Chapter 8

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A huge frown was plastered across Libra's face as he got told of by his parents. "Why would you want to be with him?!" Aurora yelled and Philip nodded as he glared down at his son. "I wanted to be with the air signs, and he wanted to be with one of the air signs so now we're in the same room" Libra explained coldly and his parents looked furious. "His mother tried to kill us! He's going to do the same to you!" Philip yelled but Libra payed no attention as he looked at the party. He could see some of the zodiacs dancing and some avoiding everyone. "Can I go back now, I have people to apologize to after your scene" Libra said and his parents began fuming even more. They began yelling again but Libra had already walked away, Libra had always broken rules in the most infuriating ways. "Hello" Libra said and Scorpio turned around surprised as he saw Libra standing there. "Hello?" Scorpio asked uncertainly and Libra smiled. "I'm sorry about my parents, they've always been overprotective" Libra said and Scorpio looked slickly surprised. "Overprotective? It's me, they have every right to not trust me" Scorpio said and Libra frowned. "Well I wont judge you until I get to know you, and that will be a lot easier now that we're roommates, see you around" Libra said and he began walking away. He glanced at his parents and saw the rage in their eyes as they watched him walk away from Scorpio but Libra didn't care, he wasn't going to let them control his life now that he was moving out. Libra wandered around the party and watched as everyone talked to their new friends, the only ones not talking were Scorpio and Aquarius who both decided snacks were better than people. Libra walked up behind Aquarius and reached out to get a croissant. "Oh hello" Aquarius said as he swallowed down some truffle and stared at the prince. "Hello, good food?" Libra asked and Aquarius nodded as he pointed out his favorites. "Much better than caviar" Aquarius said and Libra nodded as he began eating a chocolate croissant. Aquarius and Libra stood in silence as they both pointed out the best foods to each other, Libra was aware Scorpio was watching them but he ignored it so his parents didn't get even more mad. Scorpio eventually walked away and Aquarius began asking Libra questions. "Are you alright being in the same room as him? Your in a room with two villains and me which is not a good mix" Aquarius said and Libra smiled at him. "Well I want to make friends with you and Gemini, and I'm nervous being in the same room as him but there's other people there so hopefully it'll be alright" Libra said and Aquarius frowned. "I can just behead him if he does anything" Aquarius said and Libra's eyes widened. "No don't do that, we need him" Libra said and Aquarius rolled his eyes. "Oh please it would be so fun watching his head roll and his eyes become lifeless" Aquarius said as he took a sip of his drink. Libra tried to clear the bad thoughts out of his mind as he looked at Aquarius. "Well that's horrifying and I'll never look at you the same again" Libra said and Aquarius scoffed. "Get used to it" Aquarius said as he walked away to go talk to his father. Libra looked after him sadly as he thought of how to help Aquarius, if Aquarius saw how nice people could be maybe he wouldn't have so many walls built around him and want to kill everyone. 

Libra caught Lacerta's eyes and he walked over to his brother quickly. "You fought with mom and dad? Libra are you crazy?" Lacerta hissed and Libra grinned at his brother. "I know it's awesome, finally getting my independence" Libra said and Lacerta gave him a horrified look. "They're already talking about taking you back home" Lacerta said and Libra shrugged. "Lacy I'll be fine, No one's touching me" Libra said and his brother hissed as he heard his nickname. "Your in a room with two of the most ruthless people alive! And your clearly trying to befriend both of them!" Lacerta whisper-yelled and Libra rolled his eyes. "I'm only trying to befriend Aquarius right now, I'll move onto demon boy later" Libra said and Lacerta facepalmed. "Cassy come talk sense into this idiot!" Lacerta yelled and Cassiopeia came over to her siblings. "We already knew he was an idiot, if he gets himself killed that's his business" Cassiopeia said as she gave Libra disapproving looks. "How come you two are telling me off, I'm the oldest" Libra said and he crossed his arms to look more intimidating. "Because your stupid and we've always looked after you" Lacerta said as he crossed his arms and glared at his brother. "Just be careful Libra, I don't trust anyone who's lived with Maleficent" Cassiopeia said and she shivered when she said the name. "Oh come on, Ursula's kids here and you've been ogling her all night Cassy, why can't I talk to him" Libra said and Cassiopeia glared. "Ursula didn't try to kill out parents" Cassiopeia snapped and Libra looked slightly taken aback at his sister's attitude. "Now listen to us, don't go near Scorpio because he's dangerous" Cassiopeia said before she stormed away. "I haven't even properly introduced myself to him, how do we know he's that dangerous" Libra mumbled and Lacerta gave him an annoyed look. "Because he takes after his mother" Lacerta said and Libra rolled his eyes. "What if he doesn't, most people say I'm nothing like our parents, what if he's like that?" Libra said and Lacerta groaned. "Just don't talk to him, why is this so hard for you?" Lacerta said before he walked away. "They have a point" Virgo said as she came out of the darkness and looked into Libra's eyes. "I don't know the full story of your parents but if they're trying this hard to protect you it must be bad" Virgo said and Libra groaned. "She cursed a baby with death but she ended up falling asleep for a hundred years before my father came to rescue her but Maleficent turned into a dragon and tried to kill everyone but my father killed her and recued my mother" Libra said and Virgo looked thoroughly confused. "Maleficent? I heard some adults telling my parents how she's the most dangerous villain to ever live, and your telling me that's her son?" Virgo said as she pointed at Scorpio in horror. "Yes that's him, but maybe he's not so bad" Libra said and Virgo looked horrified. "He's a villain!" she exclaimed and Libra facepalmed. 

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