Chapter 15

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Capricorn felt the breath leave her lungs as she stared at the body dangling from the ceiling. A rope was tied around a boys neck and his face was purple, a girl was screaming loudly in the hallway and a woman sobbed loudly. Capricorn couldn't see the people in the hallway but she already guessed who they were, Aries and her mother sobbing over her brother's death. She avoided looking at the sixteen year old's hanging body behind her as she walked up to the doorway. She felt her hair stand up on end as she felt eyes on her, she couldn't explain the feeling of being around the body. She looked in the hallway and saw a boy looking at her. Prince Pleiades looked at her with a blank expression, his mouth was sewn up and blood trickled from his eyes. Capricorn held out her hand for the prince and he took it before his eyes rolled into his head and he crumpled to the floor. Capricorn tried to scream but realized her own mouth was sewn shut. The room she was in suddenly changed and she was in a small house in a big city. Loud sobs could be heard through the house and she turned to see another body, this one bent over the bathroom sink. Ophiuchus's dead eyes stared at her and she tried to scream again as she took slow steps backwards. Capricorn tried to undo the stiches on her mouth but they didn't break, she tried to escape the house but the walls were closing in. Tears pricked in her eyes and suddenly she sat up in bed. Gasping for air with her unsewn mouth she rolled off the covers and quickly walked through the house to Ophiuchus's room. She cracked open the door and sighed with relief when she saw him snoring loudly on his bed. She shut the door and sighed with relief, that was the worst nightmare she had ever had. She silently walked back to her room and sat back down on her bed. She shut her eyes again but the thought of the body hanging from a rope came back into her mind and she opened them quickly. She felt as though she could never sleep again and she tossed and turned as she tried to get the thought out of her mind. She sat back up and decided that maybe a snack would help, there was a pack of very appetizing biscuits that she was sure no one would notice would be missing. She snuck into the kitchen and opened the cupboards before a voice asked "What are you doing?" and she turned around in horror. Sagittarius stood with his arms crossed and a blank expression on his face, almost like the one Pleiades had in her dream. "Coul-couldn't sleep" she stuttered and cringed at having to repeat her words. Sagittarius nodded and turned to look out the window before sitting down on a close by chair. "Why are you in here?" she asked and Sagittarius looked at her. "Had a nightmare and woke up, decided a snack could fix everything" he explained and Capricorn stood up straight. "That's what happened to me too" she exclaimed and Sagittarius raised an eyebrow. "Was your nightmare about Scorpio and Libra?" he asked and Capricorn shook her head. She thought for a moment and decided telling Sagittarius about seeing Aries's brother who she had never met hanging from the ceiling in her nightmare wouldn't be the best idea and she instead told the half truth. "I saw Ophiuchus in my nightmare" she said and Sagittarius frowned. She opened the biscuits and sat down on a couch, she held out the packet and Sagittarius took a few and began eating. She ate in silence and decided she should go back to bed, she said goodnight to Sagittarius and walked back up to her bedroom. She lay back down in her bed and shut her eyes, no bodies hung from the ceiling or lay on sinks. She smiled and started drifting off to sleep only to be woken up with another dream of a dead body, this time Leo lay on the ground with a knife in her chest. Giving up on sleep she rolled over onto her left side and stared at the wall until morning. 

"Wow you look awful" Gemini laughed and Capricorn playfully glared at him as she applied make-up to hide her eye bags. "You don't look so flash yourself" she retorted and Gemini grinned. "Never got back to sleep, actually no one slept well last night" he said and Capricorn raised an eyebrow. "Everyone had nightmares?" she asked and Gemini started nodding his head before shaking it quickly. "Everyone except Scorpio, he apparently slept fine" he answered and Capricorn put down her brush. "Weird how the only one to sleep fine is the one who's mother cursed someone to sleep" she said to herself and Gemini's face fell. "You know that's very insulting right? You can't possibly be saying her did it because of who his mother is" Gemini said sternly and Capricorn felt shivers go down her spine as she heard his voice, he had never sounded so serious and controlling. "No it's not like that!" she squeaked and Gemini smiled brightly. "Great! I would hate to be stereotyped for something I didn't do like you just did to Scorpio, imagine how insulted you would be if I were to say you speak to mice because your mother did" he said cheerfully and Capricorn smiled weakly, she did talk to mice when she was at home. "Why exactly are you here?" she asked as she began applying more make-up. "Cancer's real tired so I'm letting her sleep in, now I'm bored and your awake and female" he said and raised his hand to his forehead in a fake dramatic act. "Why does me being female have anything to do with anything?" she asked and turned to him confused. Gemini bit his lip and ran his hands through his hair, he looked sheepishly at her and opened his mouth only to shut it again. "What do women like?" he eventually asked and Capricorn raised an eyebrow before laughing. "Well I personally like make-up and reading, but every woman is different" she replied and Gemini nodded. "Well for this particular woman, I don't think she likes make-up and the last book she held was thrown into a fire so maybe something else" he admitted almost nervously and Capricorn smiled. "I know who it is, I think everyone knows" she laughed and Gemini turned red. "Am I that obvious?" he asked and Capricorn smiled. "Well everyone can see you really like her, it's actually quite cute" she insisted and Gemini frowned. "Well I'm ruined, reputation for being the cool, broody and mysterious villain kid is gone" he said and dramatically groaned. Capricorn raised an eyebrow, the 'cool, broody and mysterious villain kids' were clearly Scorpio and Cancer. "I think that title was stolen from you the moment Scorpio walked through the doors of the house" she said jokingly and Gemini nodded. "Oh I know, let me dream for once" he ordered in a joking manner. Capricorn rolled her eyes and turned back to her mirror and began putting on her mascara. "What are you doing?" Gemini asked in horror as he watched her apply the mascara. "Putting on my mascara?" she asked and Gemini took the brush from her. "Your going to poke your eye out with this!" he insisted and Capricorn started laughing uncontrollably as she took her brush back. 

