his family got another word in. Libra walked into his room and asked his maids to help him begin to pack. He turned to his bed and stood motionless as he saw a black letter sitting there. 'Watch your back' the letter read and Libra felt strangely like he was being watched. 

"Son" Maleficent said as her only son walked through the door. "Hi mum" Scorpio said as he kissed her hand and looked at the letter in her hand. "Belle asking for your powers again, she really should just quit" Scorpio said as he opened the mug cabinet and took out his favorite mug. "No, your leaving" Maleficent said as she looked at her son with an unreadable face. "Leaving? For Jafar's place again?" Scorpio asked as he put the kettle on the stove. "No, for Belle's kingdom" Maleficent replied and Scorpio's body stiffened. "Why?" Scorpio asked as he turned around and saw the large smile on his mothers face. "Your leaving as a zodiac, it's finally time for our plan" Maleficent laughed and Scorpio dropped his mug. "The plan, that involves me having powers and knowing how to use them" Scorpio said and Maleficent scoffed. "I'll give you my spell book, you'll learn in no time" she said and Scorpio nodded. "Finally, my time to shine" Scorpio said as he lay against the wall. "Yes, have you memorized the plan?" Maleficent asked and Scorpio grinned. "Since I was three" he said before he walked out to begin packing, the zodiacs weren't going to know what hit them. 

Hello hello, hello hello. Yeah more song lyrics, I really like music. Finally done with introductions and now I can start writing the main story. I hope you like all the characters and that your excited for more, because I am. Only one ship for this story has been mostly decided so if there's a ship you want to see you can comment it and I'll consider it, I really need help with ships I can never figure out who I want with who. Anyways, hope you enjoy and I'll see you in the next chapter of whatever story I upload next. 

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