Chapter 38

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Maybe she was overthinking things slightly but Cetus was pretty sure she was the main cause of a war. 

She had been the one to drag Scorpio into the kingdom with her, although the war was mostly called to get Pisces back. Cetus knew she wasn't the best child in the world, she wasn't even a good child most of the time. 

Her mother and brother always made she she had every thing she could ever want, only her father ever tried to discipline her.

She never realized how spoiled she was until she met some of the zodiacs. It took months for Leo to figure out how to use the tv and microwave and Scorpio still didn't know how to use them. Gemini struggled to read and sometimes and Cancer would often act aggressive if she felt attacked, she didn't trust anyone except the other villain kids and Pisces. 

Cetus knew she had no reason to be trusted, after what happened with Leo it was no surprise Cancer hated her. She could only make it up by helping them win the war, maybe then the guilt of starting the war wouldn't rest on her shoulders.

A sudden jolt sent Cetus out of her thoughts are she realized she was still flying the hoverboard. She let out a startled noise and quickly turned herself around and flew back to where the others were waiting for her. 

"Nice flying kid, you would fit in real well on my planet" Jim said and patted her on the shoulder before walking off to help Aries start up her hoverboard. 

Some of the hoverboards had malfunctioned slightly and weren't flying straight so Cetus and Aries were quickly testing them out. The boat had already left along with most of the zodiacs, the only ones left other than her were Ophiuchus and Aries. 

Jim had also stayed behind to assist with the hoverboards and he seemed to be getting along well with most of the zodiacs. 

Cetus shut down the hoverboard and placed it with the other working hoverboards, there were only two left to try out. 

She jumped on one and pushed her foot down on the lever. The board bolted forward and set Cetus flying off behind it, luckily for her the board stopped when her foot came of the lever so the board didn't fly away. 

"Are you okay?" Ophiuchus asked and looked down at her with a mild expression of concern, he was not the most expressive person to Cetus took this as a win. 

"I'm fine" she replied and stood back up, she dusted herself off and then turned to look at Ophiuchus. 

"Aren't you going to try out the last board?" she questioned and he looked away. 

"I threw up on the last board after I went in circles, I don't really want to go on another one" he admitted and Cetus smiled. 

She had witnessed him spinning round in circles and had to bite her own tongue to stop her from laughing so loud the next kingdom would hear her. When Ophiuchus had finally stopped spinning he had sat down for ten minutes trying not to throw up or pass out. 

"Well we are using the hoverboards to fly there so you better get used to them" she said as she put the last hoverboard she tried in the non working pile. She walked over to the last hoverboard in the pile and jumped on. 

Preparing herself just in case she fell again she bent her knees, like how you would ride a skateboard, and prepared herself to fly. She snuck another look at Ophiuchus and smiled at his worried face, he was incredibly cute. 

She put her foot on the lever and the board took off suddenly. She managed to stay on but found that keeping the board from turning left was incredibly difficult and she ending up almost crashing into a tree. 

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