Chapter 26

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"And that's how the book explains that Captain Hook died" Taurus finished as he put down the book and looked at Virgo expectantly. Virgo was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't notice he had finished reading and was clicking his fingers in her face. "Montressor to Virgo" he  said and Virgo snapped out of her daydreams. "Sorry what?" she asked and Taurus groaned loudly. "That's the third time I've read it to you! Get your head back to land" he said as he dramatically fell backwards onto the floor. "Sorry I was just thinking about something I saw earlier" she said as she stared at Scorpio and Cancer with interest. 

Virgo had woken up that day in a very bad mood. Her stomach was killing her and she couldn't eat any breakfast, which was very upsetting since it was her favorite breakfast. Immediately after breakfast Sagittarius and Cetus found there way onto her nerves and she had to leave the room before she tried to hit them. Just as she was walking away to go lay down on her bed and wait for her stomach to feel better, she heard hushed whispering. She peaked around the corner and saw Scorpio and Cancer whispering in the shadows. "So you were planning that with your mother the whole time?" Cancer demanded and Scorpio looked away nervously. Virgo knew she shouldn't, but she just had to know what they were talking about. 

"You were going to release your parents from the kingdom! Your mother is considered the most evil person there and I don't want to know who your father is!" Cancer whisper yelled at Scorpio. "Well I can't not do it, she'll find some way to get out by herself and then she'll torture me forever" Scorpio sighed and played with his shirt hem nervously. "So you were just going to release them and unleash hell? What about Libra?" Cancer demanded. Scorpio looked up surprised as he thought about his answer. "Well I was supposed to put him in hospital, but that plan didn't work" he answered. Cancer frowned and crossed her arms before demanding "What plan?" and glaring at him intimidatingly. "The hoverboard plan, he crashed into Aquarius instead" Scorpio confessed with winced when he saw Cancer's disgusted face. "You messed with the hoverboard? Aquarius is all over you now!" she whisper yelled. Scorpio looked away guiltily and nodded his head slightly. 

"So you planned on releasing both of your parents so they could do what?" she growled. No answer came from Scorpio and Cancer was starting to become angrier. She pressed a hand against the wall and pinned Scorpio down with the other hand before asking in a low voice "What exactly were they planning on doing when you helped them escape.?" Scorpio looked down at the floor and noticed Virgo standing in the doorway. Panic crossed his face and Cancer turned towards the doorway to see what was wrong. "I didn't hear anything" Virgo lied as she tried to look somewhat innocent. Cancer growled, flipped off Virgo, and then grabbed Scorpio by the wrist and led him away leaving Virgo to figure out what she had just heard. 

"And your doing it again, I really need a new study partner" Taurus complained and snapped Virgo out of her thoughts for the hundredth time that day. "Sorry it's just that I heard something I shouldn't of earlier" Virgo confessed with a cheeky smile. Taurus's annoyed face quickly turned to one of interest and he leant closer. "Tell me more" he grinned and winked at Virgo. "I can't" Virgo giggled and crossed her arms playfully, she was enjoying this game with Taurus. "Come on Virgo, tell me the drama" he grinned and leant even closer. Virgo playfully touched the end of his nose and gave him a wide smile. "Well it involves Scorpio and Cancer" she revealed and Taurus let out a dramatic fake gasp. "Drama already, keep going" he grinned. Virgo opened her mouth to speak but never managed to say anything. Before she even had time to say what she had overheard, Taurus had pressed his lips to hers. 

Virgo sat in shocked silence as she stared at Taurus. He had turned a very dark red and was rambling on about how it must have been an accident and he didn't know what he was doing. Virgo adjusted her gaze so she was staring directly into his eyes. He flushed an even darker red and stopped talking immediately as he waited for her to speak. Virgo couldn't seem to say anything and instead just stared blankly into his blue eyes. "Taurus why?" she managed to whisper. He looked away and began fiddling with the hem of his jacket. "Because I like you" he whispered before suddenly standing up and bolting out of the room. Virgo watched him leave in surprise, she hadn't expected him to run away. Now she had two things to overthink from the same day, this situation called for a girl meeting. 

"Congratulations another boy likes you, what's wrong with that?" Cetus asked from across the room where she was cutting out pieces for a suit she was sewing. "She just got dumped Cetus" Pisces reminded unhelpfully. Virgo let out another groan of suffering and lay back down on the couch. "Well maybe Taurus wont dump you, he made the first move" Leo suggested with an apologetic smile. "Please stop saying he dumped me, that sounds wrong" Virgo sighed and sat back up to face Leo. "Alright we'll stop" Leo said supportively despite the annoyance of Aries and Cetus.  "But he did dump you" Aries groaned and got elbowed by Capricorn. Capricorn finally put down her phone and turned to look at Virgo with a stern look. "If you don't like him, reject him. If you like him, date him" she said as she crossed her arms and looked Virgo dead in the eyes. "That's the problem, I think I like him too" Virgo revealed with a groan. 

"Guys I fucked up" Taurus yelled as he burst into the room and landed face first onto Scorpio's bed. Libra and Sagittarius looked up confused while Ophiuchus shut his book in annoyance. "I kissed Virgo" Taurus groaned as he buried his body underneath Scorpio's blanket. "Great, why do I care?" Ophiuchus asked as he reopened his book. "I'm going to die Ophiuchus" Taurus groaned from the bed. Libra laughed and put his hand on Taurus's shoulder supportively. "You won't die" Sagittarius chimed in with a smile. "And if you do be quiet about it, I'm trying to read" Ophiuchus added. "You'll be fine" Libra smiled and took the covers off Taurus's face. "Video games to distract you?" Sagittarius offered and held out a game controller. Taurus swallowed his fear and grinned as he took the controller, he really wanted to forget that he just possibly ruined his relationship with Virgo. 

Another chapter done. Is it great, no. But it's fine. I'm sorry this story has turned into some sort of romance fest between teenagers, drama will happen. Well thanks for reading and I hope to see you in whatever I upload next. 

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