Chapter 14

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Another warning, sensitive topics mentioned in this chapter, read with caution


The house was surprisingly silent and Ophiuchus took a breath of relief. Cetus was bragging and Cancer wasn't screaming at anyone, it was the best way to start his morning. He sat down at the table and opened a book to begin reading. Leo and Taurus both said hello before quickly rushing to the stove where something was burning. Ophiuchus read the first few lines of the book and shut it. The book was about destined lovers and wolf packs, his least favorite types of books. He had such high hopes for this book and it never mentioned anything like it on the back, another lying book he would have to burn. He placed the book in front of him and sighed, destined lover books were all lies. He looked up and watched Leo frantically flipping pancakes and Taurus running around trying to look for a plate. Ophiuchus stood back up and walked into the library and pulled out another book. He walked back into the dining room and past Leo frantically screaming as Taurus tried to pull a hot pancake off her dress. He sat down calmly and opened the new book. He read the first few lines with interest and smiled, a book on mental disorders was way better than any romance. Eating disorders were the first in the book and Ophiuchus smiled softly as he read. Anorexia nervosa is a psychological illness that has serious physical, emotional and social consequences, often focusing on body weight. Ophiuchus read carefully as all the zodiacs began coming in and sitting down around him. "Who want's a flat food thing?" Taurus asked and Leo clarified "He means pancakes" as she held up one of the plates full of pancakes. Ophiuchus looked around the table and saw everyone happily taking breakfast except Scorpio who sat silently. Ophiuchus took his pancakes while carefully watching Scorpio take one and nibble off a corner before leaving the table. Ophiuchus ate his pancakes in silence and told himself that absolutely nothing was wrong, maybe Scorpio just slept on his stomach to much. The eating disorders were swirling through his mind, Bulimia nervosa, Anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorders, anything could be wrong with Scorpio. Ophiuchus stood up and walked out of the dining room, he looked down the hallway for any sign of Scorpio before carefully creeping down the hallway. He heard retching sounds and he turned to see Scorpio throwing up into the toilet, Ophiuchus pressed himself against the wall and watched Scorpio. Scorpio stood up and flushed the toilet before going to wash his hands and face. He turned to leave the room and walked right past Ophiuchus without noticing him, Ophiuchus took a long gasp of air before watching Scorpio leave. Did Scorpio make himself throw up or was he just sick? Ophiuchus frowned and hoped he wasn't jumping to conclusions on a person he just met. "He's probably just a bit sick" Ophiuchus told himself and smiled at how stupid he had been, thinking Scorpio had something so mentally challenging going on. Scorpio throwing up remained on Ophiuchus's mind as he sat down to eat more and he made up his mind to watch him at lunch and dinner. 

"How dare you take my castle!" Gemini yelled and Ophiuchus grinned. "Maybe you should play the game better then I wouldn't be able to take it" Ophiuchus laughed and winked at the furious Gemini. Ophiuchus had found his mind plagued with information of mental illnesses and disorders and he had resorted to distracting himself with a game of Philip Castle Dragon's, a popular board game in every kingdom. "Do you want to play Libra?" Gemini asked and Libra shook his head. "No thanks, I've played it way to many times because Mum loves it" he said and Gemini laughed. Across the table Leo, Capricorn, and Aries we're playing Aries's Trident while Cancer glared at them from across the room. Ophiuchus smiled, there was no board game for his family and there was nothing about Notre Dame at all, it was almost relieving to him. Some of the zodiacs seemed to enjoy playing all the board games while the others just looked offended. Leo hated Atlantis Hero's while Sagittarius found Ice Heart very amusing, Aquarius was glaring holes into the board of Kingdom Choppers while Cetus found playing it extremely funny. Ophiuchus looked at Cetus, she was constantly changing her mood depending on who was around. Any villain kid or Aquarius around and she would be nasty and cruel but if another girl or prince was around she would be kind and sweet. Like half the people in the house she decided Scorpio and Aquarius were both the roots of all evil and avoided or tormented them whenever she could, she also like tormenting Leo who was much easier to go after than Cancer who would most likely just beat her up. "Lunch is ready" Pisces announced and Virgo grinned from beside her, the two girls had been on lunch duty together and the kitchen had exploded with both of them singing random songs. Ophiuchus watched Scorpio go to the table and purposely sat opposite of him, it was better to see him from directly across the table. A large display of foods were set across the table, platers of hams and vegetables were scattered across the table and some which didn't fit were displayed on the bench. "We have whatever these wrap things are and you fill it with whatever food you want" Virgo explained and suddenly the table was full of everyone's hands trying to reach things and voices asking for different platters. Ophiuchus made his wrap and brought it to his mouth before looking at Scorpio. He had made a small wrap and was biting off the end hungrily, maybe Ophiuchus's suspicions were wrong after all. Ophiuchus watched him eat the wrap before making another one and eating it quickly, he seemed to be in a bad mood as he ate and Ophiuchus's suspicions were growing bigger. Ophiuchus looked down at his own food and began eating faster. The table was full of the zodiacs all talking and Ophiuchus hated the noise, why were they all so loud? "Just going to go to the loo" Ophiuchus heard a voice say and he looked up at Scorpio who was leaving the table. Ophiuchus waited a second before following him, he knew that Scorpio had eaten perfectly fine and was most likely just using the toilet as he had said. 