The house was silent except for Scorpio walking through the kitchen cooking breakfast, Gemini was supposed to be cooking with him but he ended up falling asleep on the kitchen bench and Cancer moved him to the couch. Everyone had eyebags and was practically falling off their chairs as they started drifting off to sleep where they sat, the only person who was awake was Scorpio as he cooked the waffles. Capricorn had her nose deep into a romance book, soulmate books were the best in her opinion and someone was nice enough to put them in a pile on the library floor. Capricorn suddenly shut the book and placed it on the table, how dare they write a dirty scene in such a perfect book. She briefly looked around the room and saw both Ophiuchus and Leo reading their own books, she turned back to hers and skipped a few pages only to jump into the middle of the scene. She shut the book again in disbelief and disgust, how many pages was this awful scene? She skipped another two pages and sighed in relief as she saw the new chapter start and then shut the book when she saw what was written, more scenes? Now she understood why this particular book was separated from the rest of them, too many dirty scenes and not enough character progress. "Food's done you zombies" Scorpio yelled out and he walked out with a huge plate off waffles before going back into the kitchen and grabbing another two plates full. Scorpio had done his job very well, freshly cut strawberries and bowls of blueberries were on the table as well as maple syrup and honey, he had good taste when it came to waffles. "Eat up, there's hundreds more cooking" he announced before leaving the dining room again. Capricorn grinned and stacked her plate with waffles and then covered them in the berries and maple syrup, the waffles were the best she had ever tried and she prayed Scorpio would cook more food for them. Everyone began eating fast and then drinking the coffees he had made for them, the service Scorpio provided was top tier chef service. Capricorn looked into the kitchen and saw Scorpio smiling to himself, he looked at everyone eating and laughed to himself. Capricorn shrugged and began eating more and more, the food was to amazing to stop eating and before long she was laying on the couch groaning. "Why did I eat so much?" Leo whined and Capricorn nodded, everyone had eaten way more than they should of. It was almost like the food was making them eat it, it was a strange feeling and a hard one to control. Capricorn had done this before when she was younger but her mother had told her to be lady-like so she had never repeated her mistake. "I think I'm going back to bed" Virgo said and climbed up the stairs, Cetus and Aries followed to also go back to bed. Capricorn picked up the new book she had gotten from a pile on the library floor, hopefully this one wasn't full of toxic relationships and had more character growth. She opened the book and frowned, how dare the opening scene be a dirty scene. She shut the book and put it down before picking up one of the other books she grabbed from the library. No opening dirty scene and no stupid quirky girl who was different from everyone else like all cringe books had, this one was about a guy. The new book was very different to the first ones she had read, he didn't believe in love or dating other people, especially same gender dating but that all changed when he met a boy he was supposed to hate. With parents who hated each other everyone had expected both the boys to also hate each other, not for the main character to start liking the other one. Capricorn sat there reading for hours and hours until a scream cut through the yell in the house. A yell so loud and piecing and sounded a lot like Cetus's. "You vile villain!" she scream and a loud bang echoed through the quiet house, then a loud thump as someone landed at the bottom of the stairs. 

Sup, another chapter done and dusted. The chapter was quite fun to write and I enjoyed working on it, I know it isn't my best work but at least I enjoyed writing it. Now for the amazing questions I hope are going through your head, Cetus what did you do and who are you yelling at? Ten points if you guess correctly before I post the next chapter. Yeah maybe don't play my games. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to see you in whatever I upload next. 

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