Chapter 42

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Ophiuchus leant out of the balcony and blew rings of smoke into the cold morning air. 

He was sleep deprived, hadn't eaten in two full days, and was constantly running around the house trying to care for the other zodiacs. 

Cigarettes seemed to keep him just sane enough to deal with the mess that was currently the zodiac house. 

Capricorn was almost never home, always caught up in legal work. 

Pisces was also nearly never home, she was preparing incase she was going to be put in charge of her Kingdom. 

Taurus had temporarily been put in charge of the house and was getting very stressed out over it, he had never been very responsible with his own life and now he was being forced to look after others.  

Scorpio and Aquarius were both wrecks, both just seconds away from more mental breakdowns, this also meant Alice became everyone's problem. 

Alice was a good kid, but still a kid. She needed attention and care constantly, which was rather difficult when everything else needed attention. 

She was currently asleep on Ophiuchus's bed after hours of fighting with her that she needed a nap.

"Ophi?" Cetus asked and walked into the room, stepping over the piles of books on the floor and dodging the toys also laying 

Ophiuchus quickly stomped out his cigarette and turned to smile at his girlfriend. 

She frowned and moved his foot to find the remains of the cigarette, she was about to start lecturing him but then shut her mouth. 

"They're bad for you" she said and he nodded. 

"They make me feel better" he sighed and she grabbed his hand. 

"I want to make you feel better. I know your under stress, we all are. Let me help you" she said with a small smile and he kissed her forehead. 

"Unless you want to be the one caring for both Aquarius and Scorpio, I don't think there's much you can do to help" he said with a forced smile and she frowned. 

"Scorpio seems to be getting a bit better, I haven't asked Aquarius what's going on with him" she said and brushed some hair off her face. 

"He's in the middle of a battle with his mother and father. They're finally getting divorced and his mothers putting pressure on him to get married, for some reason, it's a very messy divorce and he's having to go to court. Along with that he has a child and a girlfriend he's been missing, he's got a lot of work" Ophiuchus said and Cetus nodded. 

"The divorce is very messy, cheating on both ends I heard" she said and Ophiuchus raised an eyebrow. 

"Who bagged she who must not be laid?" he asked and Cetus grinned. 

Their conversation was interrupted by Alice waking up and asking for food, which prompted all three of them to go downstairs and see the other zodiacs. 

Downstairs was surprisingly not chaos, it was messy but very quiet. 

Sagittarius had been put in charge of cooking and everyone else was lounging around. 

Capricorn was dramatically laying on the table reading paperwork while Aquarius reviewed some of his fathers arguments over the divorce, both looked up as Cetus and Ophiuchus walked in but neither reacted. 

Neither Cetus or Ophiuchus said anything either, they were both surprised Capricorn was there. 

Taurus walked in with Virgo, they looked like they had just had a huge fight. 

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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