Chapter 18

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"You asked to meet me here?" Capricorn asked and Scorpio nodded. "You wanted to meet him right? I can take you" Scorpio whispered with a smile. Capricorn nodded nervously and quietly asked "Will he try to hurt me?." Scorpio shook his head and held out his hand for Capricorn to take. Capricorn reached her hand out and took Scorpio's, his hands were surprisingly soft and warm and she felt surprisingly calm considering what she was about to do broke almost every law in the kingdom. Capricorn looked at the huge border that divided the villains from the rest of the world, a border so magic none of the villains could pass through it. Scorpio whispered something under his breath, the border suddenly tore and made a human sized hole for them to climb through. "How will we get back out?" Capricorn asked and Scorpio shrugged before pulling her inside. Everything was black and grey, no light could be seen anywhere. "Night time is the safest time, we better hurry though" Scorpio grinned and lead Capricorn down one of the streets. People were laying asleep on doorsteps and in the middle of the road, Scorpio explained that only the really rich ones were able to actually but houses and everyone else were homeless. "How far away does she live?" Capricorn whispered to Scorpio who was stepping over a sleeping troll. "She lives in the rich estate, so ten minutes away" Scorpio answered loudly and Capricorn flinched at the noise. "Oh calm down, half these people are awake wishing they could see under your skirt" Scorpio laughed and Capricorn squealed when one of the men loud out a grunt in response. 

The walk was a quiet one, neither of the zodiacs really wanted to keep up the conversation, Capricorn in fear of waking up anybody and Scorpio in fear that Gaston or his sons would wake up. Capricorn looked up at the shaking building in a mixture of fear and curiosity. Scorpio gently knocked on the front door and waited for a response. "Who's there?" a voice called and Scorpio gestured for Capricorn to come closer. "It's Scorpio, and I brought the person you wanted to meet" Scorpio yelled back and Capricorn turned to him in horror, he knew Capricorn was coming? The door swung open to reveal a teenage boy with black hair, he was abnormally skinny and seemed so frail that he could blow away the second any wind came. "Welcome princess, thank you so much for coming" the boy greeted and shook hands with Scorpio before bowing to Capricorn. "And you are?" Capricorn prompted as she tried to swallow her fear apon meeting the villain child she was so scared of. "Anastasius, but most people call me Ana" he said and lead them both inside. The house practically fell around her, dust drifted from the creaking walls and nails were falling out of the ceiling. "Mother is currently asleep, probably, we have a while to talk before she wakes up" Anastasius said with his best attempt at a friendly smile that looked more like a depressive smile for someone who didn't want to live. "Well Anastasius, I think you know why I wanted to meet you" Capricorn said in her best attempt at her fathers stern voice. "Yes, you want to talk about my mother" Anastasius smiled as he sat down on a chair so broken it looked like it would collapse if he sat down. Capricorn looked at the other two chairs in the room, one was missing an armrest and the other was missing the entire back of the chair. She glanced at Scorpio who sighed and took the chair with no back and left the other one to Capricorn. "Sorry about the chairs, I understand your probably used to much better ones" Anastasius said nervously as he watched Capricorn brush off her chair before sitting down. "Of course I am, I grew up in a castle" Capricorn replied as she crossed her legs and stared directly at Anastasius. "Why did you request for your mother to come to my kingdom for a year?" Capricorn questioned as she held up the letter he had sent her. The seemingly normal and quite dull looking letter was the entire reason she was sitting in the breaking house on a breaking chair which was on top of a breaking floor, it seemed almost silly that such a small letter lead her to be face to face with one of the children of her mothers old family. Anastasius smiled and said "My mother is very sick, and now she is pregnant" with a shaky voice, he as though he would cry if he had to say the words again. "Pregnant? Did she have trouble giving birth to you?" Capricorn asked and Anastasius nodded. "She was sick for weeks when I was born, she was bedridden with no one to look after he because no one cared for her, our house is right next to Tick Tock Lake and the fumes that come off it are toxic" he explained as tears pricked at his eyes. Capricorn looked at Scorpio for him to conform what Anastasius was saying was true. Scorpio nodded slowly and turned to look out a window. It was pitch black and raining outside but Capricorn could vaguely see a lake. She turned to Anastasius and asked "Why are you only asking for her to go back, why not yourself?." Anastasius frowned and looked down at his hands before mumbling "I thought it would be more likely for you to say yes if I only asked for her." Capricorn looked down at her hands and thought to herself for a minute before looking back up at Anastasius. "I shall organize a carriage for you and your mother, I'll discuss with my father about where you shall stay and all the paperwork" she eventually said as she caught Anastasius's eye. Anastasius sat still for a moment before tears welled in his eyes and suddenly he broke down in tears. "Thank you!" he sobbed and ran over to hug Capricorn tightly. "What is going on?!" a voice demanded and all three teenagers spun around to see a very pregnant woman standing in the doorway. 

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