Chapter 13

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"Wowwww the kings in the TV" Gemini yelled and flapped Aquarius's arm up and down. Libra and Gemini were holding onto Aquarius's arms and keeping him from running, they had been dragging him around and singing loudly after they got drunk of the wine. Everyone stared at the TV and waited for the king to speak. "One of you has left the building, find him immediately" Adam said calmly but the anger was in his eyes. Aquarius felt a sudden shiver go down his back when he saw the kings look, his mother had often glared at him like that. "How exactly are we supposed to find him?" Aquarius demanded and the king shifted his gaze. "The villain children have been marked by magic and can be easily tracked" Adam sighed and the remaining villain kids yelled loudly. "You put what on me?!" Leo yelled and Cancer began screaming while Gemini began a drunken rant of insults. "How dare you!" Cancer screamed before smashing the TV with her fist. The kings face shattered before the screen turned black and showed Cancer's angry face. A loud bang distracted everyone and they all turned to the doorway where Scorpio stood. "That better not be blood" Aries gasped and Scorpio smiled as the blood trickled down his face. "What did you do?" Aquarius demanded and Cancer turned and walked up to Scorpio to stare him dead in the eyes. "Did you know about the trackers?" She growled and Scorpio nodded. "I was counting on being tracked" he said before he shut his eyes and fell to the floor. Pisces yelled and ran over before screaming for the others to help. Aquarius walked over and picked up Scorpio and dragged him upstairs.

Aquarius threw Scorpio onto the bed and sighed before flopping down on his own bed. Pisces and Cancer were both watching over Scorpio with either annoyed or concerned looks. "Wake up and explain!" Cancer yelled at him while Pisces checked his pulse and breathing. "Someone hit him over the head" Pisces said and Aquarius lifted his head to glare at her. "No shit princess, he was bleeding and he passed out" Aquarius snapped and Pisces rolled her eyes. "Be nice Aquarius" Aries said as she walked in with a bunch of bandages. "I'm not nice princess, I behead people and I eat children" Aquarius said with a huge grin and Aries groaned. "I hardly think you would eat children, no one's that evil" Aries replied as she began to bandage Scorpio's head. "Fish and frog children, they still count" Aquarius laughed and Pisces glared at him. "I don't want to hear that" Pisces growled and Aquarius laughed. "I eat them all the time, you probably eat them without knowing" he taunted and Pisces started looking pale before she rushed out of the room. Cancer walked after her with her hands in her pocket before she turned around and said "Tell me when he's awake." Aquarius chucked and rolled over to look at Aries. Seconds passed and neither zodiac said anything. "How long are you planning to stare for?" Aries asked and Aquarius looked away. "Until you start looking pretty, I might be staring for a while" he laughed and turned back. "Maybe if I take if my shirt I'll look pretty to you" Aries replied with a wink and Aquarius flushed. "Yeah you probably would look prettier, do you want to take it off and let me test if your right?" He asked with an eye roll and Aries glared at him. "Your disgusting" she growled before she turned back to the awake Scorpio. "I'm leaving" he said before he sat up and walked out of the room. Something smashed downstairs and Cancer began screaming, Scorpio must have gone downstairs. Aries looked at Aquarius and groaned when he winked at her. "Sure you don't want me to see if your right? Or do you want me to be shirtless?" He teased and Aries rolled her eyes and turned pink. Aries stayed silent for a minute before looking at Aquarius. "Maybe I would like you better shirtless" she said and then blushed more before rushing out of the room. Aquarius watched her leave before rolling up to look at the ceiling. He smirked and ran his hands through his hair, toying with Aries was easier than he expected. "Aquarius!" A voice screamed and he rolled his eyes before climbing off his bed and walking out of the room.

"What?!" He snapped and Sagittarius handed him a bag of chips. "You hungry?" Sagittarius asked and Aquarius hit his hand away. "Did you really call me just for snacks?" He demanded and Sagittarius smiled. "Nope, your on dish duty with Aries" Sagittarius grinned and Aries walked out from behind him. She avoided eye contact with Aquarius but she waved slightly. "Don't we have servants for dishes?" Aquarius demanded and Aries shook her head. "You just haven't done them since we've been here because we only just discussed what jobs need to be done" she explained and Aquarius raised an eyebrow before taking off his jacket and rolling up the sleeves on his shirt. He could feel Aries's eyes as he began to fill the sink with soapy water and then begin to scrub a plate. "Well start drying" he said and pointed at the tea towel and dish rack. "There's nothing to dry" Aries replied and then rolled her eyes when Aquarius placed the clean plate in the dish rack. Aries rolled her eyes and Aquarius grinned and shrugged before turning back to the sink and scrubbing more dishes. "Got more dishes" Cetus said and dumped them next to Aquarius. "Sorry I do too" Ophiuchus said and Aquarius frowned and looked at the stack. "Ha losers" Cancer laughed and dumped down the biggest pile of dishes. "We're going to be here all night" Aries groaned and Aquarius rolled his eyes. "If you don't dry them we'll be here for longer" he sighed and Aries glared at him.

