Chapter 37

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Finally it was time to launch the grand plan, the grand plan to stop her father from killing some of the zodiacs and all the villains. 

Pisces would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous, but she would also be lying if she said she wasn't excited. She was ready to prove to her father (And to Leo but she didn't want to admit it) that she was ready to take over her own kingdom. 

Leo had been in charge of the whole plan and Pisces had been fawning over her the whole time, in fact the first thing Scorpio said to her when Libra's siblings stopped yelling at him was "Are you a couple yet?"

"Alright everyone! Lets go capture some royals" Leo exclaimed joyfully and clapped her hands together. Everyone yelled out a cheer except Scorpio and Libra who were still extremely confused as Aquarius explained the plan again. 

Pisces looked over at Leo and smiled at her, she was really perfect. She could stare at her for hours, and she had already stared at her for hours. 

"Oh my gosh everyone just decided to fall in love at the same time didn't they" Capricorn groaned and hit Pisces over the head to wake her up from her daydreams. 

"Sorry what?" Pisces asked and turned around to face Capricorn. The older girl sighed and pinched her nose for a few seconds before looked back at Pisces. 

"I need your help on the ship" Capricorn answered and Pisces nodded. She felt a bit sorry for Capricorn, she was surrounded by all these couples or future couples and she just wanted friends. 

Pisces followed Capricorn and they both jumped onto the ship. Capricorn showed Pisces what she needed help with and gave her the instructions before she wandered off to fix something else. 

Pisces looked over to Capricorn and frowned, she must be lonely.

Surrounded by couples or people with crushes they were constantly raving about must be hard for someone who didn't want to date. Or Pisces was thinking about this all wrong and Capricorn didn't mind, but she had a feeling that wasn't the case. 

Pisces had been the third wheel to her best friend and her boyfriend when she was younger, she absolutely hated seeing them flirt and kiss all the time. Capricorn surely hated all the couples. 

Once Pisces was finished which only took a few minutes she walked over to Capricorn. 

Capricorn looked up and smiled politely before turning back to the tangled ropes. 

"Hello Cap" Pisces greeted. Capricorn smiled and greeted her back before asking what she needed. 

"Well it's a bit weird" Pisces admitted a little sheepishly. Capricorn gave her a look to make her continue speaking before untangling the knot in the rope. 

"Do you............" Pisces started but didn't finish, she was to worried that Capricorn would react badly. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Capricorn demanded her to continue. Pisces still stayed silent before Capricorn leant over and poked her in the ribs. 

"Do you hate the fact that everyone is starting to date people?" Pisces blurted out and covered her mouth in horror, she hadn't meant to say it like that. 

Capricorn stayed silent for a moment before bursting into laughter. Pisces blushed as Capricorn laughed and she quickly turned away from the older girl. 

"Why would I hate it?" Capricorn asked once she had finished laughing at Pisces's ridiculous question. Pisces mumbled something so quiet Capricorn couldn't hear so the older girl leaned in a little closer and managed to hear "Lovey dovey around you" from Pisces. 

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