Chapter 11

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This chapter has mentions if a touchy subject, read with caution.


"An introduction night, are they trying to kill me" Capricorn mumbled as she applied her eyeliner and then wiped it off when it didn't go how she wanted. Then she had to reapply some foundation from where she had wiped it off, then reapplied again. Once she was finally happy she started applying some lipstick and then wiping it off. She looked in the mirror and saw her perfect face, she had taken after her mother in looks. Her hair was a lovely blonde color and her blue eyes shined in the light, by all means she was perfect in everyone's eyes. She looked down at her two dress options, one dress was a blue sundress and the other one was a silver sundress. Sundresses were the most worn dress in her kingdom due to the heat and the different styles made them popular all year round. She looked down at her two dresses and eventually chose the blue one, she would always receive more compliments is she looked closer to her mother. She tied up the corset on the sundress until she gasped for air, the smaller the waist the more the boys would like her. Capricorn forced herself to smile in the mirror but began crying when all she saw was her mother staring back. "That's not me" she whispered before breaking down on her bed, she tried to silence her sobs but someone had already heard her. "Hey? Is someone in there?" a voice called out and Capricorn quickly covered her mouth to try and silence her sobs. The door opened and Aries stuck her head through as she looked around the room before spotting Capricorn. "Hey are you okay?" she asked and Capricorn quickly tried to hide her tears and nod but the second she saw the concern in Aries's eyes she broke down. "No" she sobbed before she began wailing and crying more. Aries stood in the doorway not quite sure what to do as she saw Capricorn's tears ruining her perfectly done makeup. "Uh don't cry" Aries said nervously before Capricorn threw herself into Aries's arms. "I'm not her, I'm not her" Capricorn sobbed as she hugged Aries so tight Aries began gasping for air. "Not who? Why are you crying?" Aries asked as she hugged the crying girl. "My mom, I'm not her" Capricorn managed to sob into Aries's side. "I know, your Capricorn, my friend" Aries whispered and Capricorn began crying harder.

 Minutes went by of Capricorn crying into Aries's side and letting out whispers of her pain, each one related to who she wasn't. Capricorn had finally stopped shaking and there were no more tears ruining her makeup, but she hadn't let go of Aries. She looked at Aries and saw the same concerned look in her eyes. "Thank you for staying" she whispered and Aries nodded. "If you ever need anything I'm always here, I wont let anything happen to anyone I love again" Aries said confidently as she hugged Capricorn. "Again?" Capricorn asked as she sniffled and sat up properly next to Aries. Aries looked down sadly before meeting her eyes, tears had welled in her eyes but none had spilled out yet and Capricorn quickly helped her dab her eyes so the tears wouldn't ruin her makeup. "It's nothing, I just said the wrong thing" Aries said quickly as she tried to hide her face. "You know you can tell me if you want to talk" Capricorn whispered to Aries and watched as the tears welled back in her eyes. "I-I've never talked to anyone about it I wouldn't know where to start" Aries muttered as she pulled her hair over her face. "I know it's hard, but it looks like it's hurting you" Capricorn whispered and Aries caught her eyes. "P-promise you won't judge me if I cry" Aries muttered under her breath. Capricorn nodded and prepared to pull Aries into a hug if any tears started spilling. "I had two brothers, Prince Pleiades was my older brother but he committed suicide at sixteen" Aries whispered and Capricorn hugged her quickly as she watched the tears well back in Aries eyes, this time spilling out everywhere. "I'm so sorry" Capricorn said as tears welled in her eyes, Aries broke down and Capricorn followed after in a crying fit as they both hugged each other as tight as they could. "I don't know why, he didn't leave a note or anything he just hung himself" Aries sobbed as she hugged Capricorn tighter. "We were told he left the kingdom never to be seen again, he committed suicide" Capricorn said as she remembered her parents talking about the prince at the dinner table, Prince Charming was talking about how awful it was that he just left like that. "Yeah, he said he would be with me forever and that he loved me, then when the servants went to get him for dinner he was gone" Aries sobbed as she practically climbed into Capricorn's lap as she hugged her. "It'll be alright, I'll be here to look after you" Capricorn whispered as she hugged her tightly, she couldn't even try to imagine what pain Aries must of felt after losing her brother. Capricorn was the only child of Cinderella and Prince Charming, she had been constantly told she was supposed to get married and be a proper lady of the house like her mother. The higher ranking the man the better it was for her parents to gain more popularity, so Capricorn had been instructed by her nanny to marry a zodiac prince and become a queen. The blue silver sundresses were supposed to show how much like her mother she looked, both being like the ballgown her mother had worn when she met her father. The tightly done corset on the dress was to make her more attractive and she had always been taught that bad makeup made you unattractive so she wiped her makeup until her face was red. But her pain of feeling like someone else was nothing close to the pain of losing a sibling, losing an older brother must have completely ruined Aries's mental health and the rest of her family's. She sat and hugged Aries with her eyes screwed shut, she was worried if she opened them she would start crying again. She forced herself to open her eyes and saw Aries's tear stained face as she slept against Capricorn's shoulder. Capricorn gently lay Aries down on her bed before walking back up to her mirror to begin applying more makeup. The introduction party would probably have started downstairs so Capricorn quickly put on her makeup. She looked at her perfect red cheeks and black eyeliner, she looked exactly like a young version of her mother. She picked up her cloth and removed her make up again, this time she put on some white eyeliner and black lipstick. She looked in the mirror, she no longer looked lie her mother, instead she looked like a rebellious young teenager. She smiled as she looked at her makeup, Aries jolted awake and sat up as she looked around. "How long was I asleep for?" she yawned and Capricorn turned around with a smile. "Only a few minutes, lets get your makeup done" she said as she scooted over to Aries and put some foundation over her puffy eyes. 

