Chapter 17

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"I'm fine" Libra insisted but Virgo still looked skeptical. "You looked like you were about to cry like two minutes ago" she said and crossed her arms to glare at him. "Well I was, but that was two minutes ago" Libra grinned and Virgo sighed and facepalmed. Th truth was Libra had actually been crying, he just wasn't willing to admit to Virgo that he cried over such a stupid reason as Scorpio ruining his life doing something he didn't even know he was doing.  Virgo looked back up and opened her mouth to say something before shutting it and turning away. Libra frowned, that was the fourth time she had done that in the last hour. "You did it again" he sighed and Virgo looked up nervously. "I told you it's nothing" she insisted but this time Libra was the one to cross his arms and glare. "Fine there is something, just don't freak out" she sighed and looked down at the ground. Libra's mind began to race, was she going to say she was pregnant or dying or something worse? Virgo took a deep breath and looked into Libra's eyes nervously before opening her mouth. "Libra I like you as more than a friend" she blurted out. The world suddenly stopped moving, the house seemed to go silent as Virgo's words hung in the air. Libra's mouth had gone dry and his eyes were wide as he stared at Virgo in shock. He couldn't reject her but he didn't want to be with her, he didn't want to lead her on. Hi vision started to blur as he stared at Virgo, his heart stopped beating and his thoughts became jumbled as he tried to figure out what to say. Virgo nervously raised and eyebrow and smiled awkwardly as she awaited his reply. "Will you go on a 'date' with me?" she added nervously and shifted slightly where she stood. Everything crashed around Libra as the words came out of his mouth. "Sure Virgo, I'd love too"

"My life is over" Libra groaned as he threw his pencil at the ceiling. Scorpio rolled his eyes and flipped the page in his book. Libra had flopped on his bed and Scorpio sat on his while he was reading, Libra was thankful Scorpio wasn't listening to his whining. "Why did I say yes? Now I'm leading her on and she'll hate me when I break it off because I can't love her!" he yelled dramatically as he threw his last pencil at the ceiling. Scorpio flipped the page in his book again as he tried his best to ignore the prince. Libra looked over at Scorpio with a pout, how could he not see how much he was ruining Libra's life? Scorpio looked up from his book and raised an eyebrow at Libra before going back to his reading. The door opened and Aquarius walked in to sit down on his bed and stare at the other boys. "You seem to be in a bad mood" Aquarius commented and Libra groaned. "I made a mistake and I don't know what to do" he whined and rolled onto his stomach to stare at Aquarius. "That would be?" Aquarius asked with a gesture of his hands for Libra to continue. "I agreed to go on a date with someone I don't like and now I don't know what to do" Libra admitted with a loud sigh and rolled back onto his back. "I just chopped off their heads" Aquarius shrugged and Libra threw a pillow at him and groaned "Not helpful." Aquarius shrugged and turned to look at Scorpio. "How do you turn down women?" he asked and Scorpio looked up from his reading and answered "No woman has ever approached me" before turning back to his reading. "I thought girl in your kingdom would want to be with you do you could protect them" Libra asked and Scorpio rolled his eyes. "Nothing can protect you in that kingdom, your only hope is avoid everyone except your family" Scorpio growled before again going back to his reading. Libra sighed and rolled to look at Aquarius who was staring at Scorpio with a confused look. "Aren't you like the ruler of the kingdom?" Aquarius asked and Libra quickly sat up in case Scorpio got upset. Two books flew off Scorpio's bed and hit Aquarius in the face, Scorpio grinned as he heard Aquarius's yelp of pain. Scorpio shut his book and stood up to leave the room, he placed his book on the shelf next to his bed and then left the room without another word. "My beautiful face is going to have a bruise" Aquarius complained as he pinched his nose which had been hit by a projectile book. Libra looked at Scorpio's shelf and the book he had been reading, Scorpio wouldn't mind if he read the title of his book right? Libra looked at the doorway to make sure Scorpio wasn't coming back before he ran over to look at Scorpio's book. The book was covered in leather with no title, Libra looked at the doorway again before opening the book. "Hey has anyone seen my green shirt?" Gemini yelled as he walked into the room and slammed the door with a loud bang. Libra screamed and dropped the book he was holding before dashing back over to his bed. Gemini looked very confused before walking over to his own bed and grabbing his green shirt. Libra breathed a sigh of relief before walking back over to pick up Scorpio's book. The book had fallen open on a page titled 'Appearance Spells' and had a terrifying drawing of a man turning into a wolf. Libra stared in horror as he flipped to the next page and looked at the spells and drawings. The door opened again and Libra quickly slammed the book shut and placed it back on the shelf before dashing to his bed. Scorpio walked in with Virgo, Virgo nervously waved at Libra. She was dressed up beautifully and her make-up was perfectly done, she looked stunning. "Hey Virgo, just give me a minute before we leave" Libra said as he tried his best to put on his best charming smile. Virgo nodded and left the room with Gemini so Libra could freak out again. "Shit I don't know what to wear!" Libra yelled as he raided his closet for something appropriate for fancy dinner. He finally found a good suit and quickly hopped into it before fixing his hair and preparing to leave the room. "Have fun, and if anything goes wrong make sure she is headless before you return" Aquarius sang before being hit by another book thrown by Scorpio. Libra took a deep breath and opened the door. Virgo stood outside talking to Gemini and grinned when she noticed Libra was there. "Let's go, there is a black thing outside waiting for us" she smiled and took Libra's hand. Gemini grinned as he watched them leave, he had no idea what Libra was feeling because he wasn't in the room when Libra was dying. Libra climbed into the car and taught Virgo what seatbelts were before they took off to Ariel's kingdom. Libra sneakily pulled out his phone while Virgo was distracted looking out of the car window and he quickly searched up 'How to tell someone your on a date with you just want to be friends?' and read the answers. 

