Chapter 23

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It was finally the day. The day when Libra would break things off with Virgo. He couldn't keep toying with her like he felt he was doing. She was much better off with some other guy, someone like Taurus or Sagittarius. He looked over his shoulder to get a glimpse at Scorpio's bed. Scorpio was laying on his stomach and cuddling a pillow to his chest as he scrolled on Aquarius's phone. Libra turned to Gemini's bed and tried to see him. Gemini was half on the bed laying in the most uncomfortable sleeping position Libra had ever seen. Libra took a deep breath and sat up to talk to Virgo. He looked over at the clock and almost fell off the bed in shock when he realized the time. "It's 3:52 am? What the heck did we do last night?" he asked and turned back to look at Scorpio.

Scorpio muttered curse words under his breath and slammed the phone down on the pillow, it was then that Libra realized what he was actually hiding. "Scorpio why is your hair not black?" Libra asked surprised as he stared at his blue hair. Scorpio groaned and turned to look a him with a pleading look. Libra crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow as he waited for Scorpio to explain. "It's a lo-" he started but Libra cut him off. "Long story, I've heard that before. I want the story now" he interrupted and glared at Scorpio. Scorpio rolled onto his back and looked at Libra nervously. "It's my dads hair color" he muttered. Libra just looked at him confused for a moment before repeating "Your dads hair color." Almost instantly puzzle pieces seemed to fall into place as Libra realized who Scorpio's father was. "Your father is Hades?" he demanded in horror and surprise. Scorpio didn't answer and instead ran out of the room.

Libra glared across the table as he waited for the rest of Scorpio's explanation. His hair was now back to black and he was avoiding Libra's gaze. Libra sighed and tried to think about literally anything other than forcing Scorpio to tell him everything. He still had to talk to Virgo. He turned and tried to spot Virgo at the table, she was at the end talking happily to Taurus. "So what happened last night? I just woke up in bed without remembering anything?" Leo asked and distracted Libra. "I don't remember either" Sagittarius added. One by one all the others admitted to not remembering anything, all except Gemini and Scorpio who were shooting each other concerned looks. "Nothing happened" Gemini said nervously as he stood up and began clearing the table. Libra looked down the end of the table and saw Virgo stand up. He shot up from his chair and ran after her quickly. "Virgo I need to talk to you" he panted as he reached her. Virgo smiled brightly and Taurus scowled as they both turned to look at Libra. "Sure Libra, I'll study with you soon Taurus" Virgo said apologetically to Taurus. Libra sighed in relief and began walking with Virgo to go somewhere private. 

No where in the house was private except the bathrooms which wasn't a good place to break up with someone. Libra had to resort to taking her outside and finding some large rocks for them to use as chairs. "Virgo I needed to talk about something" Libra started nervously as he racked his brains for the right words. Virgo seemed to notice something was wrong and frowned as she waited for Libra to continue. Libra stayed silent as he thought of what to say. He began to fidget as he looked into her eyes and took a deep breath. "Virgo I don't think we're going to work" he finally said after minutes of silence. Virgo frowned as if she didn't understand and tilted her head to the side as she tried to process the words. "Are you" she started before tilting her head even more and continuing "Breaking up with me?" Libra sighed and nodded slowly as he stared at the ground, not wanting to look her in the eyes. Virgo stayed silent for a minute as she looked at Libra, tears had welled in her eyes and she looked lost. "What did I do?" she choked out as she tried to hold back her tears. "Nothing Virgo, it's me that's the problem" he admitted as he looked up and at her face. He felt awful that he was the one who made her cry, she deserved to be happy all the time. "But I'm sure you'll find someone else Virgo. Your an amazing girl and any man would be happy to have you" Libra said reassuringly as he put his hand on Virgo's. Virgo snatched her hand away and walked away from Libra without another word. Libra frowned to himself as he watched her leave, he didn't mean to make her cry. 

Libra sat on the rock silently. So much had happened that day, finding out Scorpio's father and breaking up with Virgo. "That's where you went, we were looking for you" a voice said and someone sat down on the rock where Virgo had been sitting. Libra looked up at Leo and smiled weakly. "Did something happen?" she asked concerned but Libra shook his head. "How's Virgo?" he asked as he sat up straight to look at Leo properly. "Well she came into the house crying but she didn't tell anyone why" Leo replied confused as she studied Libra's face for an answer. "What did you do?" she asked slightly more firmly. "Told her we wouldn't work" he admitted as he looked back down at the ground. Leo sat up straighter and stared down at Libra without saying anything. Libra felt the hair on his neck stand up underneath her gaze. Leo just sat quietly as she waited for an explanation. Libra still stayed silent and didn't look up at her. A yell came from inside the house and Leo turned to look where the noise had come from. "Sounds like Cetus is yelling at someone again" she commented as she turned back to Libra. "Yeah she does that a lot" Libra joked weakly. Leo gave him a small smile and stood up. "I you broke up you must have had a reason, I won't ask anything more" she said as she prepared to walk away. Libra frowned and looked down at his hands, he was done keeping his secret to himself. 

"Leo wait" he called out and looked up to see where she was. Leo had only taken a few steps and she had turned around to look at Libra. "Can we talk?" he asked as he met Leo's eyes. She nodded and walked the few steps back over and sat down on the rock again. "It's about why I broke up with Virgo, I think I like men" he admitted as he squeezed his hands together nervously. Leo stayed completely silent for a minute as she processed his words. "Only think?" she asked and Libra nodded. "Well I've only ever been attracted to one person, and he's a he" Libra explained as he looking into her eyes for advice. "When did you realize?" she questioned. "First day we moved in and I saw him" Libra said as he thought back to the day. The day Scorpio had made his entrance and tried to kiss his mothers hand. It had scared Aurora so much she was willing to stop Libra from living in the same house as Scorpio. From day one Scorpio had showed he wasn't scared of the rules and didn't care about peoples feelings. But as they adjusted to the house he changed, he was a bit friendlier and spent half of his time with Pisces and the other half with Cancer. "Who is it?" Leo asked and shattered Libra's thoughts. He looked back to Leo and opened his mouth to say the name but no sound came out, he tried again but couldn't seem to say his name. "You don't have to say" Leo said reassuringly. Libra shook his head and opened his mouth again. "Scorpio, I think I like Scorpio" he admitted. 

Capricorn couldn't believe her ears, Libra had just admitted to liking Scorpio. They were practically enemies and Libra's parents would never accept them being together. She covered her mouth as she waited for Leo to say something else. "You like Scorpio? You do realize he is the son of Maleficent?" Leo asked in horror as she stared at Libra. "Yes I know, and I know his father now" he added causing Capricorn to gasp in surprise.  "His father? But no one knows who he is" Leo said in surprise. "Yeah well I wasn't supposed to know either, he didn't expect me to wake up" Libra admitted. More yelling came from inside the house and someone screamed Libra's name very loudly. Libra sighed and got up off his rock and began walking back to the house, Leo followed him quickly. Capricorn uncovered her mouth and sighed as she leant against the tree she was hiding behind. She didn't mean to eavesdrop on their conversation, she was in the garden before they were. She sighed and began walking back to the house almost bursting with the need to tell Aries what she had heard. 

I know this chapter is a bit iffy, and probably not written well. But I did what I was supposed to do in this chapter, ruin a couple. So we found out some secrets in this chapter, very exciting. It was all be important in later chapters. Well I hope you enjoyed this weird chapter and I hope to see you in whatever I upload next. 

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