Chapter 20

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A loud scream rung through Cetus's ears as she looked down at Taurus who lay unconscious. The scream stopped and Cetus realized in horror that the scream was coming from her. Ophiuchus ran through the doorway with earbuds swinging from his shoulder, he put his hand on Cetus's shoulder confused before noticing Taurus. Scorpio also ran into the room and bolted towards Taurus to make sure he was alright. Ophiuchus tried to leave Cetus but she pulled him back. "Please don't leave I'm scared of blood" she rambled and Ophiuchus frowned but nodded slightly. Cetus grabbed Ophiuchus's hand and tried to stop herself from crying as she watched Scorpio look at Taurus. Loud sirens could be heard around the house and seemed to ring in Cetus's ears. Her eyes were glued to Taurus's lifeless body and her mouth hung slightly ajar in horror. Without realizing she intertwined her fingers with Ophiuchus and pulled him slightly closer, her brain was foggy and she felt dizzy looking at the sight in front of her. The door bust open and people ran into the room loudly, Cetus didn't even notice she was being slowly dragged away from the scene. 

Muffled voices and yells could be heard all through the house, even crying could be heard from the bathroom. Cetus snapped back to reality with a jolt, she looked around the room in confusion as she tried to remember how she got there. She looked to her left and gasped when she saw Ophiuchus sitting there holding her hand and reading a book. He looked up but seemed uninterested in Cetus and returned to his book. Cetus sat in absolute horror as she tried to make sense of the situation, she was in the library holding Ophiuchus's hand while people yelled downstairs. Ophiuchus looked up again and returned to his book before rolling his eyes and lowering the book. "Why are you staring at me?" he asked and Cetus frowned. "I'm not staring" she argued and Ophiuchus groaned. "Don't you dare start an argument princess, you were staring" he replied as he placed a bookmark in his book. Cetus sighed annoyed and turned away from Ophiuchus. Silence filled the room before Ophiuchus asked "Are you planning on letting go of my hand?" and turned to look at Cetus. Cetus flushed dark red and yanked back her hand. She stared in horror and anger and then put her hands in her lap and sat up straight in an almost childish attempt to intimidate him. Ophiuchus giggled quietly and then burst into laughter when Cetus pulled a sour face. "Don't laugh at me Norte Dame boy" she demanded but Ophiuchus just began to laugh harder. "Notre Dame boy? Can't remember my name princess?" he asked through his giggled. Cetus rolled her eyes and snapped "Obviously I know your name Ophiuchus." Ophiuchus smiled and jokingly said "It's an honor you remember your highness." 

Cetus walked into her bedroom and gracefully sat on the edge before flopping down. She groaned loudly and felt her face flush again as she remembered the library with Ophiuchus, she had made a fool of herself to a boy. If she had made a fool of herself in front of a girl, even Cancer, she knew she would be much less embarrassed. She rolled onto her side and reached out for her photo of her parents. "Mum I did something so stupid" she groaned to the photo and she pulled it close to her chest. She screwed her eyes shut and lay in silence for a minute before yelling could be heard from the boys side of the house. She opened one eye and turned towards the doorway curiously. Gemini was in a screaming fit with one of the girls, Cetus sighed and grabbed her earbuds to block out the yelling. She scrolled on her phone for a few minutes before finally finding a good song. The lyrics of the song seemed to flow around her, it was just another sappy love song that everyone listened to when they felt happy but it seemed to be speaking to Cetus. Every lyric and beat seemed to remind her of Ophiuchus and his laughs, that must of been the first time she had ever heard him laugh because she wasn't normally so obsessed with people laughing. She pulled out her earbuds and sat up on the bed, she carefully plugged in her phone and lay down the photo of her parents before leaving the room. She very quietly snuck past Gemini and Aries who were both screaming at each other while Cancer and Leo tried to drag them away from each other, she also snuck past Virgo and Taurus who were studying on the couch. She walked into the kitchen and put on the apron hanging in the pantry. She turned to look at the roster and groaned when she saw she was cooking dinner with Ophiuchus. 

"Did you miss me?" Ophiuchus teased. Cetus shot him a dirty look before turning back to the batter she was stirring. Ophiuchus looked in the bowl curiously then look at Cetus very confused. "What the heck is that?" he asked as he stuck his finger in the batter. "It's toad-in-the-hole mixture, we're going to have it for dinner" she retorted as she slapped his hand away. "Toad in the what?" he asked horrified and Cetus grinned in amusement. "It's sausages in a pancake like batter" she explained as she set the bowl on the table. "I didn't know you could cook" Ophiuchus said more to himself than Cetus. "Obviously I can cook, Daddy forced me to have lessons" she said as she began peeling potatoes. "You still call your father Daddy? That's so lame" Ophiuchus said mockingly as he picked up a different potato. Cetus turned to shoot him a dirty look before turning back to her potato. Silence filled the room before Ophiuchus finally broke it to ask "What else do you secretly know how to do?" and turned to look at Cetus curiously. Cetus turned to check his face to see if he was joking around, she stared into Ophiuchus's serious eyes and then turned back to peeling the potato. "I can cook, sew, clean, and proper etiquette" she replied casually. Ophiuchus nodded slowly and looked down at his hands. "Sewing huh? Have you made anything that you've bought with you?" he asked and Cetus pointed down to her light blue dress. "I mostly make dresses, although I have made a few suits for Daddy" she said and became suddenly aware of Ophiuchus's eyes. He looked in amazement at the dress she was wearing, Cetus suddenly felt very self conscious and tried to cover herself. "I couldn't even tell you made it it's that good, your fathers a lucky man to have you making his suits" Ophiuchus complimented. Cetus felt her cheeks turn red and without thinking said "I can make you one too." Ophiuchus was silent for a minute before smiling brightly and saying "I'd like that." Cetus turned an even darker shade of red and mumbled some excuse to leave before dashing to the bathroom. Cetus look in the mirror in shock, how could she have asked Ophiuchus that? She wasn't even sure he had ever owned a suit in his life, would he even want to wear it? Cetus gently slapped her cheeks and stared at herself in the mirror. "I can do this, I just need to make dinner and avoid him for the rest of my life" she told herself confidently before groaning loudly and facepalming. She opened the bathroom door and stared in absolute horror at Ophiuchus who was standing sheepishly in the hallway. "Hi, your timer beeped and I have no idea how to cook what we're cooking" he whispered before walking back to the kitchen. Cetus watched him disappear before announcing to the universe "Nope I'm just going to die now" before walking down the hallway after Ophiuchus. 

Writers block came back and I did have a bit of trouble writing. I don't know if this chapter is alright to read and if it makes sense, it makes sense to me but I'm also the one who wrote it. I am having a lot of fun writing this story and I want to make it enjoyable to whoever is reading this so if you have any complaints I would love to hear them so I can make it better and easier for you to read. Thank you for reading and I hope to see you in whatever I upload next.  

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