'Your a great friend but I don't feel we're a romantic match'. Well that could work but would she understand?

'I'm sorry I can't return your feeling'. But would she ask needless questions after the sentence?

'I want to stay friends, but I don't want anymore than that'. That sounded slightly rude and he really wasn't trying to hurt her feelings. 

'I really enjoyed our time as just friends'. Was that too harsh?

'I've given it a lot of thought and I feel as though were just better off as friends'. This one might be the best option, but he still wasn't trying to hurt her feelings. 

He put his phone down and sighed quietly, Virgo was looking out the car window in awe and touching the glass. "How did you get such a small piece of see through glass?" she asked and Libra smiled. "They cut it" he replied and she nodded and turned back to look at the window. "My first real date with someone, I'm so glad it's with you Libra" Virgo smiled and turned to look at Libra with sparkling eyes. "Yeah I'm glad it's with you too" he chocked out, her face was so full of happiness he couldn't do anything to stop the situation. He had to break it off but she would be so crushed he didn't know if he could do. "We're here, let's go" Virgo sang as she jumped out of the car and pulled Libra out with her. They stood before one of the fanciest restaurants Libra had ever seen and they both stared in awe at it's beauty. "Wow I think I need more dates if they all look like this" Virgo giggled as she pulled Libra inside the huge building. There was nothing stopping the date from happening now, and there was no way he could break it off while they ate. Libra bit his bottom lip and began to fiddle with the buttons on his suit, how on earth was he going to stop this relationship from beginning if he couldn't tell her what he needed to tell her? He needed more time to think, and more time with the person he actually wanted to date. 

I wrote this chapter very fast I know, it came to me so easily. This chapter isn't the easiest to read in some parts and I do apologize for that. If you guys have any writing tips for me or just something you think can make the story a bit easier to read please tell me, I will try to improve my writing to make it easier for you guys. I can read this chapter perfectly but I also wrote it, I'm not entirely sure how this chapter would look to another person.  I also apologize for any mistakes in this chapter I didn't see while proofreading, I know I always miss at least one. Anyway thank you all for reading and I hope to see you in whatever I upload next. 

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