Chapter 12

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The introduction night had gone quite smoothly. Everyone except Aquarius and Scorpio were happy to introduce themselves properly and everyone explained a bit about themselves. Virgo loved listening to Ophiuchus's stories of Notre Dame and the huge bells and Sagittarius's stories of his aunt and parents. But Cetus's and Capricorns were her favorite, Capricorn talked all about the helpful animals and living with mice while Cetus talked about her seven uncles and parents. And then the party turned for the worse when Gemini and Cancer had walked in with seven bottles of red liquid and poured a glass for everyone. "Is that wine?" Libra asked with a sparkle in his eyes as he looked into his glass. "Yes, you dare to try and beat the champion drinker?" Gemini asked teasingly as he held up the four extra bottles. Libra sprung to his feet and took a bottle from Gemini. Virgo looked at Libra with an amused expression, she had no idea what wine was or why they were having a competition but she was enjoying the boys faces as they shook hands. "Cheer me on" Libra whispered and Virgo rolled her eyes before sitting up straight. Libra flipped of the cork in the bottle and both he and Gemini did the sane before they started taking large swigs of the red liquid and Virgo and Cancer we're cheering them on loudly "Beat his ass Gem!" Cancer yelled with a huge grin of her face. "Go Libra!" Virgo yelled over Cancer who shot her a dirty look. The rest of the zodiacs were sitting on the couch sitting as they watched the boys, everyone had an amused look except Aquarius, Cetus, and Scorpio who rarely ever smiled. Libra put down the bottle and admitted his defeat which sent Cancer into a loud cheer. "How do you drink so much" Libra asked as he our down his bottle of wine and stared at Gemini. "Villain child, got a head start at birth mate" Gemini said as he lowered the bottle from his lips. The two boys shook hands and called it a fair game, even though Gemini had spilled some of his everywhere. Libra stumbled slightly and Virgo quickly ran to hold him up. Libra and Gemini both sat down quickly, stumbling as they walked over to the chairs. "You alright?" Virgo asked concerned and Libra nodded before he threw up all over the floor. Virgo opened her mouth in surprise before rushing Libra to the bathroom, she had to drag him along because he was stumbling so much.

"You had way to much red drink" Virgo sighed as Libra threw up in the toilet. "I feel amazing though" Libra said before he threw up again. "Your a liar, stop throwing up and we can go back down to the party" Virgo said but Libra just groaned. "I don't want to see him" he whined and Virgo looked confused. "See who?" She asked and Libra looked down sheepishly. "No one" he said quickly as he looked back up at Virgo. "It's Scorpio isn't it? So you are scared of him" Virgo sighed and Libra groaned. "Who isn't scared of Scorpio, even Cancer avoids him as much as possible and his mother probably hates me and told him to do something to me" Libra rambled as he tried standing up but fell over. "Just sit down, Scorpio hasn't hurt anyone" Virgo said. She really hoped he wasn't going to hurt anyone, she already knew no one would dare to hurt him. "He hasn't hurt anyone yet, he's ruining my life" Libra groaned to himself and Virgo rolled her eyes. "Alright let's go downstairs" she said as she motioned for Libra to follow her. Gemini was yelling random things as the rest laughed, according to Sagittarius he was 'a drunk idiot' who needed to go to bed. "Libra's drunk too" Sagittarius said as he looked at Libra with an amused look. "Oh is he? That explains why he's acting so weird" Virgo said as she looked at Libra. Libra had found Aquarius and was hugging his side, Aquarius looked thoroughly confused and was trying to find a way to get Libra off him. "Yeah just wait till he's sobered up a bit" Sagittarius suggested before he started talking to Capricorn. Virgo had no idea what drunk or sober meant but she took Sagittarius's advice and waited a while. Libra was singing loudly with Gemini as they ran around the room screeching and dragging Aquarius along with them, Aquarius was also yelling but he was trying to get them to let go of his arms. "I will chop of your heads!" Aquarius yelled to the singing boys and both Libra and Gemini started singing louder. "What a bunch of idiots" Virgo heard Scorpio say under his breath and she turned to him with an annoyed look. "Don't say that" she snapped and then covered her mouth as she remembered what she was told about Scorpio and his mother. Scorpio looked surprised before quickly hiding it and smirking wickedly. "Oh I'm so sorry princess, I didn't mean to insult your boyfriend" Scorpio mocked, his smile had grown wider and he was clearly enjoying pissing off Virgo. "He's not my boyfriend! Keep your nose out of my business you prick!" She yelled and Scorpio grinned more. "Oh please, watching you deny your crush sickens me, just like looking at your face" Scorpio said as he lay back in his chair and looked amused at Virgo. Virgo felt her blood boil, never before had she been so mad at a living person. "You'll never be more than a price of shit!" She screamed and Scorpio grinned. "Oh I know, cry me a river princess" he said with a wink. She growled and then tried to calm down, she looked around the room and saw all the zodiacs watching uncertainly. She looked back at Scorpio and rolled her eyes at his cocky expression, everything about him infuriated her. "Roll your eyes all you want, maybe you'll find your brain back there" Scorpio laughed and Virgo growled before she walked over and slapped him across the face. The room fell silent, even the two drunk ones stared in absolute shock. Virgo looked down at Scorpio who had one hand to his cheek where he had been slapped. He was completely silent for what felt like years and the tension was so thick you could cut it. Virgo stared in horror at Scorpio before frantically apologizing. "Oh my God I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me" she said as the fear began to settle in her stomach. "Apologize again and I'll break your fucking jaw, you are nothing to me and you never will be so I don't need your pathetic apologies" Scorpio hissed, his eyes burned with hatred. He stood up and stared at Virgo with the coldest glare she had ever seen. She looked down scared and a little guilty for slapping him. He turned and left, bookshelves started shaking and things flew everywhere. Everyone ducked as an entire bookcase flew at them from across the room, whatever spell he used must be targeted at them. "What have you done?!" Pisces screamed before she ran after him and bolted up the stairs, avoiding being hit with cups as she went. "Wow" Libra said in awe as he looked at Virgo, Virgo looked at him and Scorpio's words circled in her head, there was no way she had a crush already, right?

