Chapter 32

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Libra opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a garden, why was he in a garden? He sat up in confusion and looked around. He was surrounded by beautiful plants and mossy rocks, if he hadn't randomly appeared here he would've loved to look around. He got to his feet to see more things, there was a small bridge and a lantern just up ahead. A noise like a breaking stick filled the silence and Libra stood motionless, terrified of what could be behind him. He turned around slowly and frowned when he saw a small, wooden sign behind him. The sign had an arrow pointing to the left where beautiful green grass and flowers were everywhere. There was also a winding dirt path to his left and one to his right, but he decided since the sign was pointing left that he would go left. 

He took a step forward and almost instantly a large gust of wind began blowing Libra and the flowers down the path. He was blown along the path until he reached a large pond with koi fish swimming around happily. He looked around in utter confusion because he had sworn that just a moment before there was no pond. A large fish swam up to the side with a letter on it's nose. Libra looked around again before bending down to collect the letter. The koi fish swam away almost immediately after Libra took the letter, and then the fish pond disappeared again. Libra was sure he was in Wonderland somewhere, things this strange only ever seemed to happen in Wonderland. He then opened the letter. 

'Welcome to my garden Libra, it's a pleasure to meet you.                                                                                    You may be wondering who I am, I would be wondering. I am the Garden of Persephone, built by none other than Persephone herself. Scorpio has access to this garden since he is Hades's son, and Hades and Persephone are married. He put you here to keep you safe and he will return shortly, please remember not to follow the garden paths while he isn't here because bad things lay at the end of them. Sincerely, Garden of Persephone.'

Libra closed the letter again. He was in the Garden of Persephone, and it was somehow alive. Almost as if he was struck by lightening he remembered how he got there. Scorpio had amazingly turned into a dragon and picked him up before he dropped him, that was probably how Libra fell unconscious. But now that he remembered how he got there, why on Earth did Scorpio put him there in the first place?

 Another strong gust of wind began blowing Libra forward again, onto another path. This time it pushed him into a Chinese Garden like the ones they had in Mulan's kingdom. This time the path was covered in small cherry blossom petals and tiny frogs, Libra forgot almost instantly that he had been warned to not go on the paths. The wind stopped but Libra didn't, he kept walking through the garden. There were countless rocks covered in beautiful green moss, a huge waterfall that seemed to be taller than even mountains, and a small temple that opened up into a picnic like area. It was the perfect place for a date and the garden seemed to know it too. The garden path ended at a small table perfectly set for two. 

It had a green checkered table cloth and two white placemats with perfectly drawn temples on them. Each placemat had a spoon, fork, teaspoon, and a knife all sitting around a empty plate. The table was lined with all kinds of different foods. Strawberry soufflé, chocolate pudding, raspberry cupcakes, chocolate slices, coffee cakes and other delicious treats. Libra took another step closer before stopping dead when he felt a hand on his shoulder. 

"I thought the letter said don't go to the end of the path" the wind hissed in Libra's ear. He let out a yell and threw himself off the path and out of the gust of wind. 

"Watch out young one. You'll be eaten alive if you become a trickered" the wind taunted.

"What's a trickered?" Libra asked as he walked backwards. But the wind just howled and moved on, leaving Libra behind. Libra wheeled around to watch the wind. Leaves rose up high into the air with the wind before the leaves slowly fell to the ground. Libra didn't feel like staying to find out what a trickered was so be began walking back down the path he had come on. The picnic area and the beautiful table all disappeared with a loud shrike like they were in pain, as beautiful as the garden looked Libra was getting nervous to stay there. 

"Hello?" he yelled out and strained his ears for any answer. Only the wind shrieked back, a long ominous howl that made the hairs stand up on the back of Libra's neck. This was enough to prompt Libra into finding the exits. He began running down the paths as the wind howled after him, whenever he saw a dead end he would run back up the path. 

There were large waterfalls and more temples to his right, a crystal blue swimming pool surrounded by plates and plates of food behind him, to his left was a Japanese garden filled to the brim with beautiful Japanese antiques and foods, and in front of him was a rainforest with a large cabin. None of these options were the exits he had been looking for. He began looking around again for anymore possible ways out but everything no where seemed to lead out of the garden. 

"Your not going to find the exit without me" a familiar voice said from behind him. Libra spun around and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Scorpio standing there.

 "Why not? Where is this?" Libra asked as he took a step closer to Scorpio. "This is my garden" he replied quietly as he also took a step closer to Libra. 

"Why am I here?" Libra asked, the nervousness crept into his voice and he felt as though Scorpio was about to do something he shouldn't. 

"To protect us, they're after me" he answered and took another step closer. Scorpio was now face-to-face with Libra and despite being shorter than him, he still managed to look terrifying. Libra prepared himself to be knocked out again, or whatever Scorpio was going to do to him, but he never felt the pain he had anticipated. Instead he felt the younger boys lips on his. 

Scorpio was kissing Libra.

Libra couldn't believe it and stared down in surprise and joy, Scorpio had his eyes closed so he didn't see Libra's overjoyed face but if he did he probably wouldn't be able to keep the smile off his face. Scorpio eventually broke off the kiss but kept his hand on the back of Libra's head and awaited response. Libra was so surprised he couldn't seem to say anything, he just looked down at the slightly shorter boy with a giddy expression. 

"Again?" Libra asked with a giggle. Scorpio's face lit up and he smiled one of the cutest smiles Libra had ever seen before leaning up to kiss him again. 

"I never expected to be dating Aurora's son, this will be a shock for everyone" Scorpio giggled when Libra finally broke off the kiss. 

"Mum's going to disown me for dating Maleficent's son, but as long as I have you I don't need anyone else" Libra smiled and kissed Scorpio again. 

"Get a room" the wind hissed in their ears and began blowing them towards the cabin. Scorpio and Libra exchanged a giddy look with each other before laughing loudly. Once their laughter had finally died down they both smiled at each other. 

"As much as I would love to take things further right now, we have a war to stop" Scorpio smiled. Libra grabbed his hand and kissed it before kissing Scorpio again. 

"Let's go stop a war then" he grinned. 

"You lead the way, I've been searching for an exit for like half an hour" he added. Scorpio giggled and replied "All you had to was ask for Persephone." before wings grew out of his back again and he lifted Libra off the ground. 

I wrote gay, bet you didn't expect that this chapter was the entire reason I wanted to write the story in the first place. Well I loved this chapter or at least the version of it in my mind, I don't know if this is written well at all. Also I had to change the ending, originally it was going to be a bit spicier and then I remembered I put war into the story and that they didn't have time. Anyway thank you for reading and I hope to see you in whatever I upload next. 

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