The only sounds in the large house was Aquarius's brush scrubbing off food from the dishes, all other zodiacs had gone to bed and left Aquarius and Aries to finish the large stacks of dishes. "Oh just wait Cancer, I'll be cooking up a storm when it's your turn" Aquarius mumbled to himself and put another frying pan in the dish rack. Aries had already gone through seven tea towels drying all the dishes and she was looking furious as she glared at the still large pile of unwashed dishes. "Put that dirty plate on this dish rack and I'll shove this fork up your ass" Aries growled and Aquarius rolled his eyes and flicked off the lentil on the plate. More silence followed before Aries turned to him and snapped "Can you breath quieter?" and Aquarius turned to look at her both confused and pissed. "Sorry that I breath, I'll just die for the remainder of the dishes" he snapped back and Aries groaned. "And these aren't even clean" she said and held up a plate with a small piece of rice. "Yeah well this is my first time working so cut me some slack, besides there's still water on your 'dry' dishes" Aquarius retorted and Aries threw the glass plate down with a loud bang. The plate shattered and Aries slapped Aquarius before storming off. "Your such an asshole" she screamed and lights began to switch on in the house. "The fuck?" Cancer asked sleepily and Aquarius turned back to the sink. He continued the dishes in silence as Capricorn and Leo cleaned the plate and went back to bed. Aquarius sighed and placed the last dish on the rack before starting to bed. "Ow" he suddenly yelled and pulled a glass shard out of his foot, he turned back to look and the dishes and with a loud sigh he grabbed the tea towel. Drying the dishes was much more peaceful than washing them and Aquarius let his mind wander as he worked. He looked at the time and his eyes widened, how was it already four AM? Aquarius decided that putting the dishes away was to much effort and just stacked them on the bench before getting ready for bed. He walked into the bedroom and saw the three boys all sleeping. Scorpio was half off the bed and Libra and Gemini were sleeping on the floor. Aquarius looked around and smiled slightly before changing into his pajamas and climbing into bed. He shut his eyes and then opened them in annoyance. Why the hell did he waste so much time on Aries's temper tantrum? He should have just left when he was done and gone to sleep instead of drying all those dishes. Now it looked like he was being nice to Aries, he sighed and rolled onto his side to sleep. His black hair covered his eyes and he pushed it behind his ear but it always fell back. He did a favor for Aries, what was wrong with him? Now everyone would think he liked her, that was the worst torture of all. He rolled onto his stomach and pushed his hair out of his eyes as he stared up at the ceiling. He groaned before turning to his bed stand and grabbing the bottle of medication. He opened his mouth and swallowed one before putting them back on the bed stand. The medication worked almost instantly and Aquarius felt his eyes droop and slowly everything turned black.

"Wow he actually did the dishes" Aries mumbled as she walked into the kitchen and began putting them all away. Everything was spotless and perfectly dry and Aries quickly began putting them in the cupboards. Taurus and Leo were in charge of making breakfast and we're already rushing around the kitchen looking for the ingredients. "Have you seen the butter?" Leo asked and Aries pointed to the fridge. "Oh it's in the fridge, sorry this is like my first time using a fridge" Leo said and ran over to the fridge to pull out the butter. Aries put the last saucepan away and turned to walk up the stairs but stopped when she saw Aquarius. He rubbed his eyes and looked down at her before yawning and walking past her. Aries opened her mouth but Aquarius turned to glare at her. "I don't want to hear it" he said before sitting down at the table and pulling out his phone. Aries nodded and turned to go up the stairs before stopping again when she saw Cetus standing there with her eyebrow raised. Cetus pushed passed her and Aries sighed before climbing the stairs. "Hey Aries, oh wow you look tired" Capricorn said cheerily and Aries nodded. "I stayed up doing dishes and then screamed at Aquarius" she explained and Capricorn looked shocked. "Why did you scream?" Virgo asked from across the room and Aries shrugged. "Cant remember, probably something stupid" she said and flopped down on the closest couch. Was Aquarius mad at her? Would he hate her entire existence and try to behead her? Aries shuddered at the thought of losing her head and she rolled over to look at the girls. Every girl except Leo was in the girls room chatting with each other or helping someone change, even Cetus was happily talking to Pisces about her home. "Wake me up for breakfast" Aries sighed and Capricorn nodded. Aries shut her eyes and felt the darkness consume her and the noise fade away.

Hello everyone another chapter has arrived and you have most likely already read it, if you just skipped to the end what is wrong with you. Well we got a bit off drama and anger which was fun to write and I stayed up late on writing spree. Hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as I did and hopefully  I'll see you in whatever I upload next. 

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