Virgo was very glad Cetus had taught her how to use a laptop, even though she had to force Cetus into telling her. She wasn't exactly sure what a search engine was but she knew it would answer her question. She quickly typed 'how to know if you have a crush' and quickly pressed the enter button. 'You think about them constantly' she read and she sighed, she definitely did that. 'You plan conversations in your head' Virgo frowned, she had definitely done that too. 'You want to be around them' of course Virgo wanted to be around Libra, they were friends after all. 'You get nervous when your around them' Virgo shut the laptop, she had everything the list had said. Everytime she saw Libra her cheeks were hot and she felt nervous but she had just called it not being used to the surface. "You've been gone for a while" Taurus said as he leant in the doorway. "Yeah I just didn't want to go down and see him" Virgo sighed and she turned to look at Taurus. "We haven't seen him for a while, Pisces thinks he left the house" Taurus explained before he sat down next to Virgo. "Should I apologize again, he seemed so mad" Virgo said as she turned to look at Taurus. "Nah he'll get over it" Taurus replied and Virgo smiled. "What about Pisces, do you know why she reacted like that?" Virgo asked and Taurus gave her a weird look. "I think she likes him, like romantic like" Taurus said sadly, Virgo raised an eyebrow. "Did you like her?" She asked and Taurus shook his head. "As a friend, definitely not romantically, I just don't want her to get with Scorpio and be hurt" Taurus explained and Virgo nodded. "Today is proof that he is dangerous, maybe we should try and get Pisces away from him?" Virgo suggested and Taurus nodded. "Do you... like Libra?" Taurus asked slowly as if he was thinking his words over carefully. "I think so" Virgo whispered and Taurus sighed. Virgo looked at him, he was looking down at the ground with a sad expression. "Libra won't hurt me" Virgo said as she tried to cheer him up. "Yeah I know, I just hope you know what your doing" Taurus said before he stood up and left the room. Virgo watched as he walked away, had she said something wrong? "Hey is Taurus here, we're all needed down stairs" Cetus said as she looked into the room. "No he just left, why are we needed?" Virgo asked and Cetus shrugged. "The screen on the TV suddenly lit up with a message, we have to go down and listen" Cetus said before she left. Virgo groaned and stood up to follow her, she really didn't want to see Pisces and Scorpio.

Apparently I lied when I said I wasn't going to upload for a while, I won't update zodiac war until I have my laptop but I might update this one again. Sorry for any mistakes I didn't see and I hope you enjoyed. See you in whatever I upload next.

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