Chapter 36

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                                                               Sagittarius                   Libra

Sagittarius threw the rope over to Capricorn and cheered as she caught it in her left hand. 

"Haha!" she exclaimed and help up the rope like it was a prize. 

Sagittarius grinned and climbed up the mast of a ship so he could tie the end down. She stayed on the deck of the ship and tied the rope to the steering wheel. 

"I can't believe we stole an entire boat!" Capricorn exclaimed with a laugh as she wrapped the rope around the steering wheel. 

"It was so easy too!" Sagittarius laughed and swung down from the birds-nest of the ship. 

He landed perfectly in front of Capricorn and bowed when she applauded him. 

They both continued preparing the ship for the battle between the kings of the kingdom and their children. 

The stealing of the ship was inceribly simple, all Capricorn had to do was waltz into the dock in her kingdom and demand a ship. Her kingdom was quite far away so it would take it a lot longer to hear the news of war than the other kingdoms. 

Sagittarius and Capricorn then proceeded to sail the ship back to the other zodiacs, this task would have been easier if either one of them knew how to steer a ship. They almost crashed the ship into the side of the dock and then almost spiked it on rocks three times. 

They both spent the whole time singing and talking loudly. Sagittarius was ranting about how he wanted Aquarius to be gay and have a dramatic romance with Scorpio and Libra while Capricorn ranted about swords. 

Capricorn was very excited to face off against her own father, she was already practicing using Aries's sword. 

Sagittarius's father, Kristoff, was on their side but was pretending he wasn't so they could obtain information of the kings plan. 

"Just imagine how amazing it would be if I could defeat Dad with a sword, he would surely let me get lessons!" Capricorn gushed. Sagittarius grinned and said "I could've taught you if you asked me to" before he walked over to help her. 

Capricorn gave him a happy smile before she threw the rope down. Gemini yelled up to tell them the shop had been tied down. Sagittarius swung over the edge of the ship and Capricorn followed him. 

They both landed in front of Gemini who looked at them very impressed. 

"Nice" he commented before Leo all three of them. 

Libra watched Scorpio read his books. He looked so focused and didn't seem to notice that Libra had been staring at him. 

Libra wanted to kiss him again but knew he shouldn't disturb his research. Every once in a while Scorpio would show him something in the book and then pull out another strange looking potion.

Libra was loving watching Scorpio sit there and read, he looked like he was in his own little world. Libra wanted to reach out and pull the younger one onto his lap and kiss him, but that would probably freak out Scorpio.  

"Alright so this spells casts a shadow that looks like a dragon, we can use it to freak them out enough to stop fighting" Scorpio said and looked up from his book. 

He then started looking Libra up and down before blushing and turning back to his book. Libra smiled to himself and asked "How do we cast this spell?"

"Well we need an apple core from underneath the ground, and a dragons tear, everything else I have" he answered shyly. 

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