"Let's go downstairs and pretend nothing happened" Aries said as she took Capricorn's hand and led her down the long marble staircase. The house they were living in was carved perfectly, even the staircases had little pictures carved into its sides. The party was being held in the dining room which had been perfectly carved out of marble, the walls were covered the stories of the hero's and villains who lived in each kingdom. Capricorn looked at the carvings with an amused look. It showed Philip slaying the dragon Maleficent and Ursula trying to take over the sea. "We really don't like villains" Capricorn said and Aries nodded. "Oh and also, don't mention my brother please" Aries whispered and Capricorn nodded slowly. "I understand it must have been really hard for you and your family, I'm really sorry it happened" Capricorn said and Aries forced a small smile. "It was, hopefully one day it won't make me feel so alone when I think of him" Aries murmured more to herself than to Capricorn. She looked lost as she thought to herself, Capricorn could read her expression. Her face was full of confusion and pain, almost as though she still hoped her brother would burst through the door and hug her. "Do you want a minute before we go into the party thing?" Capricorn asked but Aries didn't seem to hear her. "I want my old life back, when I would open my door and be swooped up into his arms as he hugged and kissed me, I just don't know why he left me" Aries mumbled to herself, Capricorn looked down at her hands. Would that be how her parents felt if she committed suicide? Would the people around her feel lost and alone, or would they be glad she was gone. Capricorn had always been to shy to make friends, she had only ever had one who had moved away when she was very young. Would her family miss her? Her mother and father would most certainly, they had always been a bit overprotective. "He was the closest person to me, losing him hurt more than anything a person should ever feel" Aries said as she looked at Capricorn. "I don't want to lose anyone else" Aries whispered to Capricorn. "I'm sorry I distracted you with my problems" Aries said as she composed herself and smiled brightly. Capricorn frowned as she recognized the smile she put in, had all of her smiles been fake? "Hurry up, we started the night like ten minutes ago" Taurus said as he stared at them. "How long were you there?" Aries demanded and Taurus grinned. "Like a minute, hurry up" Taurus said as he flew away on his hoverboard. "He's very annoying today" Capricorn frowned and Aries smiled. "Thank you for listening to me, now let's go to an introduction night thing" Aries said as she grabbed Capricorns hand and walked into the dining room full of the other zodiacs.

Hi, next chapter might take a little to write, Wattpad doesn't like my phone and I can't use my laptop. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and understand some of the characters in this story a little better, and I'm sorry for any mistakes or things that don't make sense, I really don't like using my phone. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope to see you in whatever I upload next.

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