Chapter 25

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"So it's not like I like like him, it's just that he's cute and cool" Cetus declared with an annoyed look. "Oh so it's not like every time you look at him and blush, it's a proper crush Cetus" Aries taunted. "Say's the one always staring at Aquarius" Pisces chimed in. Aries blushed a darker red than even the queen on hearts could manage to do and threw a pillow at Pisces. "We all know you like Aquarius, except maybe Aquarius" Leo laughed as she patted Aries on the head. "It's not like your hiding it very well, he's completely blind" Virgo joined in and made Aries go an even darker red than before. "He's an complete idiot for not noticing you like him. You stare at him like a zombie whenever you see him" Cancer grinned as she applied some make-up and got ready for her date.

Capricorn wasn't entirely sure when all of her friends had become boy obsessed, or in Pisces and Leo's case girl obsessed. It was the only thing the girls ever seemed to talk about, boys boys girls and boys. She seemed to be the only girl who didn't seem to like anyone, which had left her excluded from multiple conversations. She had so many things to tell them. Like what she overheard Libra saying, about how he liked Scorpio. That was a very interesting piece of news and the girls would've loved to hear it. She had been sitting there for twenty minutes and hadn't said a word, she was extremely bored. She needed someone she could talk to before she went insane. Her only hope would be the boys, and they weren't much better at conversations than the girls. 

Sagittarius loved to talk about video games. Video games where you were a cow and built cities vs video games full of violence and war. No matter the game he knew about it and was playing it. 

Taurus loved to talk about technology. Especially the stuff from Montressor, his home planet. He would often pull out some kind of gadget and show off what it was capable of. But his favorite gadget was his hoverboard and he would always zoom around the house yelling and whooping loudly. 

Ophiuchus spent most of his time reading or writing. He was good at conversations when it was about a book. He would always show Capricorn new books he had read and sometimes if Capricorn was lucky enough he would show here what he was writing. Another thing was Ophiuchus would constantly ask questions about everyone, especially Cetus. 

Aquarius. Don't bother unless you want your ears to bleed. His favorite thing to talk about was himself.

Libra was good at conversations but preferred talking to the boys. He would often tell Capricorn about the devilish things he and Gemini got up to in the middle of the night, once they had even taken Capricorn on one of their adventures to the town at 3:51 am. But since gaining a crush on Scorpio he always seemed to be busy and never had enough time to talk. 

Gemini, completely out of touch with the world. He was the slowest out of the villain kids when it came to learning about the outside world, and he still has no idea what the heck he's doing half the time. He's funny and smart but has no idea what's going on, but he's great to talk too. He's a great story teller and will often preform little shows of the dining room table. His shows are very twisted versions of the hero's and villains doing things other than what happened in their legend. Everyone's favorite of his stories was the day Prince Naveen decided to become a stripper, something that would never happen and something no one ever wanted to happen. 

Scorpio, he was quiet and reserved most of the time. But talk to him alone and he was playful and funny. He loved breaking the rules and exploring new places. He would also tell Capricorn the stories of the kingdom, escaping Jafar's children and having sword fights on ships with Captain Hook. 

"Have fun on your date!" Cetus called out and snapped Capricorn out of her thoughts. Cancer flipped them off and walked out of the door with a huge smile on her face. "So what's everyone's plans for tonight?" Leo asked as she looked around at the circle of girls. Everyone answered the same thing except Capricorn "We're going to watch a movie until dinners ready."                                  "What about you Cap?" Pisces asked and touched Capricorn's shoulder. "Oh I'm cooking dinner with Scorpio" she replied and looked down at her watch. "And I was supposed to start half and hour ago!" she yelled as she scrambled to her feet and bolted out of the room to join Scorpio in the kitchen.

"Fashionably late?" he asked as Capricorn ran down the stairs. "How many old movies do you watch?" she panted as she tried to catch her breath. "Movies from two hundred year ago are amazing" he grinned and he held out a potato for her. 

"What are we having?" she asked as she peered over his shoulder and into his cook book. "Ay these are family recipes" he said as he batted her away with a spoon. "It's just rabbit stew" he said as he pulled Capricorn over to the chopping board. "Was your mother into cooking?" she asked as she began chopping the potato. "No my dad is" he answered as he chopped a carrot. "Oh your dad? Who exactly is your dad" she asked nervously. Scorpio turned to her with a raised eyebrow and replied "Someone unimportant." Capricorn didn't pressure Scorpio into talking about his father or mother again, instead they had an hours worth of conversations about the best way to cook potatoes.

 "No it's clearly roast potato's" Scorpio said as he placed a pot of stew on the table. "No it's potato bake with cheese" Capricorn countered as she lay out the spoons. "No golden brown roast potato is life!" Scorpio said dramatically as he picked up a piece of roast potato and ate it. "It's good I agree but not the best kind of potato" Capricorn argued as she served Sagittarius's bowl of stew. "It so is. I would die if I couldn't have a perfect roast potato in my mouth by the end of the week" he replied as he served Cetus's bowl of stew. The potato argument lasted all throughout serving the dinner and then throughout dinner, even throughout the dessert. The rest of the zodiacs stayed completely silent as they listened to the potato argument, probably to weirded out to say anything. 

"Scorpio are you coming to bed?" Aquarius asked as he walked up to the table and put his hand on Scorpio's shoulder. Capricorn turned to look at Libra and she saw him look at Aquarius angrily that he was getting to touch Scorpio. Capricorn grinned and turned back to Scorpio. "You might want to take your two boyfriends up to bed" she teased as she stood up to get ready herself. "Two?" Scorpio questioned in surprise as he stood up. Aquarius held onto his arm sleepily and glared at Capricorn. "Well Aquarius and the one who's been glaring at Aquarius" she answered as she began walking over to the stairs. "Who's been glaring?" Scorpio asked even more confused. Capricorn grinned and pointed across the room to Libra before disappearing up the stairs. 

Scorpio turned to Libra confused and saw his red face. Aquarius groaned and tugged on Scorpio's arm to lead up upstairs but Scorpio stayed for a minute more. He reached out a hand towards Libra and tried his best to give him a friendly smile. Libra flushed dark red and climbed off the couch and walked over to Scorpio nervously. He stared down at his shoes as he took Scorpio's hand and the three of them began walking to their bedroom, with Aquarius needing a bit of held up the stairs due to his injuries. 

Scorpio saw Capricorn standing in the girls doorway grinning as she watched the three boys go into the bedroom. Scorpio grabbed Aquarius's laptop and opened a movie for him to watch. Aquarius clung sleepily to his arm and Libra was blushing so hard he couldn't even look him in the eye. Scorpio pushed Libra onto the bed, causing Libra to let out a confused squeak, and then he climbed onto his lap and pulled Aquarius down with him. Libra was frozen in shock for a minute before laying down and letting Scorpio make himself comfortable. "If you tell your parents about this I will kill you" Scorpio whispered as he lay his head on Libra's chest. "Trust me I wont tell them" Libra replied. "Shut up" Aquarius groaned as he cuddled into Scorpio's side. Scorpio placed the laptop on his stomach and un-paused the movie.  

Yes I agree this chapter is weird. This chapter was weird to write too, it felt like I was sleep writing because I was so tired. But we saw some more of Capricorn, and Scorpio because we totally needed more of him. Scorpio is a very easy character to write, so is Aries and Aquarius. Thank you for reading and I hope to see you in whatever I upload next. 

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