Chapter 5

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"Hello hello, Li Shang my old friend" Kristoff said as he walked through the chaos and dropped some of his sons bags to shake Li Shang's hand. "What's going on here?" Sagittarius asked a boy who was standing there watching everything unfold. "Right so we have one of your zodiacs is from Atlantis and one of the other's mother is someone who tried to destroy Atlantis so everything just crumbled in seconds" the boy said and Sagittarius raised an eyebrow. "I'm Sagittarius, and I'm guessing your sister is the zodiac?" Sagittarius asked and the boy nodded. "I'm Pegasus, and the girl there is my sister Aries, oh and the others are confused girl over there is Leo, unimpressed standing boy is Ophiuchus, crying and being dragged away girl is Virgo, confused sitting boy is Aquarius, and the boy over there is Gemini and the girl is Cancer" Pegasus said as he pointed out all the zodiacs. "Sweet so we came in on crying women and people freaking out, I can tell living here wont be boring" Sagittarius said as he leant against the wall and crossed his arms. "Oh yeah you get some of the coolest villain kids, Ursula's daughter and Maleficent's son, that's just awesome" Pegasus said as he looked at the chaos which was dying down. "Hello?" came a small voice from outside the door and a girl peered through. "Hi I'm Capricorn, my parents are coming in" she said as she walked in and moved out of the way for her parents. "Ah what a lovely place, Milo! I haven't seen you in so long" Cinderella said as she looked around and then spotted Milo comforting his family. The parents all gathered into a big group and began to chat about their kids while the kids sat silently in the lounge. Virgo was shaking and Leo was avoiding all possible eye contact. "Well this is lonely, maybe we can start trying to introduce ourselves or something?" Sagittarius asked and Gemini nodded. "Well I can, I'm Capricorn" Capricorn said with a large smile and Sagittarius grinned. "Hello everyone" came a deep voice and everyone turned to see the kingdoms ruler Adam. "Is everyone here" a girl asked as she walked in behind him. "No some are missing, there's still an hour left of arriving time" Belle said as she put a hand on her daughters shoulder and went to go talk to Cinderella. "Hi everyone I'm Pisces" the girl said as she sat down and looked at all the zodiacs. "Hello Pisces" Aquarius said and Sagittarius stared at him, that was the first time he had heard his voice. "So there's only ten of us so far, we're missing a water sign, an air sign, an earth sign, and then a bonus" Pisces said as she looked around in awe. "How do you know?" Leo asked confused and Pisces smiled. "I've been researching all the zodiacs" she said before she stared at Aquarius. A loud whoop made the room go silent and everyone tried to look through the window or door. A creature that Sagittarius could only describe as a dog mixed with a human walked through the door with a woman who looked like a cat mixed with a human. "Hello, we are here for some zodiac thing" the dog human said and Adam nodded and invited him over. "Is your kid a zodiac?" Li Shang asked and the couple laughed. "No we're just the friends visiting earth, the zodiac and his family are just outside discussing what to do" the cat woman said right as a man walked through the door. "Well this is the place" said the man as a boy walked through the door and looked around. "I don't like it, it's to white and not enough brown" the boy said as he crossed his arms. "Human's probably like white more" a woman said as she walked through the door holding some weird device. "That's so weird, it's so boring just like humans" the boy complained and Sagittarius crossed his arms. "Your human" Sagittarius said and the boy rolled his eyes before looking Sagittarius dead in the eyes. "Yes but I'm not from earth like you, clearly my planet is better" he said before the cat woman told him off. "Go sit down Taurus, if we can't come back with us you should probably have a friend" the man said before he sent of his son to sit with the others. "Hello I'm Jim, this is my mother Sarah and out friends Delbert and Amelia, and the zodiac is my son Taurus" Jim said as he pointed out everyone. "Your from a different planet?" Virgo asked and Taurus nodded. "I live on Montressor, best planet out there" Taurus said as he flopped down on a chair and stared at the zodiacs. "So can someone explain what exactly a zodiac is?" he asked and Sagittarius's eyes widened. "You don't know what a zodiac is?" he