Chapter 6

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"Yes we should get started, everyone sit down please" Adam said and everyone turned to him as they awaited his speech. "We believe that the lost kingdom has been lost for too long, we want to bring some of the children and minor evil's back, and we decided to start with the zodiacs. For many years people have awaited the arrival of all the zodiacs and now we finally have all of them. All fourteen kids shall remain in this house for a minimum of two months unless something was too happen, if there are any questions you can now ask them" Adam said and half the room went into an uproar. "I refuse for my child to stay here!" Kida screamed and Jim nodded as he grabbed his son. The shouting went on for a minute before Belle stood up and silenced the room. "I understand that as parents you don't want to let your children leave, but we believe that having all the zodiacs in one place may be for the best, if the zodiac prophecy is true it is best to have them all in the same place" Belle said in a calm tone despite all the hostile looks she was getting. Leo raised her hand and Belle smiled at her before nodding her to ask her question. "What if someone your parent wronged or defeated is here, I know my mother isn't they only one since we have him here" Leo said as she gestured to Scorpio who rolled his eyes. "Technically my mum was just mad that she wasn't invited and tried to kill a lot of people, really not that bad" Scorpio said and Leo saw as multiple people tensed at his words. "You and Scorpio shall be separated from Virgo and Libra unless they approach you, we have accounted for this scenario" Adam said and Leo smiled and nodded. "How about rules, I suppose we're not just allowed to do whatever we want" Leo asked and Belle nodded. "All trips out of the house have to be approved, and absolutely no fighting or powers unless necessary" Belle said as she smiled at Leo. "How about hoverboards?" Taurus asked as he held up a strange device with a sail like a boat, Adam frowned and went over the flying rules. 

Helga and Leo chatted as they walked over to the room with Leo's name on the front. "Wow this house is amazing, and I'll come visit as often as possible" Helga said as she helped Leo set up her bedside table. "It's alright if you travel a lot, I know how much you want to" Leo said as she hugged her mother. "Hi I'm Aries, I'm one of your roommates" Aries said as she walked over to Leo and smiled a bright smile, Leo nervously smiled back and waved slightly. "Just the party left and then our parents are going to leave, isn't that exciting" Aries said as she flopped onto the bed in the middle of the room. "Exciting? We're sleeping in a room with a villain! We're going to be killed!" Cetus yelled from where she was sitting on her bed brushing her long hair. "Now Cetus, I'm sure you and Leo could become good friends" Ferdinand said as he kissed his daughters head and gave her a weak smile. "Your leaving me in a room with a b*tch and her kid, and the worst villain is in the room next to mine, I'm going to be killed" Cetus said as she crossed her arms angrily and refused to look at her father who began telling her off and apologizing. "I'm just excited to be here" Leo said as she tried her best to ignore Cetus's rude words about her and her mother. "Made any friends yet?" Aries asked and Leo shook her head, before Leo knew it Aries was sitting on her bed looking at her. "Aries don't scare the poor girl" Pegasus said as he stopped unpacking his sisters bag and walked over. "Do you want to be friends?" Aries asked and Leo nodded excitedly as she began to smile widely. Aries took Leo's hand and dragged her out of the room to explore the house with her. 

"Everyone please come back to the main room, the party shall begin now" a voice sounded from a speaker and both girls looked up from where they were admiring the neighboring kingdom. "Party time, let's go get dressed!" Aries said as she took Leo's hand and led her back to their bedroom. Cetus was already dressed in a glamorous pink dress and her black hair was tied in a braid. Aries took a red dress out of her bag and placed it on her bed before looking at Leo. "Are you going to get changed?" she asked and Leo awkwardly replied with "I don't have any good dresses." Cetus sighed and threw over a white dress and muttered something about bringing down her room's glory. "A-are you sure? I've never worn something so expensive" Leo stuttered and both Aries and Cetus gave her strange looks. "That's just a sundress, they're really cheap" Aries said and Leo nodded before slipping into the dress. "We're going shopping to get you better clothes" Cetus said as she fixed her make-up in the mirror. "I've never been clothes shopping before" Leo said as she admired her reflection in the mirror, Leo couldn't remember the last time she looked so pretty. "What did you do in your kingdom?" Aries asked in a concerned voice. "Hide, try and get food, try not to starve and avoid boys attention, normal things" Leo said as she began fixing her hair. "Well you don't have to worry about starving with us" Aries said as she helped Leo do her hair. "Avoid boys attention?" Cetus asked and Leo nodded. "Boys there aren't exactly nice, lots of girls end up pregnant when they don't want to be" Leo said casually and Aries and Cetus both dropped whatever they had in their hands and turned to stare at Leo. "What?!" they both yelled and Leo just nodded before adding "You best avoid Gaston's sons, they have so many kids at this point." "You girls ready?" Pisces asked as she looked into the room and then raised an eyebrow when she saw Aries and Cetus's horrified faces. "Are you guys alright?" Pisces asked and Leo nodded as she stood up and walked out of the room with the girls. "Come one we'll be late, I've never been to a party before" Leo said in a sing-song voice as she walked down the hallways and into the huge room where the party was being held. Leo couldn't help but smile as they thought of the future ahead of her, maybe she wouldn't have to live in fear anymore. She walked through the doors of the room and smiled when she saw her mother in a lovely black suit waiting for her. "I'm excited" Leo said as she took Helga's arm. "Your going to love it here, and if you don't I'll come back and get you" Helga said as she patted Leo's head gently. "Well then, let's party" Leo said as she dragged her mother onto the dance floor and then spent the next hour laughing and giggling with her mother and her first friend as they danced together. 

Hello, this chapter finally has some spaces in it so it's a bit easier to read, I'm sorry I didn't do this earlier. I really hope you enjoyed and if you didn't your more than welcome to tell me and give me tips, and like always I'm sorry for any mistakes I didn't see. Sorry for the bit of a wait, it's been a busy week and when I did have time I was animating with gacha club again. Anyway, hope you enjoyed and I'll hopefully see you in whatever I update next. 

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