Ophiuchus followed Scorpio down the hallway and frowned when Scorpio shut the door. He turned to his left and saw a door leading outside, maybe he could quickly peak through the window? Ophiuchus shook his head and turned to leave before he heard Scorpio talking to himself. Scorpio muttered something about sugar and Ophiuchus froze in place and crept over to the toilet door. He heard more retching sounds and then Scorpio throwing up again, either he was really sick and couldn't keep anything down or he was purposely vomiting. There was no way he just discovered someone with an eating disorder, before he opened the book he didn't even really understand what they were. Ophiuchus stood in shock and tried to process the thoughts in his head, what eating disorder did Scorpio have and how could he help him? Ophiuchus heard the toilet flush and quickly rushed away and back into the dining room to finish his lunch. He looked around at all the other zodiacs as he sat down, everyone seemed to be eating like normal. Maybe he should read more of that book, maybe he could find some other disorder one of the zodiacs had. Scorpio walked back into the room and took his seat, he briefly looked at the food but didn't eat anything more. Ophiuchus grinned and stared at him, an eating disorder would be amazing to research and watching Scorpio could be a great learning experience. Ophiuchus was so stuck in his thoughts he didn't notice Scorpio staring directly at him with an annoyed look. Ophiuchus blinked and raised an eyebrow at Scorpio who just rolled his eyes and looked away. "Ophiuchus and Cetus, you two are on clean up duty" Pisces said as she left the table and Ophiuchus heard a loud groan. Everyone except Cetus and Ophiuchus left the room and the huge mess behind. "I don't know how to clean sorry" Cetus said and Ophiuchus just shrugged. "Take all the empty dishes to the sink, I'll package up the leftovers and put the scraps in the bin, then you can wipe the table while I start washing dishes" he commanded and Cetus looked shocked before nodding quickly and running to the table to take some plates. Ophiuchus watched her rushing around and sighed, she seemed to be trying to please him as best she could, how completely normal and boring. Ophiuchus hated boring and normal, he wanted someone who needed help just like him. It had been months since Ophiuchus had felt 'fine' and he was growing tired of seeing happy people and normal lives. Possibly the only place he could find interesting people would be the villain kingdom, they're lives were so interesting and out of the ordinary and Ophiuchus felt like he already belonged there. He loved his parents and uncle of course, they were the perfect family and he absolutely loved being around them. But even life with them had changed, his mother quit doing shows and showing off her dancing skills and his father had retired so they could both raise him, the only person who actually did anything remotely interesting was his uncle. Quasimodo would often take Ophiuchus up into the bell tower and show him around, it was Ophiuchus's favorite place to be and he loved hearing his uncles stories. He missed the bells and the secret rooms in the towers, he wanted to be a child running around and playing with his mother just like he always had. He always loved hide and seek in the large bell tower and would always hide in the biggest bells he could get too, it had always scared his mother letting him run around but Quasimodo always said he was watching him carefully. Ophiuchus suddenly felt very homesick and tried to distract himself by starting on the dishes. The dishes went by and Ophiuchus felt his mind drift, Cetus didn't seem to mind his silence and hummed herself a tune as she wiped down the table and benches before drying the dishes. Once the dishes were done Ophiuchus left the kitchen without a word, Cetus made an annoyed sound as he left but he ignored her and walked away. Ophiuchus opened the door to his room and opened his book on Narcissistic Personality and grinned as he read all the information. He most certainly knew a zodiac who had an unreasonably high sense of his own importance. 

Hello again friends, another chapter done. I quite enjoyed writing this chapter and seeing a bit through the eyes of Ophiuchus. Also I've been meaning to apologize for not writing with a few characters lately, my latest bursts of inspiration have all been for Aries lately and I'm not entirely sure why. I've also been accidently choosing favorites mainly with my zodiac and Aries and Aquarius and I'm very sorry about that, I'm working with all of the zodiacs more but I'm having trouble with two who will be showing up more in the story. Another thing about this story is it focuses on only a couple zodiacs per chapter unless I'm really trying to send something through and I feel awful for leaving so many characters out especially since I know some of my readers are those zodiacs. I'm not entirely sure if my apology made any sense but to sum it up, I'm going to work with other zodiacs than my main three, that doesn't mean I'm cutting them out entirely though.  Anyway thank you for reading and I hope to see you in the next chapter of whatever story I upload next. 

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