asked and Virgo muttered that she didn't know either. "Well a long time ago when the twelve month calendar was made, they chose zodiacs to represent each month, so you have like your own month kinda thing" Aries tried explained but realized it was very hard to explain what exactly they were and what they were supposed to do. "So I get one of your months? Is that like a good thing?" Taurus asked and Aries nodded. "Will people like us for being zodiacs?" Virgo asked and all the zodiacs except Taurus nodded. "So how many people are missing or is this it?" Leo asked and Sagittarius looked around the room. "Three people, wait two now someone's coming inside" he said as he looked out the window and saw a carriage pull up. "If I see a goddamn villain I'm leaving!" a girl yelled and all the villain kids tensed slightly. The girl stormed inside and yelled when she saw Cancer who did look a lot like her mother. "There's villains, I'm done!" the girl said as she walked back outside before being dragged back inside by her mother. "Now Cetus remember our agreement" Snow White said before she went to talk to her friends. "I'm barely a zodiac anyway so why am I here?" Cetus demanded and her father shook his head. "You still play an important role, look there's Sagittarius, go talk to him" Ferdinand said as he spotted Sagittarius and pointed his daughter over to him. "Hi Cetus, it's been a while" Sagittarius said cheerfully and Cetus growled at him. "Why are you always so happy, we're in a room with villains right now" Cetus said as she walked over and huffed as she sat down next to Sagittarius. "There's only like for villains plus Aquarius, besides the Evil Queen isn't here so you'll be fine" Sagittarius said and Aquarius shot him a death glare. "If you we're in my kingdom I would laugh as your head rolled on the floor" Aquarius said through gritted teeth and Sagittarius smiled. "Sorry are we late?" came a quiet voice as Queen Aurora walked through the door with a large smile. "Right on time" Adam said as he pointed the newest arrival to the couch's with the zodiacs. "Hi I'm Libra" the boy said with a large smile as he sat down on the last empty couch. He looked around and frowned when he realized that there was still a person missing, and he frowned more when he saw that some of the zodiacs were tensed up and angry. "Hello Libra, I'm Sagittarius" Sagittarius said as he leant over a coffee table to shake hands with Libra who grinned. "Only missing one person then we can being" Gemini said as he looked through the window to try and spot the last zodiac. "He wont be happy when he see's me here" Cancer said with a grin and Gemini elbowed her playfully. "He's here!" Pisces said excitedly and all the parents suddenly tensed up as they realized which zodiac was the missing one. A boy with black hair walked through the door very calmly before bowing to the adults. "I apologize for my mother's absence, she sends Aurora and Philip her regards" the boy said before straining up and giving a small laugh. He reached over for Aurora's hand but she slapped him away before exclaiming "Don't touch me you devil!" and hugging into her husbands side. "Oh I'm sorry" the boy said before he took Belle's hand and kissed it. "My mother taught me to greet everyone" he continued before smiling and then turning to the other zodiacs. "Well let's start, we don't have all damn day" he said before he sat down on the couch next to Libra who tensed and shuffled to get away from him. Sagittarius caught Scorpio's eye and grinned, Scorpio seemed hesitant for a moment before smiling back and winking. "I'm Scorpio by the way" he said as he shook Sagittarius's hand and Sagittarius smiled before introducing himself. Sagittarius smiled to himself and looked over at his aunt who looked horrified. Adam cleared his thought before saying "Yes we should get started, everyone sit down please." 

Hello, welcome back to another chapter. I'm going to use the wheel for the ships and I'm using some commented ones which I'll put in my little discord chat of where I keep my story details. Sorry if the ship ends up being something you don't like, I did try to wait to upload this chapter so you could comment. And now that I'm finally done introducing all the characters and now their all in the house which means I can start writing some drama. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for any mistakes I didn't find. I hope I'll see you in whatever chapter of whatever story I post next. Edit, sorry I left my notes up

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