Chapter 16

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Leo gasped as the pain filled her body and mind, she couldn't think or breath all she could think of was how much she was hurting. They were coming back for her, just like they said they would, she had to hide. She tried to get to her feet but she couldn't get her body to move, she just sat motionless as someone crouched over her. Their voice seemed to far away and yet so close to her, she wanted to reach out and talk to the person but everything felt so distant.  She could vaguely hear someone yelling for help and then screaming at someone else before everything turned black. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Cancer screamed directly into Cetus's face, Cetus took a step back and distanced herself from the angry villain child. "She deserved what happened to her! Filthy villain was stealing my things!" Cetus yelled back angrily. Gemini walked over and tried to calm Cancer down while shooting Cetus dirty looks. "Calm down Cetus, we all just need to calm down for a minute" Sagittarius said as he tried to gain control over the situation but no one payed much attention to him. "Villains are all the same, you grew up with an evil parent you become evil just like that filthy witch who stole my stuff! But you're the worst of them all Cancer! I can't stand seeing you!" Cetus screamed in Cancer's face and Cancer let out an angry roar before diving onto Cetus and punching her directly in the jaw. The two girls fell to the floor and threw punches and scratched at each other before they both suddenly froze. They both screamed as they got flung across the room by some magic source and both landed with loud thuds as they hit the walls. Cetus looked up and growled when she saw Scorpio standing in the middle of the room looking at her with a blank expression. "Oh of course the villain kid steps in, trying to be a hero now?" she taunted and Scorpio frowned before looking down at his feet. He walked out of the room quickly and Sagittarius stepped in before Cetus could yell anything else. Leo sighed and contemplated letting them know she was awake and alive. She opened her eyes and blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light. Once everything had cleared she saw Cetus screaming into Sagittarius's face. Sagittarius had a firm and annoyed expression as he waited for Cetus to stop screaming in his face. Cetus finally ended her rant and panted for more breath to keep yelling. "Now that your done, explain why you pushed Leo down the stairs" he said in a low voice and Cetus took a step back before composing herself. "She was stealing my stuff!" She yelled, taking all numbness out of Leo's brain and replacing it with rage. "I was not!" she yelled and sat up making heads turn to look at her in surprise. "Your lying! I would never steal" Leo snapped at the surprised Cetus. Cetus looked dumbfounded before gaining composure by taking a few deep breaths. "It's alright Leo, I forgive you" Cetus said with a sweet smile that could rot teeth and a mad look in her eye, she looked terrifying. "There is nothing to forgive" Leo growled and Cetus did her best to pretend to pout and hide her smile. "I'm sure it's been hard moving into a house where you don't need to steal to survive, you must still be getting used to the change" Cetus smiled sweetly and patted Leo's shoulder. "Don't you dare touch my stuff again, I don't care what you were doing or planning on doing but if it happens again you will be in more pain than what happened today" Cetus whispered before leaving the room with a small laugh. Leo watched her leave with a stunned expression, she hadn't even been touching Cetus's make-up, it was Capricorn's and she had touched because she accidently knocked it off the table and broke it. Leo ignored all the zodiacs asking if she was alright and left the room to walk up the huge staircase. 

She slipped into the library and looked around for Scorpio. Books were laying all over the floor and one fell next to Leo's foot and she looked up to see Scorpio laying on top of a bookshelf. She opened her mouth to speak but decided against it and sat down in front of the bookshelf. "I know what you did" she finally said and Scorpio let out a loud sigh. "Just forget what you saw" he begged as Leo turned to look up the shelves. "Forget what I saw? I don't know what your planning but I know it's bad and I will stop you" she said before standing up and leaving the library. Scorpio had to be planning something, so was Cancer. She walked into Ophiuchus's bedroom and looked around to find him. "You, I need to talk to you" she said coldly and Ophiuchus looked up from where he was reading. "Can it wait? I'm almost done Ganser Syndrome" Ophiuchus sighed and Leo crossed her arms to glare it him. "I want to talk about Scorpio and Cancer" she said and Ophiuchus dropped his book with a look of interest. "Go on" he said with a smile that could only be described as evil. "They're both planning something, I saw Scorpio talking to Cetus before she pushed me down the stairs, he looked like he was putting a spell on her" she explained and Ophiuchus frowned. "Scorpio should have been spell bound, Cancer too" he said and Leo nodded. "Maleficent and Ursula, can you really hide their powers away?" she asked and Ophiuchus shrugged. "Do you have a plan?" he asked as he shut his book. "You try and befriend Scorpio, I'll go for Cancer" she answered and Ophiuchus nodded. "You might want to borrow this if your befriending Cancer" Ophiuchus said as he pulled out a book labeled 'Ursula and Illness' and placed it in her hands. Leo studied the book cover before looking up at him confused. "What is this?" she asked and Ophiuchus grinned. "It's a full analacis on Ursula and partly of Cancer, every little detail from the start of her life to the end and then being reborn to be in the kingdom" he said with a large grin. Leo smiled and caught his eye before turning and walking out of the door. If Scorpio was the reason Cetus pushed her down the stairs, or just cast a spell on her, she was determined to find out the truth. She was also curious why Cancer was so aggressive and always looked like she was about to murder someone. "Ah Leo, we're taking you to hospital to make sure your alright" Pisces said as she turned to corner and crashed into Leo. "Do I need to go to hospital?" Leo asked but Pisces just dragged her away. "Come on, the cars already outside" Pisces sang as she shoved Leo out the door of the house and into a black car. Leo looked back at the house and saw Ophiuchus trying to talk to Scorpio, she smiled to herself and hoped Ophiuchus was report on anything weird Scorpio would tell him. Now she had to befriend the most hostile girl in the entire house and her plan to live happily ever after might actually work. No evil plans meant nothing to hurt her or her friends, right?

Hello again, hopefully you were not expecting Leo to fall down the stairs or Cetus being involved in it. I understand this chapter is not my best writing and I'm sorry it isn't the best. Like always I'm sorry for any mistakes I didn't see, thank you for reading and I hope to see you in whatever I upload next. 

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