Chapter 28

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                                                                                 Libra and Aquarius

"Where on earth is Scorpio, Pisces, and Cetus?" Adam demanded with a very intimidating beast look. Ferdinand and Snow White stood next to him with very worried looks as well as Belle who was two seconds away from a crying fit but was trying to keep a straight face. All the remaining zodiacs told the exact same story, that they must have slipped away in the night. 

"Are you sure you didn't see anything Libra? You do sleep in the same room as one of the missing ones" Adam asked again. Libra shook his head and retold his story. "Don't you have a tracker on Scorpio anyway?" Taurus asked and Adam frowned. "It appears he and his mother found a way to break the tracker, we can no longer see Scorpio's name on the map" Adam admitted. 

"How do we find my daughter?" Snow White asked panicked. "Well we can go through Wonderland, everyone ends up in Wonderland" Aquarius suggested. A look of consideration passed over both the kings faces and they turned to look at each other before turning back to Aquarius. They all looked very grim and has extremely series looks on doubt. "Lead us through Wonderland" Ferdinand demanded, but anyone could hear how nervous he was. 

Aquarius pushed open the red gates into his kingdom. Carriages only went up to the gates and never inside the kingdom, they were to scared to go anywhere near the Queen of Hearts. a red brick road stretched in front of them, it was surrounded by beautiful red roses. Libra looked closely at the roses just to check that they weren't painted before he got dragged away by Aquarius who still had trouble walking. 

"Our best guess is that Scorpio broke more rules and went back to the villain kingdom with the girls, we have access to the villain kingdom by law so we can take care of people making trouble" Aquarius explained as he stumbled along. Two gardeners looked up relived that someone had come into the kingdom only to run away screaming when they saw Aquarius. 

"Take care of villains?" Aries asked uncertainly as she watched the gardeners scramble away from them. Aquarius turned to look at her with a blank expression. "Execute them Aries" he answered before walking forwards again. Libra looked at Aries's concerned expression as she looked around the kingdom in stunned silence before jogging to keep up with the others. Libra was probably the most nervous of all the zodiacs. He knew that if it was Scorpio and Pisces they would be fine, but Cetus was with them. Cetus was uncontrollable and explosive, she probably got them into trouble and that's why they hadn't come back.  Libra was hoping they knew that help was coming. 

"It's three o'clock normal time so it's ten-thirty wonderland time, my mother will be executing people in the right hand garden so we need to go to the left" Aquarius declared as he looked at his stopwatch. "Executing at ten in the morning?" Leo whispered in horror. "Let's not run into your mother then" Libra suggested and Aquarius nodded. The two of them turned to the left and began walking down a white path with red paint peeling away. It was clear the path had been painted over with red paint but the rain, or maybe the gardeners, had washed it all away. "Why is the path white?" Adam asked quietly, despite being a king he was still terrified of the Queen of Hearts. "For my aunt, it was painted when they were children but she repainted it the second she got in control" Aquarius explained rather loudly. Almost everyone jumped at his loudness and looked around terrified as if the Queen of Hearts would come around the corner and execute everyone on the spot. 

Eventually they stopped walking on the white path and turned onto the orange path. The orange path lead towards the Mad Hatters and his extravagant tea parties. Libra was surprised to see that Wonderland was almost empty, they had only seen a few people scurrying away when they saw Aquarius. Libra was also relived to see that he wasn't the only one noticing the lack of people. Snow White and Belle were both turning their heads nervously as if they were trying to spot any living person around. Aquarius noticed everyone's confusion and answered their silent question. "Everyone's at the execution, she likes it when family's watch them die" he explained. Gemini gagged and Snow White turned even whiter at his words. Libra turned to him in horrified amazement. "She makes them watch their own family members die?" he whispered and Aquarius gave him a small nod. "Wonder why I don't like my mother?" he asked, almost everyone was pale and were walking through the kingdom practically on their tip toes so not to make a noise. 

Aries had become so fidgety and nervous that she had grabbed Aquarius's hand and was holding onto it while she looked around in terror. Libra and Aquarius exchanged a look, with one boys face being of confusion the other one winking and faking lovey eyes. Aquarius elbowed Libra in the ribs but didn't let go of Aries's hand. "Alright were here" Aquarius declared and they stopped in a completely empty forest clearing. Libra looked around in amazement, he was certain the forest had appeared out of no where. "Wow!" Virgo exclaimed as she looked around in amazement, everyone else was doing the same. "How does this work?" Taurus asked as he also looked around in amazement before he and Virgo made awkward eye contact and both looked away nervously. Aquarius rolled his eyes and answered "We're in Wonderland, nothing works the same here."

Aquarius opened a bag that seemed to appear out of nowhere and pulled out the contents. "Why keeps putting ducks in here?" he muttered as he let some ducks waddle out of the bag and then handed Aries and Libra random assortments of things out of the bag. He finally pulled out a small key and began feeling the air around him. He muttered more things under his breath before he smiled to himself. To everyone's amazement Aquarius opened a door out of thin air. Taurus and Virgo both laughed before making more eye contact and turning away awkwardly. It was Libra's turn to roll his eyes at them and turned to Aquarius. "Does that lead into the villain kingdom?" he asked and Aquarius nodded. "Let's go!" Snow White exclaimed and walked though the door. Everyone glanced at each other nervously before also walking through the door. Libra and Aquarius looked at each other and smiled. "Let's get our pillow back" Libra smiled and Aquarius grinned.

"What villains do we look out for?" Capricorn asked, despite the fact she had already been inside the kingdom. "Scar, Ursula depending on her mood, Cruella, Claude Frollo, Maleficent, Gaston, Hades. Yeah just most of them" Aquarius replied casually before opening another door that lead into the main street of the villain kingdom. Almost the second the door swung open the dark room they were standing in got filled with screaming. People ran away from the now open door and people were yelling that the heart guards had returned. "Where exactly are we going?" Belle asked and Aquarius shrugged. "Wherever they are?" he suggested and everyone looked at him in horror. 

"That's it? No plan?" Gemini demanded as he looked around his old kingdom in terror. "He's probably at his mother or fathers place, but I don't feel like knocking on his mothers door and I don't know who his father is" Aquarius shrugged. Libra looked up from his feet and whispered "I know who his father is." but no one seemed to hear him. Everyone was talking nervously among themselves as they tried to make a plan. "I know who his father is" Libra said louder, this time Adam heard him. "Who is it? They might be there?" Adam boomed and everyone turned to Libra. "Hades" Libra replied before a loud scream pierced through the kingdom. 

Well this chapter is certainly something. I've been focusing on my other various stories and have been ignoring this one a bit. But I finished the chapter, now I can write a chapter for my story on ao3. Well thanks for reading this weird chapter and I hope to see you in whatever I upload next. 

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